Las Vegas was an inside job - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
The government wants to take away our right to bear arms, and what better way to do this than by orchestrating the largest mass shooting in all of US history? Now everyone is calling for gun control. This is just what they want. As soon as they take away our guns they will have us right in the palms of their hands. Then our country will be finished. We can't let that happen.
They didn't need to orchestrate an event as one happens almost daily. It's not going to do anything of consequence, so assuming it's a false flag operation, is a bit presumptuous.

This "government is out to get you" mentality is pretty silly. Is fear-mongering so absolutely out of control that Americans fear their neighbours?

Many other countries have gun control, and you know what? They aren't finished. Far from it, they simply have less gun-related deaths.

I hate to say this, but Americans are turning out to be a rather cowardly lot. They fear ISIS, when less Americans die from them than from falling out of bed. They fear guns being taken away, when no one is even suggesting such a thing. Gun control is not gun ban.

Where does it end?
Agent Steel wrote:The government wants to take away our right to bear arms,

No they don't.

Agent Steel wrote:and what better way to do this than by orchestrating the largest mass shooting in all of US history? about by just repealing the second amendment?

Agent Steel wrote:Now everyone is calling for gun control.

No they aren't.

Agent Steel wrote:As soon as they take away our guns they will have us right in the palms of their hands.

The US military is the most powerful the world has ever seen. They have so many leftover tanks that they give them to the police. If "they" wanted to oppress you, they already have more than enough tools.

Agent Steel wrote:Then our country will be finished.


Agent Steel wrote:We can't let that happen.

What are you going to do?
Now everyone is calling for gun control.

The same people call for gun control who always do, not even country music fans got affected by this.

Then our country will be finished.

Don't worry, your country will be finished as the most armed nation in history.
Sorry, but that's just conspiratorial and paranoid ramblings. Hardly anything will come of the incident in Vegas. They'll probably ban bump stocks, and that's about it.
Had to have been multiple shooters with fully automatic weapons firing on the crowd from different locations. There are too many gun nuts that are not buying it.

Also, cameras everywhere and there are only two photos of this goofy boomer who is said to have carried out this impossible shooting all by himself. One is from like 30 years ago and the other is conveniently with his eyes closed.

There would have been stockpiles of film and video of this guy in the casinos and hotels.

It's not about getting the guns as much as it is getting in backscatter machines and ramping up the surveillance state/control grid.

Weird that President Trump is keeping silent. They story has also fallen apart so it may be a failure in terms of a achieving its intended goals.
The Immortal Goon wrote:There doesn't always have to be meaning in this kind of shit.

There's zero evidence of anything coming from the media's official account. Nothing. They can't even keep their own timeline straight.

I'll wait for the stock pile of photos and videos of this goofy boomer that have to exist. Until then, I am under no obligation to believe this horseshit.
maz wrote:There's zero evidence of anything coming from the media's official account. Nothing. They can't even keep their own timeline straight.

I'll wait for the stock pile of photos and videos of this goofy boomer that have to exist. Until then, I am under no obligation to believe this horseshit.

This is the post-modernist feeling-mongers' place, I guess. Since you have such strong feelings that something about reality is wrong, you have no choice but to see what kind of elaborate conspiracy theory can force reality to conform to those big feels of yours.

Such is the current state of the rightwing...
Speculating a possible implication is not evidence of anything, and it would at best should be held at a distance of a reserved plausibility. Basically, there's a big fucking gap between, this event leads the government to want to ark up gun control laws and the government orchestrated the thing. One which isn't being filled with much other than pretty much asking, what if? And then confirming one's own suspicions by saying, it's got to be true because it makes sense to me.
Authorities have changed the story/timeline for the third time. I’m actually quite inclined to believe this incident was very real from the sheer disorganization of it all.

Edit : the PR aftermath disorganization, not the act. That was very organized.
Agent Steel wrote:But just think about it...everything falls into place perfectly. The timing could not be any better. You have to be blind not to see that the government is fully behind this.

Do you think Trump was behind this? I would disagree with your logic, but if it means that his right-wing nutjobs abandon him for their right to bare arms, then I fully support this theory. :lol:
I have a friend in Las Vegas and he says the whole city [citation needed] thinks it was an ISIS plot that the Feds were somehow trying to co-opt or control, either as part of a counter-terrorism investigation that became bungled or something much more sinister. At any rate, people think the government will inevitably hide something about this event, which leaves much to the imagination as to what really happened. Even if we accept that it was just a classic rampage killing, the incompetence of the LVPD and FBI will guarantee that the shooting will have a conspiracy industry revolving around it for years to come.
It's hard to imagine it was ISIS and they can keep it secret. If it had been ISIS, Trump would be totally furious and couldn't stop tweeting about it. He would have ordered a massive counter-strike as well, which would have been fully covered by the media of course.
Alex Jones said that he has sources who say there is ISIS evidence, but we aren't allowed to see it - whatever. Just like there must be gigabytes of CCTV footage of this goofy boomer going in and out the various hotels and casinos, but they only show us two photo stills.


It is a good thing that the Las Vegas sheriff says that there is no conspiracy between the police and the FBI to cover anything up, or else people would be getting awful suspicious right now.

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