The Age of Persuasion - Politics | PoFo

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By QatzelOk

I just discovered this series of radio podcasts, produced by CBC, and was excited about listing to them.

It's an exploration of the impact that marketing/advertising/branding has had on the last century of humanity, especially in the USA.

The Age of Persuasion explores the countless ways marketers permeate your life, from media, art, and language, to politics, religion, and fashion.

I listened to two episodes but I won't be listening to any more. I was hoping this "educational" podcast would be a critique of the Modern mass-behaviorist project that is public opinion management. But instead, it's a nostalgic celebration of the worst kind of propaganda to come out of capitalist societies.

The host even states, matter-of-factly, that only dummies can get "fooled" by advertising. In my opinion, this makes the show de-educational: it might actually remove some logical thoughts that might be lodged in your head.
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By QatzelOk
Yes, sept, but at least the Mermaid "documentary" is clearly false.

The "Age of Persuasion" documentary is made in a style that will fool millions into thinking that it includes true, scientific information. But in reality, it's just celebrity fluff masking itself as a doc to win over some eye-time.

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