Taiwan says China will be able to invade in 2020 - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Pakistan was divided from India in the arrangement around India's independence, because people wanted to avoid violence between Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims, and this was best accomplished by allowing Pakistan to be created as a place for Muslims to have a majority-Muslim state, they believed.

Later on, India and Soviet Union and CPI(M) supported the secession of East Pakistan (now known as the People's Republic of Bangladesh), from West Pakistan (now known as Pakistan), because the two sides were not agreeing on anything, and because East Pakistan was interested in socialism. The USA sought to preserve West Pakistan's interests at all costs (Pakistan was and remains America's proxy in that region), as did America's newfound ally China (see: Nixon goes to China), and this led to Pakistan trying to stop the secession of Bangladesh by killing 3 million Bangladeshis.

India, the Awami League, and CPI(M) then romped all over Pakistan and defeated Pakistan militarily, which caused Pakistan to withdraw from Bangladesh. Bangladesh then was recognised by the world as a nation-state.
I don't see how the truth or non-truth of those claims invalidates what I've said in the slightest. I should also note that this thread is not about the development of India's economy, or whether you think that you own it.

American posters have a bad habit of assuming that their own country's reach extends further than it actually does. If you want though, we can go back and forth saying 'yes', 'no', 'yes', 'no', for another page or so, but you are a clone account belonging to Sithsaber, aren't you?
The Chinese government seems to be assertive rather than aggressive, arrogant, or stupid, even when they are being provoked. Taiwan is Chinese too, and it will be absorbed by mainland China gradually and peacefully, any military action by Beijing could do nothing else than hinder the process.
The Chinese government seems to be assertive rather than aggressive, arrogant, or stupid, even when they are being provoked.

That's today, circumstances may change.

I agree with you largely, but I'm pointing out that declaring that something is impossible in 7-8 years is silly.
This is the beginning of words is a serious error.
Taiwan people are not nationals of the Republic of China,
KMT is a foreign colonialist aggression against the settlers.
Taiwan were foreign invaders(kmt R.O.C) occupied the Islands.

Taiwan native people affirm the Chinese are in violation of international law, Massacre of Taiwanese and occupied Taiwan island.
Rei Murasame wrote:We'll see about that. Taiwan will exist, whether the Chinese like it or not.

Great ^Y
Taiwan will exist, whether the Chinese like it or not
Taiwan will exist, whether the Chinese like it or not
Taiwan will exist, whether the Chinese like it or not
Still Forever~~ TÂIOÂN LÂNG a-ni-kóng (Taiwanese say )
Well it's a great time to do so, Americans are tired of war and need to focus on our own problems rather than those of the many nations that freeride off of our defense budget. As a result I support China and Russia taking the initiative, and I support the US in retracting in world police force.
Igor Antunov"TAIPEI -- China's arms buildup over the last two decades would give it the power to invade Taiwan by 2020 even if allies came to the island's aid, a military report said Tuesday.

The mainland's annual military spending has grown on average by double-digit rates over the past 20 years or so, according to Taiwan's 2013 National Defense Report.

Aside from military might, it said, China's capacity for weapons research and manufacturing had greatly increased, "which has boosted its military deterrent and posed a grave threat to Taiwan".

Among the new weapons China had acquired, both locally produced and purchased from Russia, were nuclear-powered and conventional submarines, strategic bombers, stealth fighters, early warning aircraft and ballistic and air defense missiles, it said.

"With the continued arms buildup, the Chinese communists will be able to take Taiwan by force before the end of 2020," it said.

The report also cited China's growing military capability to deter foreign intervention, in contrast to the US Pacific pivot policy, which it said had been "stifled" due to budget constraints.

The United States is Taiwan's main ally. In 1996 it sent two aircraft carrier battle groups to waters near the island after China lobbed missiles into the sea to try to deter Taiwanese from voting for President Lee Teng-hui.

The report said China's military, known as the People's Liberation Army, has a total strength of 2.27 million of which the army accounts for 1.25 million. About one-third of its army is deployed directly opposite Taiwan.

Military analysts say China has targeted the island with at least 1,600 ballistic missiles.

Despite the potential military threat, Taiwan is cutting its own defense spending, with the number of troops due to be reduced to 215,000 next year from the present 240,000.

Ties between Taipei and Beijing have eased markedly since Ma Ying-jeou of the China-friendly Kuomintang was elected in March 2008 on a platform of ramping up trade and tourism links. He was re-elected in January 2012 for a second and last four-year term.

But Beijing still refuses to renounce its use of force should the island declare independence, even though Taiwan has ruled itself for more than 60 years.

The two sides split at the end of a civil war in 1949.[/quote]
http://www.interaksyon.com/article/7232 ... de-in-2020

It is probably more a matter of waiting for America's political capital to wane than building a strong military. China could do it now but the benefits are not obvious as long as political links between the Island Province and the Mainland continue to grow unabated.

Skeptic-1 IMO:

The exporting success especially to the U.S.A. will continue and pick up steam in Europe and S.A.. ( without the need of of the American Yellow Belly Sap suckers of he West) and only a serous slump will spark danger . Taiwan will fold into China with the passage of time.

The Russian moves will prove beneficial to the U.S. and all by thwarting Israel's move on Iran and balance the power in the M.E. with its own bomb and perhaps force a palatable settlement of the Israel/Arab dispute.

With the oil flowing less war and our own production growing we can get back to burning up the resources and spending what we don't have in a rerun of the old days.
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