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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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I am a conservative and have been for about 50 years. I will take the test:

A Conservative is who:

1. Believe in God, is Bible-reading and Church-going Christian.

True, And Jew, Atheist, Muslim and just about every other religion you can imagine.

2. The Holy Bible is his Book N 1.

It is for me but not for my Jewish and atheist fellow conservatives.

3. Straight, strictly opposes homosexuality and so-called gay-marriage.

A true conservative is a social libertarian. I realize as any good conservative should that it is my job to stay out of other people's business. I am a conservative. I support everyone's right to life, liberty and their pursuit of happiness.
4. Pro-life, pro-gun, pro-Constitution.

I am pro-choice. I whish people would choose to not have abortions. As a conservative I have respect for the rule of law and the right of a woman to choose is the law of the land. So I obey it. What does pro-gun mean? If you mean that I should think felons like G. Gordon Liddy should be allowed to have a gun then I am not pro-gun. I believe people should have the right to own firearms but that does not extend to allowing some idiot to own an anti-aircraft gun.

I am certainly pro-constitution. I believe in the separation of church and state. I believe in the equal protection clause which I believe might protect the right to same sex marriage. I believe in the duty of the SCOTUS to interpret the constitution for us. I believe in the interstate commerce clause. I believe in the right of the US government to collect income tax. Ibelieve in the 4th ammendment and believe some parts of the patriot act may violate it.

5. Against drugs, pornography.

I favor legalizing certain drugs as did Conservatives William F. Buckley Jr. Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. As a conservative I am deeply suspicious of any attempt to censor anyone.

6. Is sure that Islam belongs not to the Western World.

As a conservative I believe that religion is a personal choice. It belongs to the individual.

7. Likes Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Glen Beck, Alex Jones and sure the Great Ann Coulter.

Are you talking about idiots or conservatives? I believe that not one of these people should be trusted with national office. I believe that they are all definately NOT true conservatives. I don't like any of them but then I have a decent education so that should be no surprise.

8. Marxism, Communism, Socialism, big Government are disgusting words for him.

As a conservative I understand that big government does not necessarily have anything to do with the other three.

9. Votes only for GOP ( not for RINOs ) and for the Tea Party.

As a conservative votes for the candidate who best reflects my conservative views regardless of their party. Thinks the Tea Party is mostly comprised of people who know little about government and even less about economics.

10. Likes Freedom and the Free Republic, respect Founders.

As a conservative I respect the founders enough to actually read what they write. Like Jefferson when he wrote this:

"The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations."

Or this:

"I never told my own religion nor scrutinized that of another. I never attempted to make a convert, nor wished to change another's creed. I am satisfied that yours must be an excellent religion to have produced a life of such exemplary virtue and correctness. For it is in our lives, and not from our words, that our religion must be judged."
— Thomas Jefferson

11. Is against Globalism and Outsourcing

It would appear you do not understand what either of these terms mean.

12. Hates cunningly China which is laughing and eating American pie.

:roll: China is a beast of our own creation. We do not need fear to China. We need to engage with China. That is why conservative and rabid anti-communist Richard Nixon saw the importance of engaging with them. China is not harming us it is forwarding its own interests. We are harming ourselves. It is we who is failing to compete not them.
I'm Third Position, which is pretty much a revolutionary Nationalist ideology, so let's see how you compare to me, Mr. Maverick:

John Bob wrote:1. Believe in God, is Bible-reading and Church-going Christian.

No. Judeo-Christendom needs to be phased out.

John Bob wrote:2. The Holy Bible is his Book N 1.


John Bob wrote:3. Straight, strictly opposes homosexuality and so-called gay-marriage.

Bisexual woman, liking every moment of it. Get over it.

John Bob wrote:4. Pro-life, pro-gun, pro-Constitution.

'Pro-abortion', pro-gun, and I think we should never bind our successors with a constitution.

John Bob wrote:5. Against drugs, pornography.

Against drugs, indifferent to porn.

John Bob wrote:6. Is sure that Islam belongs not to the Western World.

Oh look, we actually agree on something!

John Bob wrote:7. Likes Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Glen Beck, Alex Jones and sure the Great Ann Coulter.

I despise them.

John Bob wrote:8. Marxism, Communism, Socialism, big Government are disgusting words for him.

I support the creation of an organic folk-state, which I guess you would call 'very big government'.

John Bob wrote:9. Votes only for GOP ( not for RINOs ) and for the Tea Party.

I despise both those groups.

John Bob wrote:10. Likes Freedom and the Free Republic, respect Founders.

:lol: Okay, I guess if I have to choose a 'founding figure', I'll go with Cecil John Rhodes.

John Bob wrote:11. Is against Globalism and Outsourcing

I'm against this by proxy, by virtue of not supporting liberal-capitalism.

John Bob wrote:12. Hates cunningly China which is laughing and eating American pie.

Who was it who served them up pie on a plate again?
John Bob wrote:A Conservative is who:

Anything else?

Oh yes. One more thing. A true conservative minds his or her own damn business.
How can a true conservative both "like freedom" but at the same time want to restrict the rights of individuals to take drugs, look at pornography, marry people of the same sex, and practice Islam? Freedom is just a buzzword.
John Bob wrote: 1. Believe in God, is Bible-reading and Church-going Christian.

Check, though I do think other people of various faiths or the lack thereof can be conservative as well.

2. The Holy Bible is his Book N 1.

Check but also take into account what I just said in point 1.

3. Straight, strictly opposes homosexuality and so-called gay-marriage.


4. Pro-life, pro-gun, pro-Constitution.

Check on the first one. I do support the right for the common citizenery to own and possess firearms but there should be limits and regulations on whom can own what. As for the consitution and by that I assume you mean the American constitution, it would be better to whipe my ass with, sorry.

5. Against drugs, pornography.

Check and I would extend to this strip clubs and other places of peversity.

6. Is sure that Islam belongs not to the Western World.


7. Likes Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Glen Beck, Alex Jones and sure the Great Ann Coulter.

Sarah Palin: a bloody halfwit who should stay out of politics and concentrate on being a proper housewife and mother. Michele Bachmann: another halfwit who should keep her mouth shut. Glen Beck: an over-excited hamster and whom is overtly annoying. Ann Coulter: a horse-faced twit.

None of these people I would argue are good representatives of conservativism.

8. Marxism, Communism, Socialism, big Government are disgusting words for him.

Check for the leftist ideaologies but no in regards to "big gov't." There needs to be a strong government as "the people," are, by and large, half-wits and pinheads and I would not trust the buffoon who screws up my morning coffee with metal all about his face to know anything about anything.

9. Votes only for GOP ( not for RINOs ) and for the Tea Party.

What if I'm staunchly against republicanism in general and vote for whomever I feel would be best for the country?

10. Likes Freedom and the Free Republic, respect Founders.

Freedom is a rather vague word, republicanism is a disease and the "founding fathers," as you so call them should have been strung up like the criminals that they were for treason and sedition against the crown.

11. Is against Globalism and Outsourcing


12. Hates cunningly China which is laughing and eating American pie.


It seems we have disagreed on more than one point, does that mean I'm not a "true," conservative? You're points seem to be very specific to America and America alone and I don't think accurately portray the views of conservativism in general.
Hang in there. Isn't Conservatism subjective as oppose to objective? One can't clearly apply American Conservatism as "True" Conservatism. I may have to agree with some points here except for the Pro-Gun part. Some countries endorses in strict gun ownership laws which conservatives would like to retain for as long as they can.
The last true Conservative leader in America was President Calvin Coolidge, and even he wasn't perfect. People like to point out that Ronald Reagen was the epitome of Conservatism but truly he expanded the Federal government and created a stronger Fed which is very unconservative. I consider myself very conservative and Ronald Reagen is one of my favorite presidents but it is incorrect to call him a true conservative.
hip hop bunny hop wrote:Humm, the 12 most important aspects of an American conservative? I'd go with:

1. Opposes political correctness.

2. Believes that, yes, the countryside is superior to Urban wastelands.

3. Recognizes that some branches of Christianity are uniquely European, but recognizes that many are not and should be treated as invasive, alien ideologies.

4. Recognizes that the arts are more effective than any polemic.

5. Participates in physical culture.

6. Wants to maintain a White majority in the USA.

7. Affirms that beauty is not relative.

8. Does not worship "the Market" nor partake in the strange Libertarian cult.

9. Believes dressing like a slut does increase the chance you will be raped.

10. Would rather read Hemingway than any book put out by any host on Fox.

11. Upon hearing about another conflict between Jews & Arabs, he smiles; for he views both Islam & Judaism as strange, backward religions, whose adherents are inconsequential so long as they are outside our borders.

12. Recognizes that it's not "racism" thats holding the Blacks back.

Well... I meet all of these points. :lol:
hip hop bunny hop wrote:There are many, many different interpretations of Christianity. [...]
Agreed. Thats why my interpretation of the bible is based on a top down approach : first I try to find the parts of the bible which are most central. Obviously those are the things Jesus himself said. Thus these parts have to take priority in any interpretation. So for example, as the golden rule (dont do to others what others shouldnt do to you) is prominently cited in the bible, any interpretation which apparently violates this rule is very likely wrong.

And it was also debunked.

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