You believe in UFO? - Politics | PoFo

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By glinert
I attempted posting this in Opinion Polls it was quickly deleted.

You believe in Aliens?

I believe that other intelligent life out there in universe but I unresolved and lean towards thinking against there having visited our planet.
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By Iain

I'm with you on this one. There may well be thousands of intelligent races in our galaxy alone (and there are billions of galaxies) but the distances involved mean it's unlikely any have ever visited us and unlikely we will ever visit them.

If they have, they seem curiously fascinated with rural American folk. UFOs and Space Aliens are to us today exactly what fairies and pixies were a hundred years ago and I've yet to see any half-convincing evidence of a real UFO visiting the Earth.
By Ocker
I'll let this slide, glinert, because this forum doesn't see much activity these days - I just hope there's some serious discussion on extraterrestrial existence, such as above.

Lift your act, nonetheless :p
By Lejonet från Norden
I believe their must be life out there, somewhere. It hasn't visited earth though, as far as I know or believe.
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By Hatred
Lejonet frÃ¥n Norden wrote:I believe their must be life out there, somewhere. It hasn't visited earth though, as far as I know or believe.

Exactly. Why would this intelligent life be more technologically more advanced than us?
By glinert
Who says intelligent life has to be smart?

Maybe there aliens out there who intelligent, but really really stupid in comparison to us.
By Lejonet från Norden
glinert wrote:Who says intelligent life has to be smart?

Maybe there aliens out there who intelligent, but really really stupid in comparison to us.

Maybe they are so intellegent that they ignore us like we ignore ants.
By Sapper
Perhaps their civilization began ten of thousands of years to millions of years before ours did, meaning they'd have a longer time to develope their culture and technology? Perhaps they have methods of communication so precise and advanced that we cannot comprehend them, like us trying to teach a dog to talk?
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By Hatred
Sapper wrote:Perhaps their civilization began ten of thousands of years to millions of years before ours did, meaning they'd have a longer time to develope their culture and technology? Perhaps they have methods of communication so precise and advanced that we cannot comprehend them, like us trying to teach a dog to talk?

But if they live for so much time, which political system do they embrace? Capitalism? I don't see how can a civilization can evolve so much without a cycle of disgrace from time to time. Look what happened to the technology of the roman empire, all gone.
By Lord_Tito
they maybe dont have the deise of nationalism? they maybe didnt have a stop of all reachers for around 1000 by the church?
By Twisted
I will belive in aliens when I see one.

I don't remeber who said it, but it went something the lines of the most accuarte proof to intelligent life in space is that they have not yet made contact. :)
By Garibaldi
Lord_Tito wrote:they maybe dont have the deise of nationalism? they maybe didnt have a stop of all reachers for around 1000 by the church?

I'd say more like two thousand, Archamedyes(sp?) was only a step away from discovering the steam engine. However, you still have several centuries where their was other reason's for our lack of technological discovery.
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By Attila The Nun
I beleive that intelligent life is out there and it has made contact with us. I also believe in the Roswell incident, and that aliens really did visit us that day.
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By Attila The Nun
All that Im saying is that people have come forward which are reputable and said that it was a government cover-up and that UFOs did land there. That, and look how the US government acted. At first, they said there was a UFO, then a higher source came and said "no you didn't". A poorly planned cover-up.
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By saladasalad
Hatred wrote:Look what happened to the technology of the roman empire, all gone.

This is completely wrong. The Romans invented many things - sewers, aqueducts, central heating, odometers, and I'm sure there's many more. If all knowledge was lost around Roman times then we would be in a sorry state right now.

Garibaldi wrote:I'd say more like two thousand, Archamedyes(sp?) was only a step away from discovering the steam engine.

I don't know if Archimedes was a step away from inventing the steam engine but Hero of Alexandria definitely did invent the steam engine around 100 AC, although it was not developed any further for another 1500 years. This does not mean that the knowledge was lost as Hatred was saying.

I believe that there is (intelligent) extraterrestrial life, maybe even in our own solar system (Europa, Mars). The odds against it are just too great. I don't know if they have ever visited Earth but the Roswell case is definitely hiding something interesting (more interesting than a weather balloon).
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By Iain
MosesWasALibertarian wrote:All that Im saying is that people have come forward which are reputable and said that it was a government cover-up and that UFOs did land there. That, and look how the US government acted. At first, they said there was a UFO, then a higher source came and said "no you didn't". A poorly planned cover-up.
Be careful with your sources for Roswell. Pro-alien books and programmes tend to present a very biased view.

A couple of interesting things about Roswell. The eyewitness accounts don't mention aliens until about 20 years after the event, around the time that alien movies were becoming really popular. Also, there was an extensive investigation into Roswell in the 1960s which concluded it was a high altitude balloon.
By glinert
I think that Pope never set back science as far as one man, Socrates.

Socrates beleived that sciencecould be concluded through thought experiemnts alone. THis untrue as we will see trhough recent deiscoveries.
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By Iain
glinert wrote:I think that Pope never set back science as far as one man, Socrates.

Socrates beleived that sciencecould be concluded through thought experiemnts alone. THis untrue as we will see trhough recent deiscoveries.
I don't know. It's not as if anyone else was arguing for experimentation. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle et. al. moved things forward from superstitions and "the gods did it" to supposing that things did have causes beyond that, and that we could in principle figure out what they were. Scientific method developed gradually from then on to the point where, today, we recognise the need for things like double-blinding in medical trials.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I read an intriguing paper by a respected scientist arguing that there is credible theoretical evidence for the 'possibility' of sentient lifeforms that could be composed of completely different matter to what we are composed of.

It was very technical but he suggested that the dark matter we haven't been able to observe yet which makes up most of our universe (98.5%) could exist simultaneously alongside 'normal' or light matter. Anything composed of this fundamentally different medium could occupy the exact same space at the exact same time yet we could never hope to see or make any contact with it because of different fundamental physical principles.
A sort of 'alternate' universe superimposed on our own. :eh:
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By jaakko
UFO = Unidentified Flying Object, it's that simple.

What comes to space aliens, I have no reason to believe such have visited Earth. It's totally irrelevant as of now. But if I were forced to guess, I'd guess that intelligent space aliens haven't visited Earth.

But I'm 100% convinced that there must be some form of life elsewhere in the space. It doesn't matter how far away, there certainly are planets where conditions allow life to develope. Bacteria is life, too. It's also scientifically probable that life has developed somewhere else before Earth, and evolved to the level of conscious beings.

Life isn't something separate from other forms of matter's motion. The main categories of matter's motion (in hierarchical order, evolving from lower to higher) are: physical, chemical, biological, and social (this category includes consciousness). The last two shouldn't be mystified, it's scientifically justified to assume that motion of matter has reached the last two levels somewhere else too. It would require quite extraordinary proof to say why it should stop at the first two outside Earth.[…]

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