Japan Can Retaliate Against North Korea - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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May 18, 2015, Jun Ji-hye wrote:Japanese Defense Minister Gen Nakatani said Sunday that Japan would retaliate against a North Korean base if Pyongyang launched a missile attack on the United States.

According to the Mainichi Shimbun, Monday, Nakatani made the remarks during an appearance in a program on Fuji Television.

The minister added that Tokyo’s attack would be based on the premise that the U.S. was being attacked by the North and serious damage was expected.

Defense observers in South Korea said the comments about a possible attack on the North were very rare and are expected to provoke a strong response from the repressive state.

Nakatani’s remarks came after Washington and Tokyo revised their defense guidelines on April 28.

The revision of the 1997 U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation Pact removed geographic limits on the role of Japan’s Self-Defense Forces, and expanded their role globally to help U.S. forces in military emergencies.

Collective self-defense is the right to engage in military activities overseas if one’s allies are under attack. The revision has increased concerns that Tokyo may return to militarism.

Seoul’s Ministry of National Defense did not make any official response to the minister’s remarks.

However, an official noted that a number of preconditions would be necessary before Japan attacks the North.

“South Korea, the U.S. and Japan are supposed to share information on Pyongyang’s possible missile launches under their trilateral arrangement for military intelligence,” he said.

“Japan needs to seek prior approval before launching an attack against Pyongyang as such an attack would have a great impact on the Korean Peninsula.”

He added that Tokyo is not the only country that is concerned about a North Korean missile attack on Washington.

Korea, a Japanese colony from 1910 to 1945, has delivered its message regarding Japan’s collective defensive right that Tokyo must seek prior approval from Seoul if it conducts military activities on the latter’s territory.

The government has claimed that even if such activities are carried out outside Korean territory, prior approval is still necessary if it affects its national interest.

The three countries signed a pact to share sensitive intelligence on the North’s nuclear and missile programs last December amid increasing threats to the region from the North.

It is the first such agreement that opened the door for Seoul and its former colonial ruler to share military secrets.

However, the two countries do not directly share their intelligence, and Washington mediates between them to calm public resistance to the move here that stems from the bitter memory of Japan’s colonial rule.

This is an interesting development. I don't share the same fear as the Korean government that the Japanese might overstep the bounds of their newly given power, but it does seem this is a symbolic development of the relationship between SoKo and Japan, as I'm sure that no one could have imagined that they would ever be sharing military intelligence after all that Japan has done to other parts of the region.

Long live the emperor, I suppose.
What's to worry about? If North Korea launches a missile attack against the US, it'll end up as so many cinders.

As an ally to the US, this really doesn't need to be said, but they are probably clarifying as a political maneuver.
No surprise to see the capitalists attempting to encircle one of the last free workers states in Asia. I have full confidence in the Kim family bravely shielding the workers from any capitalist wreckers. We all know what Japan wants for Koreans, we all remember.
Decky wrote:We all know what Japan wants for Koreans, we all remember.
Yes, it'd be a shame for North Koreans to be well fed, well educated, prosperous and happy!

Japan also wants them to buy smartphones, too!
I hear they weren't all that well fed last time the Japanese had a significant level of power on the Korean peninsular. You might want to look it up.
Decky wrote:We all know what Japan wants for Koreans, we all remember.

Yes, Japan wants cancerous Russian influence to be removed from the Korean peninsula, so that the Korean sisters and brothers can live in freedom and enter the Asian century as one country, whole and free.

To get there will require slaughtering the Russophile leftists, along with their white Russian masters.
Japan is not the same country it once was, and South Korea seems to have no real problems with modern Japan, either. In fact, South Korea seems to be massively prosperous.

I mean, cmon! When Canada's military budget is equal over 1/2 of North Korea's entire GDP, that says a lot!

Still, the numbers show:
South Korea GDP $bn 1,622
North Korea GDP $bn 40

http://www.theguardian.com/world/databl ... a-compared

North Korea wins on having more international charity, of course.
What Nakatani actually said is that if North Korea launches a missile towards the US and it further prepares for another missile launch, Japan and the US could strike North Korean missile bases jointly. The defence minister was explaining what collective security means to TV viewers but the Korean media is trying to make a false impression that a militaristic Japan is ready to attack North Korea unilaterally. The revision of the US-Japan Defence Cooperation Pact would enable Japan's SDF to send troops overseas to support US troops in such remote places as Afghanistan. In return, Japan expects an American military intervention if the Senkaku Islands are invaded by China.
Last edited by ThirdTerm on 19 May 2015 03:54, edited 1 time in total.
ThirdTerm wrote:the Korean media is trying to make a false impression that a militaristic Japan is ready to attack North Korea unilaterally.
Yeah, which is NOT going to happen. The DPRK with its head up its ass, AGAIN.
I'm having a hard time remembering all the evils I need to be concerned about.

There is...

North Korea
Boko Haram
Migrants from Africa & ME
Mexican Drug Gangs
Greek Anti-Austerity Laws
Homeless Shelters in Jacksonville, FL.

/fear mongering
No one with 1/2 a brain is really concerned with North Korea. The people there are in the shit, til something happens to their leadership.
I think there are some reasons to be concerned with North Korea, but they have nothing to do with fear but rather with unpredictability along with having conflicting strategic interests with the rest of South East Asia. However I doubt that this particular scenario will present itself, it is much more of a symbolic gesture that could very much lead to the re-militarization of Japan. That possibility can't be ruled out on blind faith.
Godstud wrote:No one with 1/2 a brain is really concerned with North Korea. The people there are in the shit, til something happens to their leadership.

Missed the point...
DPRK is like China's retarded younger brother. If DPRK starts the shit, China will sort them out before much happens. DPRK is very much used to posturing, and Japan doing a little posturing of its own shouldn't come as a surprise.

I did not miss the point Eauz. Don't be asinine.
Rei Murasame wrote:Yes, Japan wants cancerous Russian influence to be removed from the Korean peninsula

How do you feeling about a life in the land of people who established a terrific bloody regime in North Korea? Maybe you chose England among other countries, because Japanese and Brits share that irrational hate to Korean people?
I have no idea what you are babbling about. You are literally saying nothing. Don't plant a communist regime of atheism and filth inside the Northern Korean peninsula, and then come lecturing anyone else on Korea.

You are the cancer.

For a Russian person to even dare to comment in this thread, takes some real gall. You people have so much gall.
The sole reason why North Korea exists is because Russia and China want a buffer state between them and the USA backed SoKo. Unfortunately, Koreans have been victims of a continuous proxy war since the withdrawal of Japanese forces from Korea after WW2. It should be better for all states in that region to start following an independent politic. The Japanese in Okinawa have shown the way..
Rei Murasame wrote:I have no idea what you are babbling about. You are literally saying nothing. Don't plant a communist regime of atheism and filth inside the Northern Korean peninsula, and then come lecturing anyone else on Korea.

You are the cancer.

For a Russian person to even dare to comment in this thread, takes some real gall. You people have so much gall.

1. I am not a cancer, I am a human.
2. Every communist regime is established by Brits, didn't you know it?
3. Russians as main victims of communism can talk about communist regimes everywhere. It is a proud and honor mission to let people know about Brits' crimes everywhere.
Laconas wrote:The sole reason why North Korea exists is because Russia and China want a buffer state between them and the USA backed SoKo. Unfortunately, Koreans have been victims of a continuous proxy war since the withdrawal of Japanese forces from Korea after WW2. It should be better for all states in that region to start following an independent politic. The Japanese in Okinawa have shown the way..

Not really, North Korea isn't anyone's proxy (puppet) in the region, it does effectively have an independent polity, Both pro Chinese and pro Soviet elements in North Korean regime were victims of purges. NK at this stage doesn't owes its existence either to Russia or China.

Ganshas wrote:2. Every communist regime is established by Brits, didn't you know it?
3. Russians as main victims of communism can talk about communist regimes everywhere. It is a proud and honor mission to let people know about Brits' crimes everywhere


What's up with new Russian poster and weird conspiracy theories.

Although I approve of blaming British Empire for everything.
fuser wrote:Not really, North Korea isn't anyone's proxy (puppet) in the region, it does effectively have an independent polity, Both pro Chinese and pro Soviet elements in North Korean regime were victims of purges. NK at this stage doesn't owes its existence either to Russia or China.

North Korea has the same purpose as Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus, Sweden have for Russia: a neutral area or a friendly one. Some of them are puppet states, some of them are not like Sweden.
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