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By Igor Antunov
You build monuments? So do they, plus this little bit extra. Clearly they go to greater lengths to remember the fallen.

And don't be coy, there were french, british, americans, etc marching in that moscow parade, everybody was in on the act, not just the russians.
By Wolfman
You build monuments? So do they, plus this little bit extra. Clearly they go to greater lengths to remember the fallen.

You don't remember the fallen by glorifying military tradition. You remember the fallen with silence.

And don't be coy, there were french, british, americans, etc marching in that moscow parade, everybody was in on the act, not just the russians.

Do I care?
By Nikita
You don't remember the fallen by glorifying military tradition. You remember the fallen with silence.

Maybe in America. Not in Russia.
By Wolfman
Typhoon wrote:Not strictly true if you export what you parade (which ~95% of the hardware displayed in Moscow), in which case the Victory Day Parades are almost as significant as the the airshow flypasts of MAKS.

I want to make sure I understand what you are you are saying when you say 'export what you parade' before I go on.

Nikita wrote:Maybe in America. Not in Russia.

Oh, right, in Russia you glorify the reason people died as if it's some totally awesome thing that should be done all the time.
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By Typhoon
^ In the context of seeing the BMP in service and trundling down red square is a fantastic free advertisement for Rosoboronexport to an international audience.

Helps undo the damage of idiot Popovkins recent statements, what serious armaments minister blurts out “We very much need to protect our soldiers. Today everyone rides on top of the BMP because no one wants to ride in this ‘coffin.’ We need to make a different vehicle.” I dont know?
By Wolfman
From how you just described it, it seems more like it's about showing off then honoring the dead.
By InterestedInPolitics
Igor has a lack of respect for his potential enemies. If you are a soldier, failing to respect your potential enemies and under-estimating them can cost you dearly. The Victory Parade in Moscow doesn't look like rememberance to me but more about gloating over a victory that happenned in 1945 and dangerously like glorification of the military and war. As was noted by Typhoon, it is also designed to send unique messages to many different audiences, but I don't see rememberance as any message to any of the unique audiences. Parades don't seem to fit too well into the paradigm of rememberance. America has traditionally frowned upon the glorification of the military and war. We have more meaningful ways to remember our war dead and past wars. We don't need a yearly victory day parade to feel good about ourselves as a nation and to know we are militarily strong.
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By Melodramatic
What are they celebrating? the war? that's silly wars aren't much fun.

Maybe they're celebrating not dying in the war? I celebrate not being dead everyday.

Wars shouldn't be celebrated. People died for no good reason. Those who defend you must be honored, but remember that they are not exactly doing gods work. They are doing what is necessary.

Honoring the dead is cool, though, assuming you were not an aggressor. The dead of the aggressor should be mourned (although some are better of dead, most were just patriotic fools), not honored, for it is still a waste of life. I'd still kill them in heartbeat, though .
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By Igor Antunov
Igor has a lack of respect for his potential enemies. If you are a soldier, failing to respect your potential enemies and under-estimating them can cost you dearly. The Victory Parade in Moscow doesn't look like rememberance to me but more about gloating over a victory that happenned in 1945

Because nazi Germany is still a huge threat to russia, careful you don't piss it off! :lol:

Even the germans were present at this anti-german gloating parade.

America has traditionally frowned upon the glorification of the military and war.

You gotta be kidding me. How many films has hollywood spat out honoring their dead heroes in all of the questionable conflicts your military was engaged in? America just does it more potently, though the cinema and other entertainment mediums such as games.

Russians are noobs when it comes to glorifying their military when compared to you. Hell, thanks to your gloating, half the world believes you won ww2 singlehandedly, and of course vietnam was a flawed, but romantic conflict, in which the little villages you napalm are being fried to serene, romantic music in every scene depicting this crime against humanity. The cheek! Showing footage of innocent civilians being burned alive and at the same time spinning it into some romantic humanistic drama. Not only do you gloat, you insult all those you have killed, and then your ideological agents responsible for this claptrap profit at the box office.
By InterestedInPolitics
Igor wrote:Because nazi Germany is still a huge threat to russia, careful you don't piss it off!

Even the germans were present at this anti-german gloating parade.

I wasn't talking about Nazi Germany, I was talking about the United States and your comments which downplay the fighting ability of US troops. The US and Russia do not have to be enemies, but we are not exactly friends. It's not necessarily about avoiding pissing off your potential enemies, but recognizing the fact that your potential enemies are not stupid and can devise effective and crafty ways to defeat you. You also fail to recognize that US troops have fought outnumbered against enemies which had all the advantages with no air support in several battles, yet those same US troops prevailed when the odds were against them.

Igor wrote:You gotta be kidding me. How many films has hollywood spat out honoring their dead heroes in all of the questionable conflicts your military was engaged in? America just does it more potently, though the cinema and other entertainment mediums such as games.

Russians are noobs when it comes to glorifying their military when compared to you. Hell, thanks to your gloating, half the world believes you won ww2 singlehandedly, and of course vietnam was a flawed, but romantic conflict, in which the little villages you napalm are being fried to serene, romantic music in every scene depicting this crime against humanity. The cheek! Showing footage of innocent civilians being burned alive and at the same time spinning it into some romantic humanistic drama. Not only do you gloat, you insult all those you have killed, and then your ideological agents responsible for this claptrap profit at the box office.

Ohh spare me the "russians are noobs when it comes to glorifying their military" line of BS as if Russia is any better than anybody else. The US military did the best they could given the circumstances they were under in Vietnam and the news will more likely report isolated incidents which reflect poorly on the US in a time of war and the reason for this is because bad news creates more ratings and more ratings creates more profits for the people who own the media. An excess of reporting negative isolated incidents creates misperceptions in the minds of people in the US and the rest of the world. In addition, America's adversaries exploit these news reports on negative isolated incidents for propaganda purposes. All the other countless positive things go unreported. Some hollywood movies may or may not glorify the military and war, but the vast majority I have seen come out recently attempt to portray the sufferring in those wars rather than glorify anything or anybody. And since you bring up this "hero" talk, I will say that true heroism, from my experience, almost always goes unrecognized.

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