Canada's first "black" prime minister (1896-1911) - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Early modern era & beginning of the modern era. Exploration, enlightenment, industrialisation, colonisation & empire (1492 - 1914 CE).
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Godstud and AVT, "killing for England" wasn't just Canada's foreign policy under Laurier, it was Canada's domestic policy as well.

Louis Riel was killed because the nation he wanted to create went against British racial superiority.

So a French-Canadian presided over the destruction of a French metis Western Canada, in favor of a Western Ontario (WASP-controlled commercial non-culture).

The results are tragic. Western Canada has as little culture as a mall.
Godstud wrote:Louis Riel was a traitor and executed for treason because he led a rebellion. He was a criminal.

He lead a rebellion against the commercial British interests who wanted to destroy the French metis culture just like it had destroyed most of the native cultures, and the Acadians.

The only way to defend yourself (and a culture) against the deathstar of commerce is to rebel.

Ontario/Western Canada are cultureless voids of existential angst because the local cultures were destroyed in favor of commercial exploitation.

The entire earth is heading towards extinction for the same reasons the metis did. Most of the rich countries are filled with uncultured status-seekers - Eichmanns in the words of Hannah Arendt.

But that a Francophone presided over the final death of a francophone culture... reminds me of Obama, Mr. Civil Rights.
He lead a rebellion against the commercial British interests who wanted to destroy the French metis culture just like it had destroyed most of the native cultures, and the Acadians.
So what? Weak and pathetic cultures that can't change, die all the time. Riel was a traitor, because he served the government as a civil servant and chose to use violence to solve his dispute. There is nothing romantic or great about Louis Riel. He was a douchebag.

The only way to defend yourself (and a culture) against the deathstar of commerce is to rebel.
That's not true. You can adapt.

Ontario/Western Canada are cultureless voids of existential angst because the local cultures were destroyed in favor of commercial exploitation.
If you assign value to the francophone culture, then maybe. You simply don't like the culture there now, because it replaced yours.

The entire earth is heading towards extinction for the same reasons the metis did.
Yes, and the Metis culture died because they chose not to retain their culture. Many cultures only exist today because those people made an effort to KEEP their culture. This isn't necessarily a good thing, either, as you retain the ignorance, traditions, etc. of an obsolete culture.
Godstud wrote:Weak and pathetic cultures that can't change, die all the time.

Yes, those cultures that dedicate their energies to social harmony and sustainability are no match for those that kill and ask questions later (if ever.)

the Metis culture died because they chose not to retain their culture.

The brave Metis died trying to defend it.

But the British/Americans/English Canadians were all commerce-all the time, and they couldn't tolerate a real culture with sustainable (non-exploitive) cultures.

The Anglos attacked, ethnic-cleansed, terrorized, passed laws making French illegal (in all Anglo provinces in the 19th Century), imported thousands of Ukrainians and other anti-French groups, and even hired the KKK to terrorized the remaining few metis in Saskatchewan in the 1930s.

Hitler had NOTHING on the Anglos.

Language Policy wrote:If the French language held its own until Confederation, the next 50 years of Canadian expansion and modernization took a heavy toll on both the use of French and the policies believed to support it. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, several public Acts, such as the abrogation of official bilingualism in Manitoba in 1890 (see MANITOBA SCHOOLS QUESTION), the abolition of French schools in Ontario in 1912 (see ONTARIO SCHOOLS QUESTION) and the strict limitations imposed on French-language instruction in other provinces, were deliberately aimed at repressing the use of French.
Abolishing schools based on a dying language. Common sense. Retaining something with little worth is a waste of resources and time. You are merely SEVERELY biased towards it because you associate yourself with an obsolete(not necessarily better) society. You are a hater of the status quo, regardless of what it is.
Godstud wrote:Abolishing schools based on a dying language.

The Anglo-American empire is guilty of killing languages based on a racist worldview that sees no harm in destroying cultures or ecosystems if it furthers the Empire.

This hasn't changed. What HAS changed is that now, even the weather hates this way of thinking.

Reviving languages like Gaelic and various North American native languages is one of the first things that ought to be done as soon as the current tyrants are dealt with.

OR... you can continue hawking their poison for the money and social status it gets you. In the short term.
Right, because reviving a dead language does what again? Oh right... nothing. it makes you feel good about keeping something useless around. Sentimental reasons, I guess.

You do realize a language is used to communicate, right? When no one understands you, it's not a very good. communication tool. The reason for these languages going out of use is the need for a common language, and English, since it's a conglomeration of other languages/words, etc. is ideal for this.

QatzelOk wrote:OR... you can continue hawking their poison for the money and social status it gets you. In the short term.
Ah yes, the "I'm doing it the right way and you're doing it the wrong way", argument. You forgot the "Nya nya nya nyaaaa!", at the end.

Incidentally, not hawking poison nor making money nor status so I guess you're dead wrong, as usual. :D
Godstud wrote:Incidentally, (I'm) not hawking poison

Godstud wrote:Right, because reviving a dead language does what again? Oh right... nothing. it makes you feel good about keeping something useless around. Sentimental reasons, I guess.

The "I guess" is important here. You guess. You don't know. And if you don't know, you shouldn't destroy. Same with languages, same with species, same with ecosystems. Unless YOU KNOW, you should NEVER destroy something. Ignorance won't protect you from the negative consequences.

A billion Chinese people don't understand your posts, Godstud. So your language ought to disappear. (according to your own logic)

Big business wants everyone to speak English for 2 reasons: 1. It makes propaganda easier by giving people one single operation system to corrupt. and 2. English is a fragmented language which makes a global, holistic understanding of things almost impossible, thus people are stupider and easier to trick.

You do realize a language is used to communicate, right? When no one understands you, it's not a very good. communication tool. The reason for these languages going out of use is the need for a common language, and English, since it's a conglomeration of other languages/words, etc. is ideal for this.

Languages are different than one another in many ways. English is currently the lingua franca NOT because it's a good language, but because it killed and ethnic-cleansed so many other cultures. Is being a mass-murderer really some kind of badge of honor? Do we really need to all convert to a monolingual understanding of the world's biggest mass murderer language?
Actually, English is becoming the primary trade language in the ASEAN region in 2015, so apparently the Chinese see value in English, so it won't disappear. It might eventually change, but everything does. That's not bad. It's simply the way the world works and you whining about your lost Acadians is sentimental hogwash. If the people want to retain their culture they will, IF they see value in it.
Godstud wrote:It's simply the way the world works

Godstud wrote:You do realize a language is used to communicate, right? When no one understands you, it's not a very good.

So giving smallpox blankets to natives, and starving them out of existence "is how the world works," and it's "all about advancing communication?"

Is that the link you want to make with the eradication of different lifestyles by our first "Opportunistic minority" prime minister? That by helping the WASP commercial class in Ontario and English Montreal to ethnic-cleanse the east coast and prairies of French/Native culture, he was just following the rules of history and helping everyone to communicate better?

If you really think this way, you should get a job explaining to polar bears how their extinction will help advance communications as well. "By eliminating the polar bear discourse, oil company English will be able to better dominate global semantics."
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