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By MB.

Why are space marines such a popular science-fiction trope, and what if any theory supports their development and deployment?

Also why are they so awesome?
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By killim
Afaik they were introduced by one of the Sci-Fi authors (Heinlein) and found therefore their way into the genre. Over the years the WAR40k table top and computer games like DOOM showed the influence even in other parts of the pop culture.
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By Thunderhawk
Why are space marines such a popular science-fiction trope

Naval aspect perhaps?
Marines are deployed from ships (well, sort of..) and space is generally analogized to the oceans. Space exploration, combat, etc.. is analogized to Naval exploration, combat, etc.. Perhaps theres also a percieved cultural elitism aspect? Space Marines > Marines > Army > etc..

If anything, maybe this shows the weakness of our creativity?
"Paratrooper" isnt exactly a creative name, but its accurate to level. So was Marine. Space Marine is just us being to intellectually lazy to come up with a new name.

and what if any theory supports their development and deployment?

Probably the same one that supported the development and deployment of marines.

Also why are they so awesome?

Because Space/Astral grunt sounds odd while Space Army acronym SA has an uncomfortable conutation with the Brownshirts. Also, "Space Marine(s)" rolls off the tongue better. Would you rather Star Soldiers? Cosmic infantry? Space trooper?
By Wolfman
what if any theory supports their development and deployment?

In a Trans-Human theory of interplanetary development, a war between different countries (or planets) the need for some specialized force which can be used for combat in space and make an initial capture of territory allowing regular Army and/or regular Marines to fight the war is essential. Same basic principle behind the initial need for a force of Marines. Generally you want your Army to be specialized to a certain combat mentality, and making an initial capture of territory is generally far outside that mentality.

The same is basically true of a theory of interplanetary development that involves aliens.
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By MB.
What about in a post-human scenario?
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By Igor Antunov
What about in a post-human scenario?

Presumably the machines would have thier space mechs and shit.
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By MB.
Presumably the machines would be you and I.
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By Rodion
Space Marines combine the two things filled with the most "awesome" factor: the Marine corps and, well, space. It's like asking how a movie about Ninja Batman became such a blockbuster.


A Space Marine detachment is the ultimate expression of a modern hunter-gatherer: a band of brothers that goes on long expeditions away from home to deliver death upon the unknown in their tribe's name. It's the only life we can imagine that provides the adrenaline and personal fulfillment males have been starving for. Today, we are a society of women - men may still be dominant, but we are ultimately unnecessary for anything beyond insemination. Fewer and fewer roles remain that cannot be taken to their fullest potential by a female. There's nothing wrong with that, except it's something that digs deep in the core of our skulls, causing men with lily-white hands and unbent backs to compensate for their uselessness by tackling cliffs, rivers and far-off insurgencies.

Are there no more starving in the world? Is there a city without poverty and crime? Are hospitals worldwide fully staffed and operating efficiently? No, and we don't care about any of that. Global "house-keeping" problems are being outsourced to women and their male surrogates. What men crave, what they thrive on are danger and violence. The Space Marines offer a plethora of both, while at the same time promising to augment our frail, pale frames with hydraulic muscle and spears of fire. It matters little that women could - physically - do just as well in fully mechanized combat as any man. They would, in turn, be surrogate males. It's what we're for. It's why our lifespan is shorter - we were never meant to die of old age.
By Wolfman
Space Marines combine the two things filled with the most "awesome" factor: the Marine corps and, well, space.

Oorah motivated Rodion.
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By Igor Antunov
Paratroopers are more awesome than marines, they fall from the sky behind enemy lines. They would suit the space setting better.
By Wolfman
Paratroopers haven't been used en mass since WWII. They've been replaced largely with Air Assault. And either way, they're both relativily specialized, whereas Marines are not. Also, Paratrooper and Air Assault Schools are open to anyone, and Marine Special Forces (Force Recon) are often trained to be Paratroopers or Air Assault.
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By MB.
Space Marines > ODST/Mobile Infantry

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By Thunderhawk
Space Marines > ODST/Mobile Infantry

Big toy of the Space marine: lascannon.
Big toy of the Mobile Intantry: missile launcher with peewee nuke.

Average weapon of the Space Marine: Boltgun
Average weapon of the Mobile infantry: flamer, rifle, bombs, missile launcher, etc..

MI > Space Marines.

However, the space marines do have Thunderhawks and those are made of win, so..
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By MB.
Big toy of the Space marine:

Emperor titans?

Average weapon of the Space Marine: Boltgun
Average weapon of the Mobile infantry: flamer, rifle, bombs, missile launcher, etc..

No debate there. Although Space Marines do have jump-packs and handflamers and missiles launchers, etc...

However, the space marines do have Thunderhawks and those are made of win, so..

No argument there ;)
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By Thunderhawk
Emperor titans?

Arent those Imperial Guard?

No debate there. Although Space Marines do have jump-packs and handflamers and missiles launchers, etc...

All of them, at once, standard?

Though, I heard stories that back in the days of Rogue trader Terminators had jump packs and all sorts of weapons aswell.
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By killim
The real question would be which faction you choose. Order or Chaos and then which part, like Ultramarines, Black Templars, Imperial Fists, Blood Angels, Dark Angels or Space Wolves for order or their sub organizations. If i remember correctly between the true Ultramarines and the Mortifactors is a huge difference despite their common origin - not? :D
By Diligent
Space Marines are a fascinating concept, though probably not very realistic.

Unless done with respect to ancient warrior codes and as a chosen demonstration of martial ability (alluding back to the earlier post by Rodion), it seems doubtful to me that interplanetary wars would involve human ground soldiers at all. By the time planetary settlement was advanced enough to allow for war between these republics/colonies/worlds, humanity likely would have harnessed technological abilities that would make the battles in "Starship Troopers" look absolutely primitive and wasteful (amazing in that one Youtube clip how they land the marines on planet with instructions to chaotically charge the enemy en mass with gunpowder weapons that seemingly have no effect on target.)

I think mass driver engines attached to asteroids, nano-swarms, bio-weapons, robots/androids, or some other science fiction method of invasion would be likely have a better chance at being employed first -- though the actual technologies involved in future invasions hundreds or thousands of years are probably unimaginable to thinkers in these current times. I suppose too it would also depend on how much the invaders wanted to preserve the planetary target -- is the purpose of the attack for eventual occupation, or for total annihilation?

Militaries probably would still require garrison troops though to hold onto captured territory, or perhaps expeditionary forces for smaller planetary engagements -- but it seems impractical spending billions and billions of lives attempting to invade another presumably well-fortified planet with human soldiers.

Of course, this is all pure speculation -- which makes it such a fun topic.

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