Why don't Democrats speak out against abortion? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Higher-than average abortion rates in marginalized communities can only be considered positive. It means more women and girls have access to healthcare, more women and girls are able to stay in education, and ultimately more children born into stable households. To view it as some kind of attack on the black community is probably in itself a racist assumption that belies white attitudes toward black sexuality.

Unthinking Majority wrote:Legally abortion isn't considered murder, because murder is the unlawful killing of someone else. Abortion is legal, therefore not murder.

It was never considered murder though.
noemon wrote:Yes you are. Abortion is not killing in mass numbers nor is it racist. You on the other hand have taken numerous racist positions on here.

There are more black babies aborted every year than are born alive in NYC every year. That is mass killing. Abortion disproportionately kills black babies and babies of colour. How is this not a racist policy?

If the white supremacist racists wanted to get rid of as many visible minorities as possible they'd support abortion so they can genocide unwanted black babies.
Same is true for White babies and Asian babies and all kinds of babies. Your argument is wrong. Funny that you need to be told this. Racists tend to support anti-abortion policies in the name of expanding the race, not vice-versa. Your attempt to reverse this is neither the first nor even as smart as other former attempts by racist boomers.
noemon wrote:Same is true for White babies and Asian babies and all kinds of babies. Your argument is wrong. Funny that you need to be told this. Racists tend to support anti-abortion policies in the name of expanding the race, not vice-versa. Your attempt to reverse this is neither the first nor even as smart as other former attempts by racist boomers.

I'm not a boomer. A lot of the boomers i know are pretty racist though.

edit: You guys keep committing ageism against me. Why u guys so ageist against boomers?
Why are you changing the subject? Given up already? Feeling like a victim, are you going to start crying again?

For the record when I say "boomer" I refer to the act of promoting the notion that many children need to be had, not to some old age group, I don't think you're old, it is quite obvious that you are very young.
annatar1914 wrote:Look, these people aren't going to admit the genocidal and frankly eugenicist policies of abortion, contraception, and sterilization all over the world are squarely promoted by the alleged ''Left'' these days, because Fascism can't show it's ugly open face just yet now.

To admit it might lead to some cognitive dissonance and soul searching.
abortion was illegal in Fascist Italy
I can't wait till Generation Z(or whatever the next one is called) gives Millenials and Corporate Gen X's a taste of their own ageist, sexist, racist medicine.

Millenial Pigs are being trained by Corporate Gen X assholes into blaming Boomers for everything just so they can have an excuse to fire them and employ minimum wage youngsters as fucken usual.

Then Gen Z will be trained by Corporate Millenials to blame Gen X for all the fucken problems of the world just as an excuse to fire them in old age too.

The vicious cycle continues.

I was hoping Millenials would grow up and wake up to how corporate Gen X's use them against the Baby Boomers generation to MAKE MOOLAH, but alas supporting Abortion means "you must be a Boomer and need to hated, dispised and be fired from your job, give Gen Z a chance dammit.... We love Minimum Wage youngsters".

Abortion should be illegal for many reasons, including having a pro-life view on it being used as a political weapon against older generations, and an excuse to fire them(for being old outdated OK Boomer codgers) and hire minimum wage youngsters.

To everyone saying OK Boomer and "Boomers are evil". It's going to happen to your generation too, if you're lucky enough to live to old age. Fire those Boomer Basterds, we only like young generations (with minimum wages of cause!).

Elder Abuse is becoming epidemic because of Ageist asshats that hate "all boomers(of all races, political persuasions and sexes, though they'll pretend not to)".

You are being used and trained by Corporate asshats that want to fire full wage workers and employ minimum wage youth..... As usual. That you can't see this is because you are brainwashed.

Edit: I am not addressing any particular user, My Dad on his deathbed was a victim of Elder Abuse by a bunch of Millenial University Graduates and I witnessed it directly, he was screaming for his life as a young Millenial nurse nearly threw him off the bed(I had to rush in and grab him to stop him falling). My mother is in old age and has also being victimised by Elder Abusing Millenials. The words "OK Boomer" and Ageism against boomers makes me angry(or Triggered) as a result.
Last edited by colliric on 03 Jun 2020 06:14, edited 4 times in total.
annatar1914 wrote:''Fascism'' is a Ideology that covers a bit more political space on the spectrum than that of Mussolini's Italy. Even the Salo Republic was different than before Mussolini's rescue by Nazi troops.
ever read the Doctrine of Fascism?everybody talks about what Mussolini did after he was a grandfather. He was the youngest prime minister in Italian History and accomplished amazing things before that stupid War. The current Vatican City state is a Fascist state because it is an absolute monarchy absolute theocracy. Benito Mussolini created the Vatican City state
Last edited by Spider-Man on 03 Jun 2020 05:55, edited 1 time in total.
The so-called "anti-abortion" people are hypocrites.
If they really cared about abortion they would be on the streets trying to educate young people about sexuality, about birth control.
If they cared about abortion they would be trying to promote research and funding to help prevent/mitigate conditions that arise during pregnancy and pose a risk to mother and fetus.
If they really cared about the "life" inside the womb, they should care about that life once it is out as well.
The strongest argument for abortion is simply that society should not have to power to force an outcome onto a person's body.

If John is connected by a tube to Martin so that Martin's kidneys can filtrate John's blood because John's kidneys stopped working... Martin should have the option to stop it. Yes, it would lead to John's demise. That is unfortunate.
We don't force people to donate kidneys, livers, bone marrow or blood even though this could save lives. Can't force someone to give birth.
If you think a fetus is a precious life, focus your energy on educating people to avoid unwanted fetuses so that they don't have to be aborted.

As painful and disheartening as seeing an abortion might be, seeing an unwanted child come to this world to a parent that is either non-prepared or not wanting to take care of this child, is just if not more painful. Having a child born with disabling defects or conditions or having both the mother and the fetus' life at great danger due to high-risk pregnancy, etc.

No, you don't care about life, quality of life, or anything in between.
Spider-Man wrote:ever read the Doctrine of Fascism?everybody talks about what Mussolini did after he was a grandfather. He was the youngest prime minister in Italian History and accomplished amazing things before that stupid War. The current Vatican City state is a Fascist state because it is an absolute monarchy absolute theocracy. Benito Mussolini created the Vatican City state

And the Papacy created Mussolini, so to speak. I have read ''the Doctrine of Fascism'', along with a fair amount of Giovanni Gentile. I'm more familiar with the Iron Guard/Legion of St. Michael the Archangel of C.Z. Codreanu in 1920's and 30's Romania.

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