British govt to use Olympics to legitimise Saudi terror - Politics | PoFo

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We don't have absolute proof yet but from this article: London 2012: Syrian general says he will come to Olympics it seems fairly clear that the British government intends to use the Olympics to legitimise Saudi and Bahraini government murder and terror and to legitimise the de-facto occupation of Bahrain by Saudi. They intend to send out a clear message, the far more religiously tolerant, progressive and less sectarian Syrian government has no right defend its self, but we condone all measures taken by the Saudis and members of their terror apparatus will be welcomed in Britain as respected members of the international community.
Syria is not aligned with the Western sphere, but rather the Russian and Chinese spheres of influence. Saudi has, for quite some time now, been aligned to America (and by extension, NATO's) sphere of influence. All the rhetoric about tolerance, freedom, and morality is just the latest in a long series of reasons to justify conflict and violence.

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