Anthropological Effect of Recorded History - Politics | PoFo

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"Ads are the cave art of the 20th Century"
-Marshall McLuhan

Will recorded history provide insight into the illusion of today?

Post-electric civilization will have access to the unfolding process of social-biological evolution through the internet and its recorded history. How strange, familiar, and perhaps absurd, would it be to browse youtube videos from 250AD or 500BC? Will recorded history unveil a hidden anthropological pattern, and will human evolution become a sitcom for tomorrow's entertainment? Yesterday will always look primitive because the 4th dimension creates the illusion of sequential happening. Today, The 90s feel primitive, and its technology will support its primitive 'look.' Technologies of yesterday distort the appearance of regular people. People must think and believe they're on the 'cutting edge' of 'things' because their experience is limited by being entangled inside the present moment. As we exist through this present moment, we become tomorrow's content, knowingly and unknowingly participating in the evolution of mankind.

How absurd will today look in 100-200-500 years? How fast can we obsolesce yesterday's perception? Will full-spectrum surveillance and recorded history change our perception of human evolution?

Lastly, if invention/discovery is born out of necessity, wouldn't necessity be a response to the space-time information loop as we interface within the NOW? Is human necessity a side-effect of today being enfolded inside one cosmic teleological unfolding? Our mobility may be limited by motility, just ask a tree, its freewill revolves around soaking up the sun.

Can we extract hidden parables from time-lapse photography? Our understanding of flowers can change once we have access to their past-present-future through a high definition camera lens. Will this kind of kaleidoscopic awareness change our understanding of human evolution?

Last edited by RhetoricThug on 20 Aug 2017 19:04, edited 4 times in total.
One Degree wrote:'Necessity' as a cattle prod to keep us headed in the right direction?
Death as a cattle prod to keep us headed in a direction. I'm not sure if we can label any direction the right or wrong direction, because 'direction' breaks down once you start deconstructing phenomena. Necessity would be the interpretation of relativity. However, relativity is only relative to living phenomena, because living things actively exist in a state of perpetual interplay with the WHOLE of BEING. Therefore, our definition of the right direction would be a human direction limited by dimensional entanglement. For instance, does a man go up a mountain or does a mountain go down a man? The answer is relative to perspective, the idea of progress is established after the process or interplay of 'being,' and that is why the light bulb was groundbreaking in 1879 and quantum teleportation is groundbreaking today (the word groundbreaking suggests a break in the environment and a transformation of habitat). Necessity must be relative to the depth of field. Technology as an extension of the human organism changes the depth of field. Perhaps dimensional depth goes deeper than the human experience. How does 'direction' tie into multidimensional happening? The internet/information age will create a new depth of field for the human experience.
I ask you, what is the anthropological effect of recorded history as a new form of information infrastructure?

People easily dismiss history in pursuit of today's wants. From what I see, it is driving us insane. We accept the pictures and discard all inconvenient truth. We appear to choose the fantasy over the reality. I think we have already invented more than most can handle, so they just pick a convenient fantasy and ignore everything else. Information overload seems to have serious consequences.

Edit: one picture on the internet is now a more valid argument than a Phd in the field.
One Degree wrote:People easily dismiss history in pursuit of today's wants.
True, 'want' is the bane of civilized man. To control the impulse of 'want' is to understand what you 'need' in your life. And you know what they say, we learn from history that we do not learn from history. Such an unfortunate state of mind can be manufactured, but it is also a natural feature of general ignorance. Perhaps the profane masses may pursue history if it's packaged through a video streaming service. Would people watch the fall of Rome if we could make it instantly available 24/7 through a stream? That is where we're going with post-electric history. More and more things will 'go online' and recorded history will be like time-lapse photography.

What happens when you reverse engineer time-lapse photography?
From what I see, it is driving us insane. We accept the pictures and discard all inconvenient truth. We appear to choose the fantasy over the reality.
Yes, how convenient it must be for the general populace to dismiss the true history of man. I think you 'hit the nail on the head,' people really try to believe in human mythos despite living in one self-evident, objective, biological environment (Earth). The human imagination and its intellect invent the illusion of separation, and I'm determined to find out if such neuro-cognitive conditions can be cured. I strongly believe in the education of perception, we need to teach the masses how to think, not what to think. The trickle down indoctrination system/compartmentalized noosphere (structured realm of human thought) will not work in the future, because human information will become the human condition as we transcend natural selection through our technologies and intelligently guide our own evolution.

I think we have already invented more than most can handle, so they just pick a convenient fantasy and ignore everything else. Information overload seems to have serious consequences.
Sure, I shall reiterate- information abundance creates apathy. Also, information abundance can be weaponized and highly focused, it may 'dilate' the pupils of extremism and imprint extreme forms of pattern recognition (hence conspiracy theories and political radicalism). Right now we're going through 'growing pains' because we're living in a post-internet world (new technologies shake up old environments). Changes in the information environment restructure our human domain. When the pentagon spider unleashed the internet and decided to weave its web around the planet, did the cryptocracy consider the biological consequence? Is it cataclysmic, or geo-political strategy for the technotronic era? The masses, sub-tribes of empire, roam the noosphere jungle hunting for information, they're not interested in deconstructing or examining the jungle they play in, so they spend their time filling space with tribal distraction, trinkets, #symbolsigns, war (obviously war and tribal conflict must be encouraged because capitalism as an operating system uses war as a population/profit processor), etc. The scientific priest class that continues to use pre-electronic classification (secrecy, knowledge=power) to organize space-time is now in a race with other scientific priests for 'full-spectrum' dominance of human systems. I'm not worried about tribal conflict, because I think it's a normalized feature of conventional diplomacy. Eventually, information abundance will numb 'tribal awareness,' and the illusion of separation will break down and dialogue will be unified (tribal conflict shall exhaust itself). However, I am worried about the full-spectrum dominance of our mind body and soul.

My question- who will control the noosphere and run consciousness dynamics?

one picture on the internet is now a more valid argument than a Phd in the field.
Sure, but the the university system is a militarized racket. With the internet, education is instantaneous and everywhere. I think changes in the field will outpace the knowledge in the class-room, and the Prussian model of compulsory public education will need to be abolished. University is obsolete, we keep it around for social engineering and the cherry picking of human talent/intelligence.
Last edited by RhetoricThug on 22 Aug 2017 05:12, edited 3 times in total.
Thanks. I did not like my pessimistic version. My posts have been too negative lately. You seem to still be able to maintain an optimistic outlook despite seeing what is happening. Something we should all do since the alternative is not beneficial. Bring back the love. ;)
I'm not an advocate for 'amusing ourselves to death,' but I think the internet is really good at occupying/managing thought/mood dynamics. For instance, people say 'go online, you can find everything online,' and that is a good thing because it offers a vast array of niche activities inside our noosphere. Obscure interests are now instantly available. In-fact, had the internet been created under a socioeconomic system other than capitalism, it wouldn't be as free as it is today. See, the internet as an early-telepathic building set shall augment the ecology of 'being,' and as it bridges various non-local gaps, we will have an instant archive to study and it should help us better understand human ecology. :)
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