What Media Do You Trust? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Language, bias, ownership, influence; all media related topics.
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Well all media have an editorial bias, and it's always possible
they will outright lie or whitewash for the benefit of their ideology so
my answer is none. There's some I'm willing to read, like The Guardian,
The Independent & Haaretz.

But it wouldn't be logical to 100% endorse any media outlet. we all
have an agenda, including the press.
politically sane wrote:What media do you find trustworthy? Specifically in America but people from other countries are welcome to discuss too. Can you name them?

And what media do you distrust? Can you name them?
Great question! See now I get all these people who yell at me and say that my main choice of news which is the cable news outlet Fox is bias. They say it pushes a agenda on folks who unknowly accept it. That just aint true from my perspective. i'll tell you why. Fox news aligns with my political ideals of God and Country conservatism. I don't just simply align with them. Ive carried these views for sometime now being 32. The GOP is my party so its natural that I would have gravity towards the Fox news station.

The ones I strongly oppose are the ones who claim Fox news is a bias right wing conspiracy. That to me shouldnt be to hard for a fella to see all that liberal bull-vine excrement. The Cnn, Nbc, Abc, Msnbc, all have Cs but there aint nothing to see.
Drudge Report. Matt Drudge simply compiles the news from various sources and allows the reader to decypher what's worthy; the reader becomes the Editor. This angers the dickens out of the left since they can neither control Drudge or tax him. Drudge is also the only media outlet that will report on Palestinian and Islamic terror unlike American and British media that remain rigidly anti-Semitic.
News outlets I trust:

The Young Turks.

The BBC.

Mother Jones Magazine.

Reason Magazine (in regards to national security and civil liberties).

News outlets I don't trust:

Fox News

CNN (more due to incompetence than ideological bias and intellectual dishonesty)

World Net Daily, The Drudge Report, Newsmax, Ultra-Conservative US News Outlets

Alternet (I used to follow them, but their articles became more like baseless fearmongering and personal attacks than substantive journalism)
Generally, I don't trust media, I trust individuals and even then it is what I trust them on that matters.

For instance, I trust Bill O'Reilly to put a spin on anything and everything in his "No Spin Zone".

However, I find Reuters to be very concise and largely value-free.
My mother always told us not to trust any media outlet that lives for money.

If there is a money incentive, then there is no public good incentive or education incentive.
QatzelOk wrote:My mother always told us not to trust any media outlet that lives for money.

If there is a money incentive, then there is no public good incentive or education incentive.

If a journalist is acting more like a sensationalist celebrity than a composed and respectable newsman, it's a good chance that he's making the transformation into a trashy gossip columnist.

Which sadly, is what passes for a lot of news in the US today.
I don't trust any media. I just take it for what it is and move on. I usually follow BBC news for news in America though.
I really struggle with the US media, since the profit motive seems to inspire heavy partisanship (people would prefer to have their held opinions validated rather than going through the trouble of processing information on their own). The whole thing scares me a little, since it seems to encourage people to become more deeply entrenched in their opinions rather than challenging them or encouraging debate, but I might just be kind of an alarmist

Just as an interesting side note, the Media and Public Opinion Research Group did a survey of where Americans source their news (http://www.mpopost.com/?p=828) and found that over a third get most of their news from cable TV, which I'd say is generally the most biased source. But a lot of people do seem to trust it.
Well Jon Stewart's Daily Show is quite popular.
Because he tells the truth and attacks bias, with
a comedial flick
Eesti Ekspress

Both Estonian newspapers that I am willing to read. Eesti Ekspress has very good content and seems generally very trustworthy. Not so sure about Postimees because sometimes it has bad articles.
Commercial newswire services are pretty good for factual accuracy.

However facts by themselves are literally meaningless - no conclusions can be drawn from facts outside of a particular analytic framework. Here's where you need to be careful. I recommend trying to subject facts to your own analysis rather than relying on an echo chamber of simpatico media.

I also highly recommend testing your analysis against the most intelligent and insightful exponents of views you don't share. Along those lines I would recommend The American Conservative.

Other media I have found useful:

Crooked Timber
Macroeconomic Resilience
NESS (Non-Equilibrium Social Science)
Open Mind
Open Operations Forum
Stock-Flow Consistent Economics
I dont trust any media, at all, ever.

When I encounter an issue that I care about what I try and do is read about it from multiple perspectives before forming a general opinion.

For raw news I just go to any News site such as CNN or BBC, Reuters or the New York Times, Huffington Post, The Guardian and papers and radio stations from my neck of the woods.

Generally Trustworthy English News Sources for me would be:

The Real New Network

The Young Turks

AsiaTimes (Pepe Escobar)
Cenk Uygur is the Progressive's version of Glenn Beck. His analysis is anything but original.
Yes he is an uncompromising leftard, but at least I dont get the feeling that he's in it for the money. They do champion good causes such as getting Lobbying money out of US politics for one.
Travesty wrote:They do champion good causes such as getting Lobbying money out of US politics for one.
Noble but, perhaps, naive.
Reuters and The Daily Show.

Reuters because I find them the most unbiased and The Daily Show because its nice to laugh at the news-makers and their stupidity.

My TV is generally on CNN...which for me is an exercise in "reading between the lines". Which is what one has to do on CNN and indeed most news media stations. However, I do find Fareed Zakaria intelligent, insightful and generally unbiased. Wolf Blizer though? Not so much...

What I do NOT like is outright lies.
Thus I only change the channel to FOX when I need a good laugh.

There is a Canuck right-wing channel that's not as "polluted" as Fox.
Its called "Sun News".
Check it out...they can be a bit annoying to the senses...but do try to be truthful at least.

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