how to defeat a radical terrorist cell - Politics | PoFo

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The KKK was once a terrorist cell, and the US reduced it to practically nothing. now The US is dealing with Al-Qaeda overseas. So how do you defeat them? I belive that violence and massacres are the worst way, as all the dead terrorists become "martyrs" that they can use. Al-Qaeda is using age old strategies, so the best solution would be to fight fire with fire. these are my suggestions:
Demoralization: a millenia-old strategy. Radical Muslims believe that men are better than women, so what better than to use women soldiers to carry out the most daring and damaging raids? Additionally, put extra funding into surveillance and hacking, to find various meeting places, so that 'Pakistani' soldiers can intervene and 'commandeer' any weapons they find. The more insecure you can make Al-Qaeda, the less likely they are to do something daring, like bomb an embassy. Eventually, they will be like the KKK, with radical beliefs and meetings, but virtually no leverage.

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