I being born in the USA I was taught to respect the Presiden - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I being born in the USA I was taught to respect the President Most Americans I meet seem to Idolize American Presidents. It is a Cult of Personality in my view. The American Presidents/Politicians are Puppets of the Wealthy/The Rich Big Money/Profit Corporations Banks the Media and the Lobbyists. Many Americans that I know think that the President and other past Presidents and other Politicians care about the people and the poor and the homeless are the Politicians Liars ? Also are these Politicians just good Christians or do they have a agenda thank you ?

Whether lobbyists work for a large organization, a private individual, or the general public, their goals and strategies are the same. First and foremost, lobbyists must be adept at the art of persuasion, which is the mainstay of their job. They must figure out how to sway politicians to vote on legislation in a way that favors the interest they represent. This means tailoring appeals to specific individuals as well as to group voting blocs, such as Southerners or pro-choicers. Lobbyists also occasionally lobby one another. When normally opposing groups find a common area of interest and can present a united front they are extremely effective.
redcarpet wrote:You have to have an agenda in order to be a politician. So obviously they're not just people with faith.

An agenda to understand the real without the "ity" suffix. To comprehend human without the "ity". What is an "ity" that if didn't build false impressions upon the host word as it's prefix.

B less than "ity" bit of the whole and becomes Holy, not holely. Theory and theology are means to an end game. Ideology and methodology are the rules within it creating two sides of debate and both never seeking unity among all the derivatives defined by church and state creating symbolic values for heart, mind, body, and soul.

church rules heart and soul while the state governs the body and mind the vocabulary because the body doesn't matter to those writing the rules of reality.

Remember management is middle class between rulers and ruled classifications. So every time the media's mediums shout the propaganda about working middleclass people, they are talking about management personal, and that includes the fancy title of entrepreneur and philanthropist.

Think about the organization to a chain of command in social networking. What happens when to many chiefs and not enough indians live in a veracular tribe?

Now think about the rule of thumb in advertising, send out a 1,000 fliers and receive a 100 calls of which 10 people show and 1 buys. Play the odds and to get 10 buyers one needs to send out 10,000 advertisements, or 100 sales people. Same goes with ideology selling symbolism over substance teaching if one doesn't mind the law your body doesn't matter to society's elite.

Is that corrupt of natural balance or what regardless the trademark social networking using the same numbers in it's organizational makeup where there can only be one person in charge of humanity.

MY point to all this, understand the real moment, then time isn't a factor, it is mythology that regulates self deception through public education from arts and entertainment selling symbolism over substance learned from academia using the governance of psychiatry employing psychology selling philosophy defining vernacular tribalism to unsuspecting audiences paying to be entertained on means to escape the moment.

Now who is the blame for all this? Every body adopting a notion of national identity. Stop pointing fingers of blame at one's own ancestry and genetic siblings. Each lifetime is a sole product of survival of the species one lifetime at a time and each lifetime is a total sum of ancestry and half the next gnereation each generation.
southernmissouri2007 wrote:I being born in the USA I was taught to respect the President Most Americans I meet seem to Idolize American Presidents. It is a Cult of Personality in my view.

It is indeed a cult of personality. But that's what happens when the federal government slips out from under the Rule of Law and is granted nearly unlimited power: there is nothing to rely upon to check its power except the "good nature" of the Chief Executive and congresscritters. You have people who have no choice but to become hypocrites, lobbying for more power for "their guy" and bitching when "the other guy" uses that same power.

And then there are the simpletons who believe a President should "feel their pain", or be cute, or be a "regular guy" they could have a beer with. It's pathetic.
Joe Liberty wrote:
And then there are the simpletons who believe a President should "feel their pain", or be cute, or be a "regular guy" they could have a beer with. It's pathetic.

Be careful whom you address as simpltons, Joe. You just defined class of people in this statement where the person being the office holder needs to be superior than those the office is supposed to represent as a Republic of individual ancestors of one species.

Beware half truths because thare are 6 halves to a whole result that moves independently from the other results created the same way.
To use an inorganic example, this planet. You know the rest of where this goes because i repeat it often enough to be ignored just like the self evident details of never being duplicated within the constraints of this moment always present here.

Spin, orbit, revolve, and spiral. all 4 are going on in the same instant creating 6 degrees of separation and 8 corners of contracting triangulation the combining combinations compounding the results never duplicating details now here in the moment universally functioning the same way all the time.

Know real before ruling a reality or those doing,rul;ing by faith or beliefs time exists from beyond this moment, will destroy the very things they are trying to save the substance of within the metaphors creating false illusions of the real moment.

Time isn't an enemy or an ally. It is the mythology that defines time and money the same value symbolically and neither exists outside this instant here making everything exactly as it occurs. Not fate or destiny, just functions functioning as usual in an adapt or become extinct general application to everything here universally being what is taking place now.

It is that simple and easy to cover up with theory and theology governed with If now isn't here all the time.
onemalehuman wrote:Be careful whom you address as simpltons, Joe. You just defined class of people in this statement where the person being the office holder needs to be superior than those the office is supposed to represent as a Republic of individual ancestors of one species.

Actually I "defined" people who already feel that way, and called them simpletons for it. If you're voting for a president because he's charismatic, or he appears sympathetic to your personal struggles, then you're doing it wrong.

My larger point was that personality needn't be a primary concern, if the federal government were held to its constitutional limits. Only because we have an extra-constitutional government with nearly unlimited power do all these frivolous criteria come into play.
Joe Liberty wrote:
Actually I "defined" people who already feel that way, and called them simpletons for it. If you're voting for a president because he's charismatic, or he appears sympathetic to your personal struggles, then you're doing it wrong.

My larger point was that personality needn't be a primary concern, if the federal government were held to its constitutional limits. Only because we have an extra-constitutional government with nearly unlimited power do all these frivolous criteria come into play.

but keep it simple is what we are educated to do, so when following the lessons learned people are then labelled simpletons by the educators or the educated leaders of ideology? Something is missing in this rationing of thought making life existential defined not exponentially described the same all the time.

Know the basics before preaching the compounding details to simple interests and it's relative rule of 72.
After all the world is calculated into 288 grid sections between 23 latitudes and 12 longitudes creating the impression of 24 hours in a spin of the planet, orbit of lunar phases, and seasonal separations between solstices and equinoxes separating opposite seasons each side of the tropics with only 4 corners of a round sphere. that is 72 grids per corner. 72 virgins. divide interest rate percentages into 72 and that is the years it takes to double the money paid back when borrowed symbolism rules one's sole existence as society's child.

Care to discuss Isaac Newton's action and reaction being equal and energy cannot be created or destroy in the present tense of details never duplicated? Go ahead and use Einstien's relative theory, Please. Hell, bring on quantum mechanics.
Joe Liberty wrote:My larger point was that personality needn't be a primary concern, if the federal government were held to its constitutional limits. Only because we have an extra-constitutional government with nearly unlimited power do all these frivolous criteria come into play.

Seems to me that charisma has been a relevant trait for a leader in every form of government at every point through human history. Can you explain how the government is "extra-constitutional" and why that makes charisma a factor when it otherwise wouldn't be?
First and foremost, lobbyists must be adept at the art of persuasion, which is the mainstay of their job. They must figure out how to sway politicians to vote on legislation in a way that favors the interest they represent. This means tailoring appeals to specific individuals as well as to group voting blocs, such as Southerners or pro-choicers.

I don't think this is the case. I think they first and foremost must be adept at the art of greasing palms. There is not search for truth in lobbying. It is a search for votes and the money it takes to buy them

A lobbiest does not tell his/her story to impart the truth to a congressperson but rather to give said congressperson the words to say to justify the vote that was just purchased.

That is not to say that the truth is not spoken but rather to say that telling the truth is not a lobbiest's job.

The truth is that virtually everyone but a few idiot corporatists masquerading as libertarians or republicans knows that the exchange of money from a corporation or group of corporations should be banned as it was in Jefferson's day. It was a felony as a matter of fact. But the money keeps the politicians from doing anything about this.
Blue Puppy wrote:Seems to me that charisma has been a relevant trait for a leader in every form of government at every point through human history. Can you explain how the government is "extra-constitutional"

It has taken on many powers not delegated to it by the Constitution.

....and why that makes charisma a factor when it otherwise wouldn't be?

Perhaps charisma isn't the right word...I'm trying to say that when a representative government adopts virtually unlimited power, the only check on abuse is the personality of the people in office. In other words, in a constitutional republic you don't have to worry about the scruples of those in office because they don't have enough power to cause much damage. Whereas in a government with virtually unlimited power, unrestrained by a Constitution, the only thing between the citizens and tyranny is the good grace of officeholders.

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