Washington State home loan program for everyone except white people - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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It looks like the Democrat progressive politicians in this state are trying to assuage their white guilt and loathing for being the evil white race. At the same time plenty of racial identity politics, with promises of free handouts and a lucky few big winners to keep all the brown people enthusiastic about voting for them.

This seems almost unbelievable. But with politics the way they are in that state, it probably shouldn't be too surprising.
This is just the culmination of the policy of what has become known as "affirmative action".

For those who may not know, Washington is a state in the U.S. northwest corner.

"Washington state has sparked fury with its new home loan program that offers a whopping $150,000 in assistance - but only if you're the right race.

The Covenant Homeownership Program, launched on July 1, claims to be fighting racial discrimination by helping first-time home buyers snag a 0 percent interest loan for down payments and closing costs.

But there's a catch - you've got to belong to specific minority groups to qualify."

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... ogram.html

From the program's website:

" Who is eligible for this program?

Based on the mandates of the Covenant Homeownership Act and the recommendations of the Covenant Homeownership Program Study, the following eligibility criteria apply:

*Household income at or below 100% of the Area Median Income (AMI).
*First-time homebuyer.
*The homebuyer or a parent/grandparent/great-grandparent lived in Washington state before April 1968.
*The person who lived in Washington before April 1968 is Black, Hispanic, Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, Korean or Asian Indian. "


I would imagine in 1968, excluding Native Americans, whites probably made up around 98 percent of the state population.

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