Iran test-fires new supersonic anti-ship missile - Politics | PoFo

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This is pretty good for an anti-ship weapon, considering most are subsonic cruise missiles. Video within: ... ssile.html

Iran's Revolutionary Guard have test-fired a supersonic ballistic surface-to-sea missile capable of hitting warships and targets within a 300km range.

The missile, called Persian Gulf, is supersonic, immune to interception and features high precision systems, Chief Commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Brigadier General Mohammad Ali Jafari was reported as saying on Iranian state TV on Monday.

Jafari said the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is currently manufacturing 500km stealth radars and has plans to mass-produce long-range passive radars with a range of 1,100km.
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By Typhoon
Someone has been watching China, though it is an interesting development for Iran especially in the geographically restricted area of the Gulf.

A lot will depend on the relability of the missiles guidance system however as well as their ability to detect targets in good order initially.
By Xbow
The missile, called Persian Gulf, is supersonic, immune to interception and features high precision systems, Chief Commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Brigadier General Mohammad Ali Jafari was reported as saying on Iranian state TV on Monday.

Sounds suspiciously like a spin off and rework of the tried and true Russian P-700 (SS-N-19) or P-500 Bazalt (SS-N-12) both of which Iran has purchased as coastal defense missiles.
•Mach 2.5
•Range 550 - 625 km
•Mach 2.25
•Range 550 - 450 km
Neither missiles is undetectable or immune to interception even if they have been given a stealth job. That won't effect detection via UV shadow, thermal signature, or ultra high frequency radar. I also doubt that they have been given access the Russian Legenda satellite targeting system which made the P-700 a very nasty critter. And I would think them a bit more effective in Russian hands than Iranian.
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By Typhoon
Both of the above are cruise missiles while Irans new missile is a ballistic one (plus Russia never exported Bazalt or Granit), based on the Fatah missile but with an optical homing head reportedly. Absoluterly right though, ballistic missiles are far from undetectable though its an up and coming threat for navies...
By Xbow
Typhoon wrote:Both of the above are cruise missiles while Irans new missile is a ballistic one (plus Russia never exported Bazalt or Granit), based on the Fatah missile but with an optical homing head reportedly. Absoluterly right though, ballistic missiles are far from undetectable though its an up and coming threat for navies...

I checked and stand corrected on the Bazalt and Granite having been exported..they haven't. But the Russians have exported and will export the P-800 but its unlikely that Russia will export that critter to Iran since they halted the sale of the S-300 that the Iranians had the hots for awhile back. P-800 users Ru, Vietnam, Syria(soon) and India wont sell their P_800 based PJ-10 BrahMos to Iran either. I guess they had to do something to replace their aging shore defense missiles.

Are you talking about this missile as the basis for the new Iranian missile?
Fateh A-110
Country: Iran
Associated Country: China, Syria, North Korea
Alternate Name: Mershad; Zelzal-2 variant
Class: SRBM
Basing: Road mobile
Length: 8.86 m
Diameter: 0.61 m
Launch Weight: 3450 kg
Payload: Single warhead, 500 kg
Warhead: HE, chemical, submunitions
Propulsion: Single-stage solid
Range: 210 km
Status: Operational
In Service: 2004
The Fateh A-110 is a short-range, road-mobile, solid-propellant ballistic missile. It is most likely a modified version of the unguided Zelzal-2, with the addition of control and guidance systems.1 The Fateh A-110 is designed to replace many of the aging Scud systems currently used in the Middle East. While the program is based in Iran, the missile is believed to incorporate components from Chinese contractors. In 2006 the US Department of the Treasury accused Great Wall Industry, a Chinese Corporation and its partners for playing a lead role in the development of the Fateh missile system.2

Iran began developing the Fateh A-110 in 1995. Sources indicate that the missile is 8.86 m long, 0.61 m in diameter, and weighs 3,450 kg. It uses a single-stage solid propellant engine and has a range of 210 km (130 miles), although it is possible that Iran will add extra boosters in order to increase its range to 400 km (249 miles). The missile might be as accurate as 100 m CEP using a combination of inertial guidance and a Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) system, though some sources suggest that the accuracy is much lower, as they do not think that the missile is capable of much inflight maneuvering or correction. Iranian sources claim that the weapon has a high degree of accuracy, a claim that would suggest inflight control systems that are not apparent from photos of the missile. It can carry a payload of some 500 kg and is most likely intended to deliver only high explosive, chemical, or submunitions warheads.

An interesting idea but probably less of a threat than any of the wave riding CM's I mentioned. Being a ballistic missile it probably has a high trajectory and is thus easier to detect and engage than a Brahmos or P_800 Oinks. However they could by beefing up the propulsion section considerably fire it along a depressed trajectory to shorten its flight time and vulnerability to interceptor missiles. If what you say is true then they've added the ability to make course corrections after the warhead/terminal guidance/maneuvering package separates from the propulsion section. I would however imagine that the Mach 8 RIM-161 SM-3 ABM/ASAT missiles deployed on Arleigh Burke class destroyers and I believe Ticonderoga class cruisers could handle it. I am also sure that Russia's sea based Mach 8.5, S-300FM (SA-N-20) is capable of intercepting the new Iranian missile (similar capability to the US RIM-161 except the SS-N-20 has the capability to intercept super sonic waver riding missiles as well).
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By Typhoon
Are you talking about this missile as the basis for the new Iranian missile?

Thats right, you can see the modified missile HERE.

The technology was first applied to the Scud I believe but has been prominent in recent years with its application in modern Russian missiles like Iskander. The short range nature of Fateh means that its probably a non-seperating target but if it has any advanced flight features remains to be seen. The US could probably engage the missile with the SM-2 Block IV as could Reef-M but all the CIWS in the fleets of the world would be unable to engage this target!

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