US Anti-birth control Movement: What about vasectomies? - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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Elect G-Max wrote:No, "rights" are a shorthand term for determining who should make a particular decision. Whether I live or die is a decision that should be made by me and me alone. Your AK does not change that.

Yes it does.

The One. wrote:For all your talk about revolution you guys are living here and ain't doing diddy squat about it.

In the 1930s slow process that culminated in an economic crash that occurred at just the right time. I'm quite happy to work patiently doing what I can, where I can.

For example, the spread of fascist ideas in Japan began with pamphlets and spontaneous tea-house conversations in 1910. It took thirty years before that snowballed into action.

A lot of the people who share our values and impulses are actually a part of the military-industrial network, in my experience thus far in this so-called industry, a lot of the people I've casually talked to about the relevant issues, have actually agreed with me, either while not knowing that what they are agreeing to is 'fascism', or while actually sensing that it is.

My opening line is always something like, "So, these banks, they are really something else, aren't they?"

And by the time we are done, I am giving them a history of the development of capitalism and the explanation of the economic crisis based on that, and then I segue into immigration, law and order, and why our dumbass politicians kept making us throw time and equipment into places like deathtrap Iraq. And how finance stabbed the British Empire in the back.

Basically my talking-point options are limitless, since you guys in the centre managed to fuck up on basically everything, so for that, I thank you. Keep fucking things up, please.

Your lax social scrutiny also allows us to do things like audaciously buy books from far-right think tanks and give them to people as Christmas presents. For that, I also thank you. Don't ever turn away from your commitment to freedom of speech.

The One. wrote:Money talks bitches.

I agree. :p
Rei Murasame wrote:For example, the spread of fascist ideas in Japan began with pamphlets and spontaneous tea-house conversations in 1910. It took thirty years before that snowballed into action.

No, it didn't take as long as 30 years if it started in 1910. Thirty years would be 1940, but Japanese fascism was in place surely by the time of the invasion of Manchuria in 1931, so we're talking 20 years max, probably less.

By the way, how would you evaluate the consequences for Japan's neighbors and ultimately for Japan itself of that development? Is that along the lines of what you advocate?
I would argue that actually the fascist system was not properly in place in Japan until 1939 (to explain why that is, would take this thread way off topic, but it's basically domestic policy reasons). The Imperial move into Manchuria is the beginning of the territorial expansion, but not a marker for fascism actually being in place.

Regarding the fact that the Second World War involved unfortunately massive amounts of death and suffering for millions of people, we are willing to acknowledge that is the risk that is taken when starting a war that would ultimately culminate in a head-on conflict against the agents of international finance, and that if we lose such a war, we should of course also expect that the consequences of losing will be dire.

However, it was in my view a risk worth taking based on the information available to them at the time and the scenario they found themselves in at the time.
[quote="Rei Murasame"]

A lot of the people who share our values and impulses are actually a part of the military-industrial network, in my experience thus far in this so-called industry, a lot of the people I've casually talked to about the relevant issues, have actually agreed with me, either while not knowing that what they are agreeing to is 'fascism', or while actually sensing that it is.


Well that explains your Hitler temperament and you're quick ability and will to kill those who know you're full of crap.
Yup... that's the militaries way of thinking alright.
Bunch of hateful, brainwashed bastards.
They're usually most happy when everyone else is poor, destroyed and miserable.

Let me guess... your gay fiance' is in the military and not only are you and her going to get married to take advantage of those peachy government perks... but you're probably going to be the bossy one in the relationship who will quickly crack the whip and start telling your new wife what to do in her own house while you sit around and do nothing all day but babble about how bad you want to kill innocent people you don't agree with on an internet forum.
Since that is the way of your people and how you choose to live and teach your children... I guess that explains why a couple of FBI guys hadn't quite come around to lock you up yet?
And you claim you hate being told what to do.
No wonder why... you're too busy bossing everyone else around.
You Rei are a hypocrite of the worst magnitude.
You expect everyone to bow on down for you and kiss your scrawny little ass.
Probably never had to work a day in your life since petite little girls such as yourself are such a hot commodity for horny people.
Could also explain your reasons to why you came to swing both ways.
How well does that pay?
From what I can see... pretty damn good these days since most of them gays are becoming more filthy ass rich by the second.
A popular trend creates revenue and is why it is constantly pushing for popularity.
Greed plays a major role and he who has the most to spend usually gets their way and without delay.
Here's more reality for you to ponder...
Don't come back to play...
Unless you've got something useful to say.

Last edited by joeylyrics on 11 Nov 2012 15:07, edited 1 time in total.
Rei Murasame wrote:Basically nothing you said in that post was correct. You are now at the point where you are making up your own facts about me. What fiancée? What marriage? :lol:


Mean, hateful, jealous and selfish people such as yourself are easy to figure out.
I may have envisioned the marriage part... but I'd be willing to bet that everything else was right on the money.
By the way... if the time ever does come to where you are going to marry... I'm sure I'm either going to be right OR damn near close to being right about all of that too.
The self portrait you've been painting of yourself on here is hanging up for all to see.
If you're not good at criticism or being critiqued... then maybe you should put down the brush and pick up a mirror instead.
Wanting to shoot down people who clearly see your true and running colors only goes to show how much of a "New Schooled" Racist you really are.
"FACTOPHOBIA"... (Fakt-O-Fobe-E-Ah)... The Fear of knowing the obvious truth.
Yup... that would be YOU...
As well as Many Others TOO.

  • Absolutely nothing you've said is correct.

  • I have no aspirations to actually marry anyone.

  • I am not sexually dominant in any of my relationships.

  • Regarding 'racism', I have no idea what you are talking about.

  • Your disdain for the military-industrial sector is silly.

  • There is no FBI in the UK.

  • I am not against all authority, I am only against the authority of people and structures which I happen disagree with ideologically.

I think that covers everything you've mentioned in the last two posts.
Elect G-Max wrote:Would you care to back that up without making the is-ought fallacy?


Elect G-Max wrote:The idea that might makes right has no place in any kind of civilization.

Says who? We are living in 'might makes right' at this very moment, just it's a very ornate and dressed-up version of it, which is why it's not immediately obvious.
Isn't it painfully obvious to everyone?

Limiting vasectomies would limit men's (people's) freedoms (an anathema to the Jesus brigade). That's why they treat it differently to limiting women's (property's) freedoms.
Of course it makes plenty of sense, AOD. Anonymous, deranged sex is how us heathens pray to our gods. The moral thing to do is give us free beer and sex toys- after all, your God provided this land with the first amendment. That's just biblical.
joeylyrics wrote:I STRONGLY believe that those who force women into keeping their child/children need to either pay for EVERY EXPENSE or just keep their big mouths shut all together.
I believe minding your own business as well as keeping your own nasty business to yourself is the key to a more peaceful tomorrow.

You are really looking at this arguement one sided. It takes two to make a baby. You seem to want to severely punish women for their sexual behavior, but you don't talk at all about the man's role in this. Is he not equally lewd and slutty? Should they not get punished for this either? Besides women already get punished because they get pregnant and have to deal with the physical consequences of pregnancy. In contrast, men suffer almost no consequence. If you want to attach consequences to sexual activities, is it not logical to start with the person who currently suffers no consequences?

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