Japanese Government is Samurai Government - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
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By Azale
I really think that is the least of your concerns, as far as the Japanese government goes. How about the fact that a blatantly corrupt man like Ichiro Ozawa can run for the party leadership of the DPJ just a few months after being disgraced out of office? How about the fact that he has a pretty fair shot to win it too, against perhaps the most competent PM Japan has had since Koizumi? All this after the DPJ was supposed to change Japanese politics. One or two, fairly minor, issues can completely sink a sitting PM (Okinawa/consumer tax?).

It's all a big pot of ridiculousness, and I havn't even talked about how much in bed the Japanese political class and the Japanese business class are. It's disgusting, and thats coming from an American.

So yea, bring on the Shogun!
cherry wrote:http://web.archive.org/web/20100610060358/http://park.geocities.jp/j_con4/0104/p041.html

Birthdays of ministers indicate that they are members of the Tokugawa clan, samurai people who once controlled Japan.

good conspi, just needs more neatly elaboration eg. do they posses sacred swords [1][1] or for mistakes maybe apology is ear chopping [1][1]

btw, do anyone knows whether cherry is still alive and fine?

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