Fake - Monkeypox and COVID-19 are artificial viruses developed in biolabs Ukraine - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Russian media, as well as social media users, are spreading a fake that the United States supposedly developed viruses in Ukrainian biological laboratories, among which was monkeypox. Such reports are about the alleged conspiracy theory about the outbreak of monkeypox in the world, drawing parallels with the coronavirus disease pandemic, claiming that these are artificially created diseases that seem to have been launched on purpose.
"Independence was used as a training ground: what is known about ... https://www.tvc.ru › news › show ... there are suggestions that hepatitis, monkeypox and tuberculosis may come from the same network of laboratories. Those that worked in Ukraine".

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" puts forward its arguments on the topic: "Monkey pox: "God's scourge" for the homosexuals of the planet or a biological weapon that escaped from secret US laboratories in Ukraine?". The publication focuses on the fact that "the United States has long deployed a network of secret biological laboratories along the borders of the Russian Federation. There were a lot of them on Nezalezhnaya".

Cases of monkeypox infection in Europe and the military biological activity of US laboratories are of great concern. This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the Security Council (SC) of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting of the interdepartmental commission of the Security Council on the creation of a national system of protection against new infections.

He explained that while "cases of infection of humans with monkeypox are isolated, but they also inspire serious concern." In total, the virus has recently been detected in at least 10 countries. At the same time, according to Medvedev, the military biological activities of US laboratories in the territory of the former Soviet Union pose a serious threat: “A significant threat is posed by the network of biolaboratories, which retain their significance and operate in some states in the post-Soviet space. They are organized by the United States. In these laboratories, under the guise of purely scientific research, not entirely clear military biological activities continue. He clarified that this activity "is associated with the possibility of introducing pathogens of dangerous diseases into the territory of the Russian Federation".

In fact, there are no facts confirming the Russian theories of the origin of monkeypox, as well as the work of imaginary biolaboratories for the development of bioweapons against the Russians. Obviously, Russian propaganda decided to revive its own old fiction about illegal American biolaboratories in Ukraine and link the outbreak in Europe to them. The Center for Counteracting Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine reported that Russian propagandists claim that the United States allegedly developed viruses in Ukrainian biological laboratories, among which was monkeypox. According to them, during the "special operation" careless laboratory personnel broke a test tube with the virus, after which millions of Ukrainian refugees "spread" smallpox across Europe. However, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine has officially stated: not a single case of monkeypox has been recorded in Ukraine. In addition, the propagandists recalled the festival of sexual minorities, which took place on the Spanish island of Gran Canaria and after which there seemed to be an outbreak of the virus. This was filed in the context of homophobia, and not a mass event that contributed to the rapid spread of the virus. There is no confirmation of these judgments of the Russian Federation, and the Russian media are promoting their inventions at the level of conspiracy theories. But this is enough for the Russians to switch their attention from failures in wars to the virus issue.

In fact, monkeypox was first discovered in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Since that time, cases have been reported in 11 African countries. According to WHO, the disease occurs predominantly in the rainforest regions of Central and West Africa and is sometimes exported to other regions. "Several observational studies have shown that smallpox vaccination is 85% effective in preventing monkeypox. Thus, previous vaccination against smallpox may lead to a milder course of the disease. Evidence of a previous smallpox vaccination is usually a scar on the upper arm. Moderna Inc is "testing potential monkeypox vaccines in preclinical trials," Reuters reported. That is, we are not talking about the readiness of the company for an outbreak. In addition, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the government is in the process of releasing doses of the Jynneos smallpox vaccine manufactured by Bavarian Nordic A/S BAVA.CO. The US Food and Drug Administration wrote about this vaccine, published information about it as of June 21, 2021, and specified that it is for the prevention of smallpox and monkeypox in adults 18 years of age and older.

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