Starving Hollywood... - Politics | PoFo

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By QatzelOk
Personal expenses related to Hollywood movies

2000 € 520
2001 € 480
2002 € 540
2003 € 180 .................(invasion of Iraq, March 20)
2004 € 0
2005 € 20
2006 € 0
2007 € 0

In the four-year period since the invasion of Iraq by the US hegemon, I have spent almost zero dollars (thank you, Arab world) on Hollywood products.

In a normal four-year period, I would have spent about € 2000.

I have so far denied Hollywood of € 2000 of funding for their social norm producing products and worldview.

I heard that Spiderman 3 cost over 200 million dollars to produce, and all I could think of was that I have funded none of it with my money. None.

Find some other loser to indoctrinate with your poisonous ideology.

"But Qatzel, how will we find the money to eat?"

Go get another job.
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By Eauz
In fact, even before 2001, I never really was a big spender on movies in general, if they be from Hollywood or elsewhere. One of the reasons is mainly that there are no real good topics or points out there worth watching on the big screen.

Also, when I was living in Japan, movie tickets there are expensive. I think they were ranging between $20 - $25 CAD per person. The first movie I watched there was Baruto no Gakuen which was alright. At the bottom of this page, it tells you a bit about the history of the film. The second movie I watched (another Japanese film) was Death Note: The Last Name, which is just the sequel of the First Death Note. It's pretty much about a notebook which has the power to kill, and decides to rid the world of criminals. I think Vivisekt would like this film.

I guess most of the films I watch are from the TV, so I still end up paying in some way, however I am not much of a person to go see all the movies showing at the theatre.
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By Boondock Saint
You know, neither of you actually matter when it comes to business.

Qatz wrote:Find some other loser to indoctrinate with your poisonous ideology.

Go drink some more Coke, murderer.
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By Shannonnn
I'm not a fan of TV and big-budget movies in the first place. Make me feel dirty.

I go to free movie night on Thursdays. Shitty Troma movies kick all ass.

Yes, Hollywood, for the most part, is disgusting.
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By QatzelOk
How much do YOU spend each year on media products?

How much do YOU spend each year because of media products?
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By Shannonnn
I don't think these questions were necessarily directed towards me, but...
How much do YOU spend each year on media products?
Much less than the average person. I don't watch TV, so no cable bill. I don't buy magazines; I'll read them at the bookstore if I really want to. I never go to movies or buy DVDs. I download music free, illegally. The only venue I use for news and other entertainment is the internet.
How much do YOU spend each year because of media products?
Elaborate. (I'm hungover)
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By QatzelOk
Well, that second question is a bit harder to answer, Shann, and it just may have been rhetorical.

Advertising and product placement have lead you to spend how much of your money in the last four years?

(Hint: you can only find out by quitting media and recording your shopping behavior changes)
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yeah uh so hey there qatz the Media forum probably wasn't intended as a place for you to go ahead and post whatever insane conspiracy theory you want. 1/3 of all the topics here are started by you with some derivative of "The media controls everyone! The Jews!"- type message. Maybe keep it confined to one or two topics a month?

I was kind of wondering if this would happen with this forum, if it would just become a place for wannabee revolutionaries to pat each other on the back and say things like "yes you are correct the media does make people vote Republican!" I mean, there's not too much moderate/conservative voice in here, after the first week of it being opened all of us kind of left once we realize the direction this forum was headed in. It's pretty much just Qatz telling us about the Jews.
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By The Immortal Goon
It's pretty much just Qatz telling us about the Jews.

You and I probably don't agree on much, but when you're right, you're right.

-TIG :|
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By Citizen J
How much do YOU spend each year on media products?

How much do YOU spend each year because of media products?
I purchase a stack of 50 blank DVDs about once per year.

And I seriously doubt anyone will be able to answer the second one. I don't believe anyone is 100% aware of media influence in their decisions. You'd be better off asking a jellyfish what its self awareness feels like.

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