Boston council member calling for 'revolution' alarms liberal colleagues with wild tirades, threats - Politics | PoFo

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She's a radical progressive, but she's alarmingly too outrageous even for her progressive colleagues who sit on the city council with her.

Boston council member calling for 'revolution' alarms liberal colleagues with wild tirades, threats
Hannah Grossman

May 24, 2024

A Democratic Boston city council member, who called to "dismantle the White backdrop" in America and "create a revolution," is starting to disturb her liberal colleagues with her wild antics and threats, according to a source who spoke with Fox News Digital.

The source is a city hall employee, who requested anonymity because council member Tania Fernandes Anderson has created an "unhealthy" environment. The employee believes Fernandes Anderson is a "troubled person," who uses accusations of racism to get people to fall in line. The source discussed the challenges of having someone in the city's government who has been – in their view – hostile, verbally abusive and antisemitic.

"People are intimidated by her. And that intimidation does work," the source said. They said some members would give into her because "no one wants to disagree with Tania because she's unpredictable." Fernandes Anderson was elected in November 2021, and is self-described as "the first formally undocumented African born immigrant & first Muslim elected in the city of Boston." ... 04514.html

So she is ILLEGALLY in the country.

I just love how she wants to "dismantle" the current system and have a revolution. People like her seldom talk about what they want to build when they are finished dismantling. I suspect it is something like what she escaped from to come to a better place built with a "white backdrop".

I don't think she's too radical for the Democrats. She's too honest. Democrats are supposed to lie about where we're going.

Oh, but there's more...

Fernandes Anderson is married to Tanzerious Anderson, who is currently incarcerated for murder.
On August 2, 2023, Fernandes Anderson was a robbery victim in Boston. While she was surveying an area populated by homeless people, a man grabbed her cell phone and ran away. After summoning the police, officers conducted a search of the homeless encampment, recovered the phone and returned to her. Fernandes Anderson subsequently criticized the Boston Police for allowing details of the crime to be made public. She also criticized the media for reporting the incident, calling it “propaganda.”
Boston politics is weird on a good day.

Occasionally it gets bizarre. Ironically, aggressive behavior, hiring family, is fairly common in American politics. Can you say Trump?

But having said that, Boston is an old city, it can deal with the situation by simply carrying on.

It's not like she blows up buildings, kills people or tries to overthrow the government... of course, if she was Republican, well that's a very different story.

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