Pyramides in Bosnia - Politics | PoFo

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By Bosnjak

From Plane

Probably the oldest human buildings.
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By Noelnada
At first i thought it was all bullshit. But i must say with videos it makes more sense :D
By Mercutio
All that video and no one said who built them or how old they are. I shoulda been an overpaid reporter myself.
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By Bosnjak
Nobody knows how old.

These are some primitve kind of Pyramids made by stone and earth.
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By Bosnjak
UNESCO to join search for pyramids in central Bosnia
Science News

Jun 2, 2006, 13:01 GMT

Sarajevo - The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will join Bosnian experts in searching for what is believed to be one or more ancient pyramids in central Bosnia, the Bosnian Presidency said Friday in a statement.

The chairman of Bosnia-Herzegovina's rotating presidency, Sulejman Tihic, met with UNESCO director-general Koichiro Matsuura in the Croatian coastal town of Opatija, the statement said.

Tihic informed Matsuura about progress at the site in the town of Visoko where the structure was found and Matsuura promised to send soon a group of UNESCO archaeological experts to investigate the find.

Earlier this week, an Egyptian geologist and expert in pyramids, Aly Abd Alla Barakat, said the discovery of treated stone blocks confirmed the existence of a pyramid.

Barakat found two polished, sculpted stone blocks that might prove that a highly-developed ancient civilization built the structure under what is now Visocica Hill near Visoko.

A group of local and international experts began three months ago a thorough study of Visocica, which they believe may conceal a quadrilateral pyramid.

Earlier this year, preliminary findings from sound scans and satellite imagery of the terrain offered evidence that one or more pyramids may have existed in Visoko, some 30 kilometres north of Sarajevo.

The scans showed clay, polished stone pieces and stones with metal traces believed to be man-made.

Remote sensing by satellite, artificial illumination and radar topography showed geometric features that seem to be positioned in a triangular form, matching the four sides of the world.

The discovery of the site has caused a surge in the number of tourists in Visoko.

Last weekend alone, more than 10,000 tourists visited that tiny central Bosnian town, tourist authorities said.

© 2006 dpa - Deutsche Presse-Agentur
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By Anothroskon

A pyramid scam. As it were.

A towering success

Aug 10th 2006 | VISOKO
From The Economist print edition

BOSNIANS have a salty, cynical attitude to life and their recent experience of warmongers and demagogues has given them a healthy immunity to anybody who makes extravagant claims about the past or the future. But occasionally, somebody convinces them that something new and exciting is going on.

Take the little town of Visoko, a normally sleepy place that is enjoying an improvement in its fortunes because a self-taught archaeologist is convinced that he has discovered real pyramids—yes, man-made structures similar to the ones in Egypt and Mexico.

Semir Osmanagic is a Bosnian-American who runs a firm that makes steel components in Houston. He is an amateur historian who loves pyramids. To guffaws from conventional academics, Mr Osmanagic says he has found some of his favourite things in his homeland.

Even if that proves to be nonsense, Visoko is enjoying the fuss. Dario Pekic, a hotelier, says it was dead until “the Pharoah” came along. “In the past five years we have not had 12,000 tourists—now we can have 5,000 a day.”

Mr Osmanagic says it struck him in April 2005 that a pyramid-shaped hill in Visoko was in fact a real pyramid. Then, he says, he realised that there were two others nearby. Digging began in earnest this April, and the discoveries certainly give rise to some interesting questions.

On one “pyramid” Mr Osmanagic appears to have unearthed large slabs of what he says is ancient concrete, and on another what look like paved walkways. Bosnians have overcome their usual scepticism, and happy coachloads of them are descending on Visoko. Stalls sell “Pharaoh Osmanagic” T-shirts and model pyramids. Restaurants serve pyramid-shaped pizzas.

Mr Osmanagic's theories sound fantastical. He believes that the biggest pyramid is one-third taller than Egypt's Great Pyramid, and that they were built by an ancient civilisation 12,500 years ago. “Yes,” says Mr Osmanagic, who has been denounced by Bosnian archaeologists as a hallucinating lunatic, “we are rewriting the history of the world.” Indeed. Mr Osmanagic, who has also written about survivors from the mythical island of Atlantis who built pyramids in Central America—and about Hitler escaping in the direction of the Antarctic in 1945—says his enemies are just jealous.

In Sarajevo, sophisticated Bosnians squirm with embarrassment over the pyramid story. “It makes me ashamed to be Bosnian,” says Hrvoje Batinic, of the Open Society Fund, an NGO. But others say that, even if Mr Osmanagic has not discovered pyramids, he is on to something. And Elma Kovacevic, a volunteer in Mr Osmanagic's team, says breezily: “The pyramids will help us speed the development of the economy, and when we have done that the EU will accept us.” Stranger things have happened.
By Mercutio
Gotta like stories like that. At some point they can carbon date the soil or wood or something. It had to be a large population so when they find out it will probably be people they're already familiar with.
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By Bosnjak
Scam not something is in this region:

[ Large Image ]

Kieler Forscher entdecken seltenes Tonobjekt in Bosnien
Johannes Müller: “Pyramidenform kein Hinweis für die Existenz von bosnischen Pyramiden“

Archäologen der Kieler Universität haben bei ihren jüngsten Grabungen im bosnischen Visoko das pyramidenförmige Unterteil eines Tongefäßes gefunden. “In Bosnien schlägt dieser Fund hohe Wellen, denn dort vermuteten Amateurarchäologen seit Jahren die ersten Pyramiden Europas“, berichtet Professor Johannes Müller, der die Grabungen geleitet hat. “Das ist aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht Unfug.“ Bei dem Fund – dessen Oberteil abgebrochen ist – handele es sich keineswegs um die Überreste einer Pyramide, sondern um das Fragment eines häuslichen Gegenstandes, vermutlich eines Räuchergefäßes. Das zirka faustgroße Fundstück ist mit Dreiecken verziert und wird auf etwa 4000 vor Christus geschätzt. “Vergleichbare Funde dieser Art stammen aus Ungarn. Das heißt, es könnte entweder von dort importiert oder kopiert worden sein“, erklärt der örtliche Grabungsleiter Robert Hofmann.

Das Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Universität Kiel führt bereits seit 2002 gemeinsam mit dem Bosnisch-Herzegowinischen Landesmuseum Sarajewo (Zemaljski Muzej) und der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission Frankfurt des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts archäologische Untersuchungen in Zentralbosnien durch. Bei den aktuellen Grabungen vom 1. September bis zum 3. Oktober waren erstmals auch drei Doktoranden – Archäologen, Botaniker und Geologen – der neuen Kieler Graduiertenschule “Entwicklung menschlicher Gesellschaften in Landschaften“ beteiligt. Sie dokumentierten unter anderem Bodenprofile der Region, die Rückschlüsse zur Landnutzung in prähistorischer Zeit liefern.

Weitere Infos zum Projekt

An German Archelogist Team found 6000 Year old Ceramics
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By Anothroskon
Actually if you remember the early 90's there was a huge pyramid scam in Albania. And btw the article you point to as "proof" of your assertions actually reads

Johannes Müller: “Pyramidenform kein Hinweis für die Existenz von bosnischen Pyramiden“

Pyramidshapes not an indication for the existence of bosnian pyramids.

And the part you chose to bold actually reads

um das Fragment eines häuslichen Gegenstandes, vermutlich eines Räuchergefäßes.

a fragment of a domestic utensil. The object, probably a smoke-pipe...


And plz do something about this picture.
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By Suska

there isnt anything in those videos that looks like proof, and none is actually claimed. the limestone "roads" look natural too. It wouldn't surprise me much if these pyramids were earthen mounds like those of the mound builders of middle america or early english castles. ensuring you get the highground is a basic military defense strategy and such structures were handy for plains areas - which bosnia isnt. the area looks hilly, the hills chain together very naturally all roughly pyramid shaped. for this to be impressive theyd have to find a cut-rock core, a burial chamber, writing or a treasure.

A pyramid scam. As it were.
By Aekos
It's a hoax. Though the area could use the tourism :hmm:.
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By Independent_Srpska
It's a hoax.

noooooooooooo way!

Look at the pyramids I discovered in Montenegro on the coast! THe Balkans is full of pyramids!! ;)
So, I want my share!
Necete da me prevarite! :lol:



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