George Soros and radical groups - Politics | PoFo

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George Soros, the infamous billionaire behind Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and most of the other radical liberal groups in this country, has recently been unmasked. An official petition, started on a .gov website, has already gotten nearly 50,000 signatures to declare him a terrorist.

Over the years, Soros has used his massive wealth to push a liberal agenda and organize terrorists and protesters. Here are a few of his “achievements,” if you can call them that, over the past 20 years.

Organizations that accuse America of violating the civil rights and liberties of many of its residents:

The Arab American Institute impugns many of the “sweeping” and “unreasonable” post-9/11 counterterrorism measures that have unfairly “targeted Arab Americans.”

The Bill of Rights Defense Committee has persuaded the political leadership in more than 400 American cities and counties to pledge noncompliance with the anti-terrorism measure known as the Patriot Act, on grounds that the legislation tramples on people’s civil liberties.

Organizations that depict America as a nation whose enduring racism must be counterbalanced by racial and ethnic preferences in favor of nonwhites:

The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund calls itself “the nation’s leading Latino legal civil rights organization.”

The Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law provides “legal services to address racial discrimination.”

The NAACP and its Legal Defense and Educational Fund uses “litigation, advocacy, and public education” to promote “structural changes” and “achieve racial justice in the United States”

The National Council of La Raza charges that “discrimination severely limits the economic and social opportunities available to Hispanic Americans.”

Organizations that specifically portray the American criminal-justice system as racist and inequitable:

The Sentencing Project asserts that prison-sentencing patterns discriminate against nonwhites, and seeks “to reduce the reliance on incarceration.”

Critical Resistance contends that crime stems from “inequality and powerlessness,” which can be rectified through wholesale redistribution of wealth.

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights charges that criminal laws “are enforced in a manner that is massively and pervasively biased.”

Organizations that call for massive social change, and for the recruitment and training of activist leaders to help foment that change:

The Center for Community Change is “dedicated to finding the [progressive] stars of tomorrow and preparing them to lead.”

The Gamaliel Foundation teaches social-change “techniques and methodologies.”

The Ruckus Society promotes “nonviolent direct action against unjust institutions and policies.”

The American Institute for Social Justice aims to “transform poor communities” by agitating for increased government spending on social-welfare programs.

The Institute for America’s Future “regularly convenes and educates progressive leaders, organizations, candidates, opinion makers, and activists.”

People for the American Way, founded by television producer Norman Lear to opposethe allegedly growing influence of the “religious right,” seeks “to cultivate new generations of leaders and activists” who will promote “progressive values.”

Democracy For America operates an academy that has taught more than 10,000 recruits nationwide how to “focus, network, and train grassroots activists in the skills and strategies to take back our country.”

The Midwest Academy trains radical activists in the tactics of direct action, confrontation, and intimidation. Author Stanley Kurtz has described this academy as a “crypto-socialist organization” that was “arguably the most influential force in community organizing from the seventies through the nineties.”

Organizations that disparage capitalism while promoting a dramatic expansion of social-welfare programs funded by ever-escalating taxes:

The Center for Economic and Policy Research asserts that “the welfare state has softened the impact” of “the worst excesses and irrationalities of a market system” and its “injustices.”

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities advocates greater tax expenditures on such assistance programs as Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, food stamps, and low-income housing initiatives.

The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights was founded by the revolutionary communist Van Jones. This anti-poverty organization claims that “decades of disinvestment in our cities,” coupled with America’s allegedly imperishable racism, have “led to despair and homelessness.”

The Emma Lazarus Fund: In 1996 George Soros said he was “appalled” by the recently signed welfare-reform law that empowered states to limit legal immigrants’ access to public assistance. In response to this “mean-spirited attack on immigrants,” he launched an Open Society Foundations project known as the Emma Lazarus Fund and endowed it with $50 million.

Soros has spent billions of dollars laying the groundwork for social disorder, and believe me, this is just the tip of the iceberg. This man is a threat to all of Western Civilization, and has openly declared that he HATES America and wants to destroy it from within.

If this man is allowed to continue his sick agenda, and is allowed to pass his wealth down to his children who also plan on doing so, expect groups like #BLM, Antifa, and CAIR to continue popping up all over the United States.

George Soros is a traitor of the worst kind, and with President Trump in office, now is finally our chance to throw this man in prison and end his corrupt legacy of terror. This petition MUST reach every single patriot in this great nation, otherwise, in a few years time, we may not have this chance to end Soros and his leftist organizations ever again. ... share-now/
Petition Asks Donald Trump To Declare George Soros A Terrorist

The above video also has an interview with George Soros about his history.

List of 200 American Organizations Funded by Liberal Extremist George Soros

Maybe he realised the roots of the problem as most parents do with their children? They watch too much shite on YouTube and television! I could absolutely believe that Trump actually needs a father figure like General Kelly to guide him through the presidency like that. :lol:
Beren wrote:Maybe he realised the roots of the problem as most parents do with their children? They watch too much shite on YouTube and television! I could absolutely believe that Trump actually needs a father figure like General Kelly to guide him through the presidency like that. :lol:

These anti-Trump protesters supported by George Soros need father figures:

Anti-Trump protesters clash with Trump supporters outside of the Trump rally in St. Louis.

Reporters talk to Anti-Trump protesters at a Trump Rally in Eugene, Oregon.

Anti-Trump agitators fight with D.C. Police at Inauguration, throw bricks, hit with flash bangs

Hindsite wrote:These anti-Trump protesters supported by George Soros need father figures:

But they don't mean to be presidents at least.

Now I tend to believe Trump is a never-grown-up child watching shite on YouTube and television too much and being reckless without parental supervision.
Beren wrote:But they don't mean to be presidents at least.

Now I tend to believe Trump is a never-grown-up child watching shite on YouTube and television too much and being reckless without parental supervision.

Trump seems to have done a good job in parenting his own children. Perhaps, he needs to calm down an get more than 4 hours of sleep a night. Of course, with a wife like he has, that might not be likely for awhile. HalleluYah.
Hindsite wrote:Trump seems to have done a good job in parenting his own children. Perhaps, he needs to calm down an get more than 4 hours of sleep a night. Of course, with a wife like he has, that might not be likely for awhile. HalleluYah.

Sure, his sons are dumb assholes. Do you think they still have sex with Melania? Does she live in the White House btw.? She's not a young harlot anymore anyways. If he can't sleep enough it's because he can't stop watching shite on YouTube and TV like a child.
Beren wrote:Sure, his sons are dumb assholes. Do you think they still have sex with Melania? Does she live in the White House btw.? She's not a young harlot anymore anyways. If he can't sleep enough it's because he can't stop watching shite on YouTube and TV like a child.

No he does not watch YouTube. He goes to and I can't imagine that he would not spend some time at night doing his thing with his beautiful sexy wife. That is not a child thing. That is an alpha male thing. Praise the Lord.
Hindsite wrote:No he does not watch YouTube. He goes to and I can't imagine that he would not spend some time at night doing his thing with his beautiful sexy wife. That is not a child thing. That is an alpha male thing. Praise the Lord.

You may envy him for Melania because she's been not your wife for more than a decade. :lol: In my opinion Trump really needs the best prostitutes in the world to have erection, and Melania just doesn't really attract him sexually anymore, as well as she doesn't love him that much either. Trump watches lots of cable news, and General Kelly had to block him from watching Infowars according to the video you posted to make his presidency less childish and idiotic.
Beren wrote:You may envy him for Melania because she's been not your wife for more than a decade. :lol: In my opinion Trump really needs the best prostitutes in the world to have erection, and Melania just doesn't really attract him sexually anymore, as well as she doesn't love him that much either. Trump watches lots of cable news, and General Kelly had to block him from watching Infowars according to the video you posted to make his presidency less childish and idiotic.

But TIG, the decider-in-chief on here, has decided that the blocking of Trump by General Kelly is not true, but only a conspiracy theory, because it was reported by Alex Jones of InfoWars. There seems to be no evidence that Trump ever watched InfoWars in the first place. So TIG may be right on that one.
Hindsite wrote:But TIG, the decider-in-chief on here, has decided that the blocking of Trump by General Kelly is not true, but only a conspiracy theory, because it was reported by Alex Jones of InfoWars. There seems to be no evidence that Trump ever watched InfoWars in the first place. So TIG may be right on that one.

Sure, he has to do something to prevent you from spamming North America with videos of Alex Jones and other crazies.
Beren wrote:Sure, he has to do something to prevent you from spamming North America with videos of Alex Jones and other crazies.

Alex Jones is funny. Not as funny as Jerry Lewis, but he is dead.
Personally, I don't think it's very helpful to make George Soros this boogieman where we pin all the chaos soley on this one individual.

It kind of reminds me of when liberals used to try and say that the Koch Brothers were controlling the US Congress and everything else just because they funded a few libertarian groups and once influential thinktanks. Notice now that Trump got elected, they don't even talk about them anymore.

That being said, I am sure that he is involved in some way through his foundations, but I think that the people running these foundations are doing much of the facilitating in terms of how much of his money goes where.

Soros will be gone soon and then what? His foundations, which are the true cancers, will still be there.

And Alex Jones totally goes overboard in claiming that Soros is trying to overthrow Israel and give it to "the Islamists" when it's probably just one Jewish mafia in Israel trying to overthrow another, Netanyahu's mafia by getting him on corruption charges.

I might suggest using Muckety to try and find more smoking guns to see if his foundations can be directly tied to any of the chaos that is currently going on in America.
maz wrote:It kind of reminds me of when liberals used to try and say that the Koch Brothers were controlling the US Congress and everything else just because they funded a few libertarian groups and once influential thinktanks. Notice now that Trump got elected, they don't even talk about them anymore.

I'm sure the Koch brothers are more influential than Soros, in Congress especially, with House Speaker Ryan as their protege.
maz wrote:Personally, I don't think it's very helpful to make George Soros this boogieman where we pin all the chaos soley on this one individual.

Personally, I think George Soros is the main source of funding for these radical left-wing hate groups in America.

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