3000 year old Temple found in Peru. - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By MB.
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By QatzelOk
If this can be shown to be of Egyptian type design, I would like to go to Saudi Arabia and get some funding to relocate Palestinians here in order to reclaim their historical legacy.

Of course, they'll need air coverage from Russia and we'll have to pay off a few local thug organizations to help us manufacture the wars we'll need to expand this new Moslem entity in the Americas.

**plots another world war as a way of leveraging a colony**
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By Thunderhawk
Though the finding is notable, I thought it was already well established that there were people with substabtial civilizations in the Americans a LONG time before the colonial-Europeans came.
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By Oxymoron
Though the finding is notable, I thought it was already well established that there were people with substabtial civilizations in the Americans a LONG time before the colonial-Europeans came.

Those ruins look very sophisticated, even more so then the later Inca ruins. I think with more resources and time they will push back the dates for High level civilazations much further then what is accepted today.
By Unperson-K
Qatz wrote:If this can be shown to be of Egyptian type design, I would like to go to Saudi Arabia and get some funding to relocate Palestinians here in order to reclaim their historical legacy.

Of course, they'll need air coverage from Russia and we'll have to pay off a few local thug organizations to help us manufacture the wars we'll need to expand this new Moslem entity in the Americas.

**plots another world war as a way of leveraging a colony**

Your 'innovativeness' continues to amaze. Only you could find a way to insert an anti-Israel slogan into a thread about Mayan pyramids.
By Mercutio
Things like that are fascinating. It wouldn't be surprising if they discover early Egyptians found their way there before anyone else although we know people have been in the Americas since about 19,000 years ago, give or take a couple of thou.
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By Oxymoron
Things like that are fascinating. It wouldn't be surprising if they discover early Egyptians found their way there before anyone else although we know people have been in the Americas since about 19,000 years ago, give or take a couple of thou.

Or visa versa, I think civilazation is a fragile being and could be lost to the sands of time. I think ancient history will be rewritten many times in the coming century especially if we continue developing our satelite mapping capacity.
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By Spintroll
This is a major historical find! Thanx 4 the heads up.
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By QatzelOk
Only you could find a way to insert an anti-Israel slogan into a thread about Mayan pyramids.

It wasn't anti-Israeli.

It was anti-colonial in general.

Now that America is poor, it will soon be its turn to become victims of the colonial texts that the West is shakily built on.
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By Roland
I'd be rather surprised if any civilization with particularly advanced technology is discovered; it seems relatively clear to me that without the domestication of horses or a similar animal to create easy non-human labor and pressure for roads, wheels, et cetera to be developed, technology will develop rather slowly.

However, I'd love to be proven wrong.
By Mercutio
At roughly the same time the Greeks had developed a small steam engine so it's not out of the question, just unlikey without a long history of brainiacs and metal workers. They also had intricate calendars built like watches, iirc.
By Falx
It wouldn't be surprising if they discover early Egyptians found their way there before anyone else

Um, yeah it would be. Kind of like finding out Santa Clause is real because he just mugged your grand mother.

Thats is facinating, I wouldnt be suprised if they discovered a very advanced civlization in that area that rivaled Egypt.

The only reason why there is so much information about Egypt is that it is the oldest civilization that the west had most contact with both religiously and culturally via the Greeks.
By Mercutio
Um, yeah it would be. Kind of like finding out Santa Clause is real because he just mugged your grand mother.

That's jibberish and it doesn't explain why it's not possible. There are already similarities to make it a possibility. And we know that one of the earliest migrations to the Americas came from an area in France.
By Falx
That's jibberish and it doesn't explain why it's not possible.

Because the Egyptians had no ocean fairing craft. The best they could manage on their river crafts was sailing by the shore line down Africa to no further down than Zanzibar.

There are already similarities to make it a possibility.

What that they build a pyramid? You know, everywhere where clothes have been invented they have had a hole for the head and legs to fit through. This obviously isn't simply due to people having heads and legs that need to be outside the clothes but because there was one a great clothes making civilization in the far east that spread its influences far and wide. Ever bothered looking up what the mechanical strength of stone is and how the weight of a building increases with height and shape? There is no choice but to make a pyramid if you want a tall structure.

And we know that one of the earliest migrations to the Americas came from an area in France.

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By Thunderhawk
And we know that one of the earliest migrations to the Americas came from an area in France.


During the last great ice age northern Europe, North American and the ocean between were covered in ice. It was possible to walk/portage across the ice field, crossing the Atlantic.

On a related note, wasnt there a huge hill in Central American (not Mexico) made from mud bricks believed to be many hundreds/thousands of years old?
There were/are several stepped pyramid like structures in India aswell. Creating huge structures from huge stone blocks is not uncommon historically in parts of the world which had high population and resource concentrations. Europe with its paltry construction history pre-Rome is more of an exception rather then a rule.
By Falx
During the last great ice age northern Europe and North American were covered in ice. it was possible to walk/portage across the ice field, crossing the Atlantic.

Possible yes, unlikely in the extreme, genetic evidence of from the Clovis culture suggests a Siberian origin and crossing over the Bering Straight. Not the Solutrean hypothesis which is based on more of the flawed reasoning that similar things naturally must have the same origin.

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By Oxymoron
I'd be rather surprised if any civilization with particularly advanced technology is discovered; it seems relatively clear to me that without the domestication of horses or a similar animal to create easy non-human labor and pressure for roads, wheels, et cetera to be developed, technology will develop rather slowly.

1. They did have wheels


2. They had non horse animals of burden availble

Because the Egyptians had no ocean fairing craft. The best they could manage on their river crafts was sailing by the shore line down Africa to no further down than Zanzibar

Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Peruvians certainly did have ocean going capable crafts:

On May 17, 1970, Norwegian ethnologist Thor Heyerdahl and a multinational crew set out from Morocco across the Atlantic Ocean in Ra II, a papyrus sailing craft modeled after ancient Egyptian sailing vessels. Heyerdahl was attempting to prove his theory that Mediterranean civilizations sailed to America in ancient times and exchanged cultures with the people of Central and South America. The Ra II crossed the 4,000 miles of ocean to Barbados in 57 days.

To explore this theory, he built a copy of a prehistoric South American raft out of balsa logs from Ecuador. Christened Kon-Tiki, after the Inca god, Heyerdahl and a small crew left Callao, Peru, in April 1947, traversed some 5,000 miles of ocean, and arrived in Polynesia after 101 days. Heyerdahl related the story of the epic voyage in the book Kon-Tiki (1950) and in a documentary film of the same name, which won the 1952 Oscar for Best Documentary.

http://www.history.com/this-day-in-hist ... le&id=5008
By Falx
Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Peruvians certainly did have ocean going capable crafts:

And they brought with them a radio, watches, charts, sextant, and metal knives, you know all things that are completely vital for a successful voyage before your boat gets water soaked and sinks. Which would have happened if the voyage was to take more than a year. Using a boat with such a limited life span for exploration of the Atlantic Ocean is suicide, using it for the Islands of the Pacific is however possible. And again there are fairly extensive records of the expedisions and colonies of the Egyptians, there is no mention of anything past the Strait of Gibraltar.
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By Oxymoron
And they brought with them a radio, watches, charts, sextant, and metal knives, you know all things that are completely vital for a successful voyage before your boat gets water soaked and sinks.

Did the Vikings have those?

Which would have happened if the voyage was to take more than a year. Using a boat with such a limited life span for exploration of the Atlantic Ocean is suicide, using it for the Islands of the Pacific is however possible. And again there are fairly extensive records of the expedisions and colonies of the Egyptians, there is no mention of anything past the Strait of Gibraltar.

1.Well what stopped them from going into the Indian ocean and then to the Pacific?

2.Again I said it was possible for both civilazations to cross the oceans. In any case many records have been lost to time, and many records especially in the new world were destroyed, or not yet found.

She discovered that the body of Henut Taui contained large quantities of cocaine and nicotine. The surprise was not just that the ancient Egyptians had taken drugs, but that these drugs come from tobacco and coca, plants completly unknown outside the Americas, unheard of until Sir Walter Raleigh introduced smoking from the New World, or until cocaine was imported in the Victorian era.


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