Kramer and the "N" word - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By Zyx
RancidWannaRiot wrote:they didn't deserve to be born in shitty conditions, but it's PROBABLY their fault they didn't make it out as I did, and as many people (Black and Hispanic) I know did. this is a case by case situation really.

This is a good opinion to carry. :roll:

Ibid. wrote:exactly, not really me too.

I would not be so sure.

Ibid. wrote:I just occasionally use it within my group of friends..

I know, your friends that would qualify as N-words to you, right?

Kramer was being observant, was not he?

Ibid. wrote:you can learn a lot when you're not looking to learn as well. (i.e. just having random conversation with people)

I converse to learn many times, but I can see your point.

Ibid. wrote:I'm not sure what you mean by "Rock just knows the language," mind elaborating?

Like I know the word Asian but I do not really believe in it.

Ibid. wrote:either way, i don't see myself as racist.

Can't fix a problem without knowing you have one, right?
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By Rancid
I know, your friends that would qualify as N-words to you, right?

no.. like i said.. when it's used within my friends, and when i see other people using it within their friends the negative racial connotation isn't implied with it. Now, i would agree with you, that even then, we should work on not using the word because of it's horrible horrible history.

Kramer was being observant, was not he?

well, he was just pissed off, so he figured the best way to piss them off back was to use the word. I guess he was observant of their skin color, and i agree it was the dumbest thing he could have done. but it doesn't outright make him a racist. He could genuinely be racist, but this incident alone, doesn't prove it one way or the other for me

I'm not sure how you can get humanity to stop noticing someone's skin color, or appearance, or the language they are speaking. The act of noticing someone is "black" looking, or "white" looking, or "asian" looking, or "hispanic" looking.. etc.. etc. doesn't make you racist off the bat. Having prejudices about any of these is what makes you racist.

Can't fix a problem without knowing you have one, right?

right back at you. ;)

Like I know the word Asian but I do not really believe in it.

yea, i see that you would like to remove any kind of racial labeling like Asian, or Hispanic or whatever... but it ain't gonna happen. Unfortunately people like to identify with a group. whether it's by race, religion, sexual orientation.. etc.. etc.

I'm not sure how you would "believe" in a single word anyway.
By Zyx
RancidWannaRiot wrote:well, he was just pissed off, so he figured the best way to piss them off back was to use the word.

TMZ wrote: . . .
The camera started rolling just as Richards began his attack, screaming at one of the men, "Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a f***ing fork up your ass."

Richards continued, "You can talk, you can talk, you're brave now motherf**ker. Throw his ass out. He's a N*****! He's a N*****! He's a N*****! A N*****, look, there's a N*****!"

The crowd is visibly and audibly confused and upset. Richards responds by saying, "They're going to arrest me for calling a black man a N*****."
. . .


I think you should watch the video . . .

Ibid. wrote:yea, i see that you would like to remove any kind of racial labeling like Asian, or Hispanic or whatever... but it ain't gonna happen. Unfortunately people like to identify with a group. whether it's by race, religion, sexual orientation.. etc.. etc.

You have your wisdoms, I'll admit, but do not try to be sagacious about a subject you likely only learned through Fox News.

Ibid. wrote:I'm not sure how you would "believe" in a single word anyway.

The concept; the concept of Asian . . . that is I do not believe that there is such a group but rather it is an illusion.

Many years back, such abstracts as skin color were not considered and especially not grouped. Those years can return yet.
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By Rancid
"Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a f***ing fork up your ass."

HOLY SHIT.. i forgot about that line.. that's pretty bad.

You have your wisdoms, I'll admit, but do not try to be sagacious about a subject you likely only learned through Fox News.

i don't watch faux news

The concept; the concept of Asian . . . that is I do not believe that there is such a group but rather it is an illusion.

Many years back, such abstracts as skin color were not considered and especially not grouped. Those years can return yet.

I wouldn't be opposed to getting rid of labels like asian, or black, or whatever.. i just don't think it will happen.. not in our lifetimes anyway.

In what years was skin color not considered?

Just a thought... Grouping terms like Asian or Hispanic, etc. really erase the cultural differences between the people that fall into these groups. I fall into the group of Hispanic, but culturally, I'm very different from say a Mexican person, or a Nicaraguan person.

I would say that it really doesn't matter that we're culturally different in the grand scheme of life, but we can't deny that we aren't different though, just as you and I have differing opinions.

So, if we ideally would rather not label anyone anything in any way. what would be better? Calling a Mexican, Mexican, and a Nicaraguan Nicaraguan, or just calling them both Hispanic? Which would be a step in the direction of removing labels?
By Zyx
RancidWannaRiot wrote:. that's pretty bad.


Ibid. wrote:i don't watch faux news

I know, you watch FOX news. :p

Not but seriously, you may as well.

It's like the gadgeteer with twenty flat screen TVs and 30 computers boasting about not buying the IPhone . . . the bloke may as well, yunno?

Ibid. wrote:not in our lifetimes anyway.

Well, the old adage is "one step . . ."

Ibid. wrote:In what years was skin color not considered?

Probably before Blumenbach was born. You should read his Wikipedia article, last I read it, it was heartwarming.

It may still be, who knows.

Ibid. wrote:Which would be a step in the direction of removing labels?

Here is a story. My younger brother had earlier been accused of being a "racist" by my eldest brother and I, but later on in the day when my eldest was making remarks upon his damaged skin on his fist, he recounted the tale that earned him the scar. And it went like how he got it from punching a Puerto Rican.

I was thrown aback, and cented that I was displeased to hear such a description, as if his attack were nearly centered on the notion of the attacked being Puerto Rican. Fortunately it was not, but I would have preferred that he had used the simple adjective of "Person."

Would you agree?

Well that is the same here. Calling a Mexican and Mexican is no good, nor is calling a Mexican Hispanic.

I say, it is no worse to call a person the n-word than it is to call that person black IMO. Indeed, with my rather "racist" Chinese friend, I do refer to her as the one-syllable "ch***" for the reason that it is the exact same word that she would like to be referred to as. History schmistory, I would much rather a person be called a person; any "that person is a other" is always "racist."

To you, is there a difference between a white person and a black person?

I think to you, that there obviously is one.

As per your request I will further elaborate on "language", to me, I would acknowledge that a person can be grouped as white and that another can be grouped as black, but I do not think anything of the groups . . . I just not oblivious to the consideration. Racists, however, would think that there is a difference . . . for instance, Kramer clearly had his tyrade aimed toward people who were different than "whites" or your circle of friends, clearly have their views on people who are different than "whites."

I'd call those friends racist and ignorant; innocuously racist, sure, but not the group to share a cup of tea with.

You have mentioned that you are quitting the word enough; it does not matter, in your heart of hearts you believe in a difference.
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By Oxymoron
To you, is there a difference between a white person and a black person

Obviusly their are many differences or the Sociology wouldnt be a science. Cultures are different, Biology is different unless you dont believe in evolution.
By Zyx
I hope RancidWannaRiot will learn from your display . . . golly gee willickers Oxymoron, I am supposed to agree with you this week . . . maybe you should not post in a thread where your inane reasoning should be one that I, in a decent manner, back up.

Regardless, my commitment is to when you start before me, not after.

But I suppose some fool may take to heart your blathering, and so I will adventure towards its debunkment and pray it enough for those atop fences.

By person, I mean by what one considers a person . . . that is, one's value of the issue.

Also, I would not say "cultures" are different as I believe each one of us has our own culture . . . for instance, Oxymoron and Kumatto share the culture of internet forums and are . . . from Brooklyn, but I am a feminist and you are . . . something. Point is, humans are more complicated than
"group culture" let's off.

As to Biology; this is not a notion one should take to heart in such a scenario as the a white person and a black person . . . to me I would say biology separates them from other animals (though I do not believe that much) but not from one another. To elaborate on the paranthesis, like other environmentalist (group culture--but to give credit), we find the manner of treating "others" in the Animal Kingdom analogous to and influential upon how we treat "others" in the Human Kingdom; or at least I heard a friend's opinion go like that, and I agreed before that as well.

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