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'Cold war' communist versus capitalist ideological struggle (1946 - 1990) and everything else in the post World War II era (1946 onwards).
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By Douglas
Douglas me and a bunch of my friends want to raid your home - we say you have shit inside we don't like.

Why would this be a bad thing?

Well that depends on if you were a legitimate force (like the police or Israeli army) and I was just a dirty bunch of terrorists. If that was the case then it wouldn't be a bad thing.

That is pretty much how things work.

Now since we know that Lebanon is full of the disgusting bastards then I can't see the downside.
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By danholo
Cool down dude.

Sudden emotional outbursts are not allowed? Where's the humanity?

I totally agree that there is a lot of documented information. But trying to point the finger and claim “They” threw the first punch is not going to resolve anything, it may win you brownie points with your fellows who support the same line of thinking. But really, who started the killing, who fired the first should, I doubt we shall ever know. It may have been Stern himself who killed the first Arab in the name of defending Zionist settlement in Israel, it may have been the grand Mufti of Jerusalem himself who slew the first Jew to keep the Zionist Crusaders from Palestine – do you know who did it first? I don’t, and I doubt you do, and I doubt anyone else does.

Your ridiculous attitude is the only thing that's keeping yourself in denial. Your fixation to remain "impartial" is, well, commendable considering how inhuman it is, but also defeatist as it seems like you have no backbone of your own (do not take this wild accusations lightly) because it has a detrimental effect on whatever is "actually wrong". If somebody did something, you can say it. Why be afraid of your opponent? You say that "nothing happens in a vacuum" but then you're telling us that "who knows". Well, of course you can remain stupid, but the information is there, if you are willing to look for it. The first violence against Jews by Arab is well known but its reasons are also known on the same level. The fact who "killed first" is really irrelevant, at the end of the day. Arabs had legitimate grievances of their own they are known - are you calling Jews here, ignorant? We know we are a reason for the "Naqba", but we won't apologize; people here are preventing a Naqba of their own.

As for me, I accuse everybody, myself included.

But that does not stop each pointing an accusing finger at the other side. Obviously you being a Zionist will point at the Arabs, and they will point at you.

How is that "obvious"?

Yup, it is – I don’t disagree with you there. But this list is no different from the lists put together by Zionists to perpetuate the justification for hating Palestinians because of terrorism, or Arabs because of a Riot in Hebron, or the Intifada, or some other act that saw Jews getting butchered at the hands of barbaric Arabs.

What's with this fixation of forcefully trying to "even the table"? Yes, we know everybody is human here. What else? Is that it?

I agree that both stereotypes are flawed.

But what do you have, exactly, to break such a stereotype?

The problem I find, and this discussion thread has been started with a good example of this – that most who look into the history of this conflict are just sifting through the copious amount of data available and hand picking that which supports the version of events they wish to put forwards. There are enough over-simplifications of the history of this conflict, and they case more harm than good as they perpetuate a view that one side and good, and one side is evil. When in reality, both sides have done their fair share of good and evil acts between them.

One side is good, and the other side is evil. It's "Yin and Yang". How's that working for you these days? Having said that, this does not overlook the fact that recent history of this place is very well documented, at least there's much more data in books that you could find on the internet, and by being a first-hand observer. How much yin do you have over the yang? Whichever is which. :D

I agree, I’d love to visit and dig through the history. But I don’t think you or Samir would like what I would find or publish, as I would treat nether side with favouritism or protectionism.

Well, unfortunately, you'd probably be nothing new to the playing field. Maybe a little more impartial, but still very objective. Jews here have published plenty of academic papers which might "not be liked" or "controversial", but you coming here to study is cool. You'd like it. Much more things to find here, then in Australia. Plenty of stories, etc.

Personally I’d love to head a team to digitize as many ancient records into an online searchable database for researchers around the globe.

It's probably being done as we speak?! :D
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By Arthur2sheds_Jackson
In response to this:
Douglas me and a bunch of my friends want to raid your home - we say you have shit inside we don't like.

Why would this be a bad thing?

Douglas wrote:
Well that depends on if you were a legitimate force (like the police or Israeli army) and I was just a dirty bunch of terrorists. If that was the case then it wouldn't be a bad thing.

Me and the boys legitimately own a piece of land in your neighbourhood (even though we haven't quite got round to defining where our property ends and the rest of the neighbourhood begins). The rest of your neighbours hate our guts but we are armed to the teeth and not going anywhere - so fuck them.
We have heard that your house is where all the 'anti-Arthur and the boys' propaganda is coming from so we are determined to stop it by any means necessary. This means no matter what you say we are coming in and you are not going to stop us. Please don't think about hiding behind any women and children in your property because we will kill them and blame you for using 'human shields'. After we have trashed your house and broke all your windows we will withdraw but we'll leave a couple of lads camped out on your front lawn just in case you think about repeating your 'anti-Arthur' antics in future.

Now are you going to open your front door or do we have to smash it in Douglas?
By Douglas
Now are you going to open your front door or do we have to smash it in Douglas?

Is this before or after I've came across to your bit of land and murdered your children and launched rockets at you?

Please don't think about hiding behind any women and children in your property because we will kill them and blame you for using 'human shields'.

I'm confused....... do you mean the militia and terrorists because there is no way you could be talking about actual civilians in Lebanon.
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By Arthur2sheds_Jackson
Douglas replied:
Is this before or after I've came across to your bit of land and murdered your children and launched rockets at you?
This is after I have booted some of your friends off their land. I'm in a pre-emptive strike mood, what are you going to do Douglas?

In response to this:
Please don't think about hiding behind any women and children in your property because we will kill them and blame you for using 'human shields'.
Douglas wrote:
I'm confused....... do you mean the militia and terrorists because there is no way you could be talking about actual civilians in Lebanon.
Actual civilians are sometimes women and children Douglas, look it up.

BTW your non reply to my plan to leave some of the boys camped out on your front lawn for security purposes seems OK by you. I think I'll invite some more of my friends to camp out on your front lawn then - and their families aswell :cheers:
By Douglas
Actual civilians are sometimes women and children Douglas, look it up.

But not Lebanese civilians obviously.

BTW your non reply to my plan to leave some of the boys camped out on your front lawn for security purposes seems OK by you. I think I'll invite some more of my friends to camp out on your front lawn then - and their families aswell

When I murder your family, regularly attack and rocket you then feel free.

This is after I have booted some of your friends off their land. I'm in a pre-emptive strike mood, what are you going to do Douglas?

Pre-emptive what part of this war has been pre-emptive? It's got a real long history, you going to find who threw the first stone now?
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By Ideational Ontarian
I'm confused....... do you mean the militia and terrorists because there is no way you could be talking about actual civilians in Lebanon.

Are you sick or something?
By Douglas
No I was reliably informed by a man from Lebanon that there are no civilians in that country.

As I always say: We are all Hezbollah.
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By Tailz
Danholo wrote: Sudden emotional outbursts are not allowed? Where's the humanity?

Emotional outbursts don’t help you convince anyone of your platform in a debate, apart from making you look like a person who wishes to remain ignorant to all but your own provided “truth.”

Danholo wrote:Your ridiculous attitude is the only thing that's keeping yourself in denial. Your fixation to remain "impartial" is, well, commendable considering how inhuman it is, but also defeatist as it seems like you have no backbone of your own (do not take this wild accusations lightly) because it has a detrimental effect on whatever is "actually wrong".

Resorting to character assassination? If I was biased towards any side in this debate, the other would lionise me for a inaccurate one sided representation of the issues and actions of contention in this sordid theatrical performance - but now I am damned for impartiality?

That is the irony of debating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – if you don’t support one side or the other; you’re condemned by them! But if you’re impartial, they all bray for your blood!

Danholo wrote:If somebody did something, you can say it. Why be afraid of your opponent? You say that "nothing happens in a vacuum" but then you're telling us that "who knows". Well, of course you can remain stupid, but the information is there, if you are willing to look for it.

I have no qualms in laying guilt upon those who can be proven of it.

Danholo wrote:The first violence against Jews by Arab is well known but its reasons are also known on the same level. The fact who "killed first" is really irrelevant, at the end of the day. Arabs had legitimate grievances of their own they are known - are you calling Jews here, ignorant? We know we are a reason for the "Naqba", but we won't apologize; people here are preventing a Naqba of their own.

The major acts of violence, the elements that would have made newspaper headlines, certainly were recorded. But that was not the original accusation I wrote my reply too.

Nets had written: The violence was initiated by the Arabs, not the Jews.

And to that, my reply was: I don’t think any one side can be blamed for starting the violence; certainly each side will blame the other. But finding who started it, is lost to history, as I highly doubt there is now any definitive way to find the point in time where the violence happened first, and who threw the first punch.

Until you can provide me with the date, time, names of the individuals, and the circumstance of their actions, then I would be more than willing to change my stance on this issue in relation to Nets comment.

If we are talking of specific events, such as the actual conflict of arms, soldiers verse soldiers – in that case, yes indeed the Arabs started the conflict. They sent in their military forces and commenced invasion. But your not making a proposal of such limited confides, your proposing that it was the Arabs who started the conflict, as a whole. That it was Arabs who by their actions shed the first drop of Jewish blood. And in that instance, I disagree with you. Although each side is more than willing to point an accusing finger at the other and claim “They started it.” I do not agree, the conflict has been going on at such a low key level before soldiers were mustered to the field of battle, that identity of those who first took up arms against each other, is lost to the shadows of history. I doubt it was even written down. Who knows, it may have just been two thugs beating the snot out of each other in a back alley argument over who has the right to be where.

But obviously, you will point at them, and they will point back while chanting in unison “They started it!”

The fact of who killed who first is indeed irrelevant today. Yet being able to claim that “That started it” still seems to carry a lot of emotional baggage, even today.

Danholo wrote:As for me, I accuse everybody, myself included.

So what do you plan to do about it then? How do you plan to make good, what was made wrong? Whatever that may be?

Danholo wrote: How is that "obvious"?

Your history of written article on PoFo and the side you support.

Danholo wrote: What's with this fixation of forcefully trying to "even the table"? Yes, we know everybody is human here. What else? Is that it?

I don’t wish to level the playing field, but rather I disagree with being given only half the available data. Samir has put together his list of War Massacres in order to vilify the Zionist/Israeli side. He is only providing us with half the details, just enough details to push his agenda.

I’d rather have the whole story, and the background events that accompany all these other events. I don’t want tunnel vision!

Danholo wrote:But what do you have, exactly, to break such a stereotype?

To break the stereotype that all Arabs are terrorists? Going by the Arabs I know on a personal level, they have shown no desire to wave an AK47 in the air, chant “death to America” and spontaneously explode in a crowded shopping mall. While I could also look at the example of the many Arab-Israeli’s who lead perfectly normal lives in Israel itself.

Is that enough to break the stereo type for you?

Danholo wrote:One side is good, and the other side is evil. It's "Yin and Yang". How's that working for you these days? Having said that, this does not overlook the fact that recent history of this place is very well documented, at least there's much more data in books that you could find on the internet, and by being a first-hand observer. How much yin do you have over the yang? Whichever is which.

Whichever is which, that is exactly my point. There are elements of good and evil in both sides of this conflict. There has been Palestinians intent on launching rockets into Israel, while Zionist Settlers tow shipping containers onto Palestinian land to create instant settlements. Yet there have been movements made up of Israeli and Palestinian teachers trying to peacefully bridge the gap. This is not a conflict of light and dark, but many shades of grey.

Danholo wrote:Well, unfortunately, you'd probably be nothing new to the playing field. Maybe a little more impartial, but still very objective. Jews here have published plenty of academic papers which might "not be liked" or "controversial", but you coming here to study is cool. You'd like it. Much more things to find here, then in Australia. Plenty of stories, etc.

Certainly the history of Australia is a little sparse for a historian, considering white settlement is only 200+ years old, but still that’s quite a bit there alone, but I live here so I don’t find it as interesting as somewhere I’ve not been too. But I think the thing that attracts me to study the history of the conflict is that it is controversial – and thus, so much more interesting to find out the reality behind the rhetoric.

Danholo wrote: It's probably being done as we speak?!

I would guess so, but maybe not. A lot of the material is very delicate and often photosensitive. But also some researchers can be quite anal about hording and guarding their research material from others who they would perceive as a threat to the discoveries (and subsequent glory) they may make.
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By danholo
Emotional outbursts don’t help you convince anyone of your platform in a debate, apart from making you look like a person who wishes to remain ignorant to all but your own provided “truth.”

I did not know this debate reaches an academic level. My bad. I will say when something is bullshit. You should try it, too.

Resorting to character assassination?

No, I'm being unnecessarily aggressive.

The major acts of violence, the elements that would have made newspaper headlines, certainly were recorded. But that was not the original accusation I wrote my reply too.

Smaller acts of violence are recorded too. People don't remain, silent, tailz. Nonetheless. The violence is IRRELEVANT.

Until you can provide me with the date, time, names of the individuals, and the circumstance of their actions, then I would be more than willing to change my stance on this issue in relation to Nets comment.

This is irrelevant as the "first violence" took more of a local character, criminal character, and didn't bear any international strife, while the "massive violence" was more organized, or started from "above".

If we are talking of specific events, such as the actual conflict of arms, soldiers verse soldiers – in that case, yes indeed the Arabs started the conflict. They sent in their military forces and commenced invasion. But your not making a proposal of such limited confides, your proposing that it was the Arabs who started the conflict, as a whole. That it was Arabs who by their actions shed the first drop of Jewish blood. And in that instance, I disagree with you. Although each side is more than willing to point an accusing finger at the other and claim “They started it.” I do not agree, the conflict has been going on at such a low key level before soldiers were mustered to the field of battle, that identity of those who first took up arms against each other, is lost to the shadows of history. I doubt it was even written down. Who knows, it may have just been two thugs beating the snot out of each other in a back alley argument over who has the right to be where.

It is not lost to the shadows of history, and this is where I disagree with you. Frankly, I have never proposed what you are accusing me of. I have always agreed to the fact that its mainly the nature of the Jew, and his connection to Eretz Israel, Arab intransigence, pride and Imperial power politics that has brought this about. If Arabs and Jews were "more compatible" this problem of "difference" could've been solved long ago. The fact remains, though, that Jews do not want to live under Arab rule, unless you want to relegate the nature of this area to tribal conflict, and will create a "pure" Jewish country for Jews, regardless of its "inhumanity".

The fact of who killed who first is indeed irrelevant today. Yet being able to claim that “That started it” still seems to carry a lot of emotional baggage, even today.

I'd say the Jews started it by inviting the Romans to come "bring peace" to Judea, or whatever Jews did which resulted in inevitable destruction. "It is I who invites destruction upon myself."

I say, and I think you agree with me, that pointing fingers is somewhat useless. I'll tell you a secret that people here don't point the finger that much at the others, but at themselves. This is the nature of the Jew. This disqualifies all the fearing, scared people, who think all their problems are because of "them".

So what do you plan to do about it then? How do you plan to make good, what was made wrong? Whatever that may be?

As of now, I don't plan anything. I just study, and am depressed, and have a hard time getting out of bed. All I can do is try to understand. The more I learn, though, the more I see the futility in everything. Tailz, Australia will never happen here. It's multi-cultural but instead of being a mixing bowl (the Jewish contingent is a mixing bowl as all Jewish cultures from around the globe are eventually converging into one, it's amazing, frankly... I was in the bus yesterday and in one corner EVERY person could speak 2-3 languages (same people were mixing either finnish, english, hebrew, spanish in same sentences etc) . One girl I was with, speaks 5. :D:D) but Arab and Jew have this weird "agreement" of not just living with each other. Then again, earlier in Tel Aviv, I did spot one of my school mates, who's an Arab, and went to say hi to her. These days, it's mainly the Jew who acts arrogantly toward the lowly Arab, but it's not that self-explanatory. Arabs are feared because they "hate us" which is true if you're a soldier and walk though any West Bank town, but it is not true There is no question. I heard that Arabs have been moving into Jewish areas of Jerusalem, and its creating problems. I wouldn't care less, but the "Jews are afraid of the Arabs coming". It's like 70 years ago, but reversed!

Your history of written article on PoFo and the side you support.

It is not obvious. What I am on PoFo is only one part of me, and it's really not me. :)

I’d rather have the whole story, and the background events that accompany all these other events. I don’t want tunnel vision!

I understand...

Is that enough to break the stereo type for you?

I usually shy away from stereotype, as it doesn't correspond to reality, nonetheless giving some sort of rhetorical compass in conversation. I could give many stereotypes about Jews, and they'll most likely be accurate in some way, but it's only half of the story!

Whichever is which, that is exactly my point. There are elements of good and evil in both sides of this conflict. There has been Palestinians intent on launching rockets into Israel, while Zionist Settlers tow shipping containers onto Palestinian land to create instant settlements. Yet there have been movements made up of Israeli and Palestinian teachers trying to peacefully bridge the gap. This is not a conflict of light and dark, but many shades of grey.

No, it's a conflict between light and dark. The grey are in the middle, and the dark lighted darkness, which is me, will destroy everything. I am the harbringer of doom!

Certainly the history of Australia is a little sparse for a historian, considering white settlement is only 200+ years old, but still that’s quite a bit there alone, but I live here so I don’t find it as interesting as somewhere I’ve not been too. But I think the thing that attracts me to study the history of the conflict is that it is controversial – and thus, so much more interesting to find out the reality behind the rhetoric.

What I find interesting and fascinating on your part is that you are actively interested but have never been "fanatical" about either side, which is wonderful. You possess a rare view of the situation, because you don't possess either sides dogma, allegiance or irrational behavior and emotional ties.
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By LehmanB
Lol. a person who have took the name of Samir Kuntar and is having a picture of hizbollah leader, has a problem with "massacres". LOL.

look at the level of demagogy. so quickly he have forgotten his group is doing a total war against Jewish independent state. each fight Jews return, is not a fighting, its a "massacres". ofcaurse. non logic argument which all its target is to prevent the basic right of jews to defend themselves.
By SouthBeirut
Lol. a person who have took the name of Samir Kuntar and is having a picture of hizbollah leader, has a problem with "massacres". LOL.

look at the level of demagogy. so quickly he have forgotten his group is doing a total war against Jewish independent state. each fight Jews return, is not a fighting, its a "massacres". ofcaurse. non logic argument which all its target is to prevent the basic right of jews to defend themselves.

Name a list with Hezbollah Massacres. Bye.
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By LehmanB
ofcaurse, such a pacifist organization. for 20 years you are shooting flowers from the sky. I realy dont understand why Israel reacted in bullets and not in flowers like you. :O
By Douglas
Name a list with Hezbollah Massacres. Bye.

Find one with Israeli's killing Lebanese civilians.

You will struggle of course because there is no such thing as an innocent or civilian Lebanese. You told us that yourself.

And since you claim that to be the case I want a much much larger list.

I also remember you saying you wouldn't whine about this kind of thing:

Then do not complain when Southern Lebanon is leveled and many perish.

I never did.

That's the least that can be expected of you.

Don't worry about that.

But here you are whining about it.

As I always say: We are all Hezbollah.
By SouthBeirut
Find one with Israeli's killing Lebanese civilians.

Go to the first page.

You will struggle of course because there is no such thing as an innocent or civilian Lebanese.

That has been the Zionist stance since 1978.

You told us that yourself.

I said that I don't complain, neither whine. I show facts, that happened. In Hezbollah we really don't have time to whine or complain, we're here to make you look you stupid with your powerful army that can't do shit in Southern Lebanon.

And since you claim that to be the case I want a much much larger list.

Go fetch one yourself. My list is in the first page.

I also remember you saying you wouldn't whine about this kind of thing:

But here you are whining about it.

Saying "We are all Hezbollah" is now whining about something ? Common, text comprehension lessons for you ?
By Douglas
No making a big long list of "massacres" is whining.

That has been the Zionist stance since 1978.

It is also your stance.

I said that I don't complain, neither whine. I show facts, that happened. In Hezbollah we really don't have time to whine or complain, we're here to make you look you stupid with your powerful army that can't do shit in Southern Lebanon.

That list there suggests otherwise. They are obviously doing shit. You don't seem to like it either and are now whining about it. That is what this list of yours is. You see them as "massacres" I see them as little victories.

Go fetch one yourself. My list is in the first page.

You misunderstand. I'm not asking for you to make a bigger one. I'm wishing for more events to occur for your to put on your list thus enlarging your list.

As I always say: We are all Hezbollah.

Then accept the inevitable results of that and don't whine about so called massacres.
By SouthBeirut
No making a big long list of "massacres" is whining.

No. It's called showing facts and truth. Reality of what the State of israel has committed since its creation.

It is also your stance.

My stance is that the people support Hezbollah. If this legitimizes your attacks on civilians, then our Katyusha attacks on your civilians are pretty legitimized too.

That list there suggests otherwise.

The list suggests that unarmed civilians were killed.

They are obviously doing shit.

Any weak army with F-16's can do that to Lebanon. Your army is in no way special because it bombs civilians.

You don't seem to like it either and are now whining about it.

Do you really expect me to like seeing my brothers dead ?

You see them as "massacres" I see them as little victories.

I'm glad you see them this way. Would make me feel a lot better when we pull the trigger on some IDF soldiers.

Then accept the inevitable results of that and don't whine about so called massacres.

That means all of you should stop whining when an Israeli civilian is killed. Right ?
By Douglas
No. It's called showing facts and truth. Reality of what the State of israel has committed since its creation.

No labelling them as massacres is pathetic whining especially when they are legitimate targets. They are all hezbollah aren't they?

My stance is that the people support Hezbollah. If this legitimizes your attacks on civilians, then our Katyusha attacks on your civilians are pretty legitimized too.

No because they don't belong to a military, paramilitary or terrorist organization. You claim the Lebanese people do, that is why they are legitimate target. You just don't get the basic rules of war do you?

The list suggests that unarmed civilians were killed.

No they are Hezbollah members not civilians (you can't be both). That is your claim.

Any weak army with F-16's can do that to Lebanon. Your army is in no way special because it bombs civilians.

Not my army, not even my country. And apparently it just bombs Hezbollah members according to you.

That means all of you should stop whining when an Israeli civilian is killed. Right ?

Nope because they are civilians and not members of an armed organization.

Are you really that ignorant that you don't know who is a civilian and who isn't? You can't tell the difference?
Last edited by Siberian Fox on 08 Apr 2009 22:01, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Unnecessary rudeness removed. User warned.
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By LehmanB
doug, you are talking to a guy who have addopted the name of Samir Kuntar.
you are welcome to check in the web what kind of brutal massacre Samir Kuntar did.
Than you will understand this conversation of morality with SAMIR KUNTAR is an oxymoron.
By Douglas
Oh I know. But while I expect him to lie and have no morals I thought maybe just maybe he might have some logic.

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