White Genocide is Underway - Page 20 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
Ter wrote:The argument is valid but there are counter arguments:For instance, the offspring of interracial marriages will have unique histocompatibility combinations, making organ donations almost impossible. Mixed children of course have identity problems also.
Those arguments are easily countered. Scientists are working on multiple venues to custom grow orangs tailored to the patient. If this research says on track, we could resolve the problem of organ donations in the near future.
Second, identity problems are much more a function of the world we live in where race is overemphasized, and it is taboo to tamper with tradition. My half siblings are Jewish and Asian, but since there is less stigma against either of those than say, Blacks, they freely identify with both sides.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Or we could just let people date and have kids with whomever they choose to have kids with, and not really care.

Why is this such an insane concept to some people. No of course we should keep white people white, be damned who the white person in question actually loves.
@Prosthetic Conscience I'm serious. A soviet scientist tried to make humanzees during the interwar period by trying to impregnate female chimps with human semen. It didn't work, most primarily because our chromosome numbers and some areas of the genome don't line up properly. If we split chromosome 2 so a human karyotype is identical to a chimp one, a cross *could* work (But I would not be willing to bet anything on it). The soviets said they funded the project to demonstrate the invalidity of religion and promote Soviet science, but lets be honest. Everyone knows that ol' Joe wanted an army of humanzees because what else could you possibly want?

Right-wing members DO NOT READ (probably not safe for liberals either come to think of
it). This is not completely /s (only the parts that are labeled accordingly are /s)

@The rest of you guys how did a conversation on interracial marriage descend into dating related insults... ill never understand dating. I much rather have a cup of coffee and plot white genocide with a girl or guy or someone else than go out with them to... wait did I just let that slip? Anyways, if I was forced choose someone based on their appearance (NOT PERSONALITY this is completely hypothetical because I don't care too much about appearance when choosing a date. Then again I don't date period so just read past this) I would probably pick the non-white person -- I just don't find white people attractive in general. Oh, I should probably stop -- I probably triggered a bunch of white apologetics.
I used to date white girls only because those were my peers. Now that I have a job I realize the most attractive girls are Asian or hispanic because they are the hardest workers. I like to date someone that is motivated and knows what they want though, whatever the race.
MememyselfandIJK wrote:(yes I am promoting interracial marriage)

Go to Israel and propose there the marriage of Jews with non-Jews.

They will kick your ass and call you an "anti-Semite".

BTW, environmentalists are against out-breeding and interbreeding, because this destroys the diversity.

In-breeding and out-breeding can both lead to lower fitness of the progeny.

In biology, outbreeding depression is when progeny resulting from crosses between genetically distant individuals (outcrossing) exhibit lower fitness in the parental environment than either of their parents, or than progeny from crosses between individuals that are more closely related.[1] The concept is opposed to inbreeding depression, although the two effects can occur simultaneously.

In plain English: it is not good when you marry your first cousins, and it is not good when you marry people who are genetically distinct from you, and who married their cousins for many centuries.

From a biological point of view it becomes clear that first cousin marriage is not recommended because close relatives have a higher than normal consanguinity which means an increased chance of sharing genes for recessive traits. With this high amount of shared DNA, you have a higher risk of birth defects in a baby. Even if cousin marriages are not performed, you can still have such genetic defects in populations where there is a restricted social structure.


In Pakistan, where there has been cousin marriage for generations, and according to professor Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen from South Danish University, the current rate is 70%,[5] one study estimated infant mortality at 12.7 percent for married double first cousins, 7.9 percent for first cousins, 9.2 percent for first cousins...

So how on earth can intermarriage with Pakistanis improve the fitness of Englishmen?


And if you intermix with people from low-IQ-countries, the IQ of the progeny does not become higher, too:

Right-wing members DO NOT READ (probably not safe for liberals either come to think of
it). This is not completely /s (only the parts that are labeled accordingly are /s)
@The rest of you guys how did a conversation on interracial marriage descend into dating related insults... ill never understand dating. I much rather have a cup of coffee and plot white genocide with a girl or guy or someone else than go out with them to... wait did I just let that slip? Anyways, if I was forced choose someone based on their appearance (NOT PERSONALITY this is completely hypothetical because I don't care too much about appearance when choosing a date. Then again I don't date period so just read past this) I would probably pick the non-white person -- I just don't find white people attractive in general. Oh, I should probably stop -- I probably triggered a bunch of white apologetics.

What would make this something liberals shouldn't read? What liberal would be horrified to discover you have your own personal taste when it comes to physical attraction? :?:
ArtAllm wrote:Go to Israel and propose there the marriage of Jews with non-Jews. They will kick your ass and call you an "anti-Semite".
I guess that
  1. I must be an anti-Semite because I, a Jew, prefer non-jews
  2. Popular opinion is always correct

@ArtAllm, if you were well versed in evolutionary biology, you would know that humans have far less variation than most animal species (especially given our span). This effect would be all but nonexistent in humans -- we simply haven't have time to evolve apart yet. Furthermore, the example that your article uses (Horse x Donkey --> Mule) involves two separate species. Humans are a single species and the concept that you have brought up would be more relevant in the humanzees (or liger or any other interspecies cross) that I discussed earlier. There individuals are sterile (due to the parents of being different species by definition) and have other problems. Within humans, inbreeding is far more of a concern, especially across multiple generations like European Monarchs.

The rest of your argument hinges on this point, so I will let you reconstruct it. Please actually read the article too -- the effects are mainly things that would bring a disadvantage in nature, but have little effect in a technologically advanced civilization. It is a physical analog to the identity dissonance that @Ter and I discussed. Second, the article does not mention diversity. Instead, individuals have a greater amount of diversity and the net diversity is relatively unchanged.

Also your IQ maps are off. The US should be lower./s But seriously, if we based things off IQ then... ASIAN SUPERIORIY!! IF CHINA WANTS OUR INDUSTRIES OR NORTH KOREA WANTS TO NUKE US WE SHOULDN'T RESIST!

@mikema63 I included the warning because I joked about plotting white genocide without including a /s

SpecialOlympian wrote:Are all the white people dead yet? Why is this taking so long?
Working on it. It takes a couple of generations
Last edited by MememyselfandIJK on 31 Jul 2017 00:20, edited 1 time in total.
LV-GUCCI-PRADA-FLEX wrote:One of my coworkers is a black woman who worked for NASA for twenty years. I'm sure she would have something to say about that.

She would probably want to axe me a question. :lol:
LV-GUCCI-PRADA-FLEX wrote:One of my coworkers is a black woman who worked for NASA for twenty years. I'm sure she would have something to say about that.
Oh! This reminds me of Hidden Figures! My third favorite movie ever!

Suntzu wrote:She would probably want to axe me a question.
Bzzzt! Incorrect! Your astrophysics knowledge is... zero!
MememyselfandIJK wrote:I guess that[list=a]
[*]I must be an anti-Semite because I, a Jew, prefer non-jews

You will be called an "anti-Semite", if you promoted the marriage of Jews and non-Jews in Israel. They do not have an institution of civil marriage there, so they can assure that the marriages of Jews and non-Jews are not registered in Israel. And Jews never promote miscegenation and multiculturalism in Israel, they are supporting this only outside of Israel.

And if somebody tried to say that Hitler was not the Devil Incarnate, and did not kill as many people, as main stream historians believe, he would be imprisoned for it. But you, as a Jew, can whitewash the crimes of Bolsheviks/Commies, and even proudly display in your profile picture the most murderers leaders of Bolsheviks, that killed more civilians than any other totalitarian regime. like Lenin. No problems with that.
We see an obvious double standard.

MememyselfandIJK wrote:@ArtAllm, if you were well versed in evolutionary biology, you would know that humans have far less variation than most animal species (especially given our span). This effect would be all but nonexistent in humans -- we simply haven't have time to evolve apart yet.

A dog and a wolf separated later, than different varieties of Hominids, and they are genetically at least as close to each other, as different extant varieties of modern humans.

The "out of Africa" theory is virtually dead. The remnants of oldest first modern Humans were found ins South Europe, in Bulgaria. These modern Humans then intermixed with Neanderthals. In China they mixed wit the old varieties of Homo that originated there.

In Afrika these modern humans mixed with an ancient subspecies of Hominids that separated from modern Humans maybe millions of years ago.

So due to the continuity of local varieties of Homo, despite the interbreeding with later versions of Homo, we have distinct races of Humans.

And these theory is supported by Chinese scientists!

In 1998, Wu founded a China-specific Multiregional model called "Continuity with [Incidental] Hybridization".[11][12] Wu's variant only applies the Multiregional hypothesis to the East Asian fossil record which is popular among Chinese scientists.[13]
Xinzhi Wu has argued for a morphological clade in China spanning the Pleistocene, characterized by a combination of 10 features.[38][39] The sequence is said to start with Lantian and Peking Man, traced to Dali, to Late Pleistocene specimens (e.g. Liujiang) and recent Chinese.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiregi ... ern_humans

MememyselfandIJK wrote: Humans are a single species and the concept that you have brought up would be more relevant in the humanzees (or liger or any other interspecies cross) that I discussed earlier.

Subspecies of the same species can easily mix and create viable offspring.
For example, modern humans could mix with this guy:


And they did, in Africa.

They could also mix with these Neanderthals:


And they did, in Europe.

In China, modern humans could mix with this Hominid:


And they did!

Anybody with half a brain can see the continuity of the racial/facial traits of Europeans, Sub Saharan Africans and East Asians, that can be found in extinct species of Hominids.

There are a lot of extinct subspecies of Homo, and there is a local continuity in different regions. In China, the skeletons of ancient Chinese Hominids are more similar to modern Chinese, than to Europeans. So very different subspecies of Homo evolved separately.

Is it not obvious that if the leftist agenda of creating a Mono-Homo-Mongrel, destroying all local varieties of Homo, that have a continuity going back millions of years, will reduce the diversity of the Species Homo?
Of course it is obvious!

If somebody tried to do this with the different breeds of dogs, cats, horses, and say that this will not reduce the biodiversity, and that the mixture of an Arab Horse with an Icelandic horse will not reduce the biodiversity, and that the offspring will not lose the special traits, then he will be put in a loony bin.

But if you do the same with the different breeds of Homo Sapiences, you are "politically correct".

How bizarre!

But this project, of creating a monolithic mongrel "Homo Globlaisticus", which is just a remake of the old Commie plan in creating a Homo Sovieticus, will not work out.

There will be a reaction to this misanthropic project, and the architects will this time have big difficulties to find a place on earth to hide...

Most of ArtAllm's post is a Gish Gallop of paranoid racist nonsense not worth dissecting. But if anyone is interested on the reference to Bulgaria, it's about a 7 million year old fossil (ie over 10 times older than Neanderthals, and over 20 times older than Homo sapiens) that may indicate that the branch of the apes called the hominins (ie everything closer to us than to chimps) originated in Europe not Africa:

Fossils from Greece and Bulgaria of an ape-like creature that lived 7.2 million years ago may fundamentally alter the understanding of human origins, casting doubt on the view that the evolutionary lineage that led to people arose in Africa.

Scientists said on Monday the creature, known as Graecopithecus freybergi and known only from a lower jawbone and an isolated tooth, may be the oldest-known member of the human lineage that began after an evolutionary split from the line that led to chimpanzees, our closest cousins.

The jawbone, which included teeth, was unearthed in 1944 in Athens. The premolar was found in south-central Bulgaria in 2009. The researchers examined them using sophisticated new techniques including CT scans and established their age by dating the sedimentary rock in which they were found.

They found dental root development that possessed telltale human characteristics not seen in chimps and their ancestors, placing Graecopithecus within the human lineage, known as hominins. Until now, the oldest-known hominin was Sahelanthropus, which lived 6-7 million years ago in Chad.

The scientific consensus long has been that hominins originated in Africa. Considering the Graecopithecus fossils hail from the Balkans, the eastern Mediterranean may have given rise to the human lineage, the researchers said.

The findings in no way call into question that our species, Homo sapiens, first appeared in Africa about 200,000 years ago and later migrated to other parts of the world, the researchers said.

http://www.reuters.com/article/us-scien ... SKBN18I2HX
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