Anyone out there a Libertarian? - Politics | PoFo

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Classical liberalism. The individual before the state, non-interventionist, free-market based society.
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That's right, the other lib. I for one consider myself a Conservative Libertarian, are any of you?

Don't get me wrong, I consider Republicans a far less evil compared to the Democrats, and I'd probably vote for a conservative Republican in a future election, but at the present, neither party represents the less government philosophy.
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By Noumenon
Republicans and libertarians share the same views on many issues, theres not really a whole lot of difference. The main differences are on military spending and drug legalization.

I've never heard of a liberal libertarian, since idealogies of liberalism are completely opposed to libertarianism. Liberal- Big government, high taxes, less free trade, libertarian - small government, low taxes, free trade. So all libertarians are conservative, not liberal.

I think a lot of people call themselves libertarians to differentiate themsleves from the Republicans in office who are not doing enough to make government smaller. Those republicans are supposed to stand for small government, but in practice they don't.
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By Truth-a-naut
I could classify myself as a Libertarian of sorts, the traditional kind though...
Liberty is all really subjective though.
By SouthWind
Bush is getting to far to the center for my tastes. He signs everything the Democrats pass, with no evidence of compromise to his own agenda. But whatever. I think Bill Maher considers himself a Libertarian, of course, there aren't many out there who take him serious in the political forum (his Real Time show is a joke). He boycotts SUVs because they support terrorism, of course, the condo he vacations in, uses absolutely no oil at all... :roll:
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By Khenlein
Actually, like minded people like myself are part of the growing neo-con movement.

I think I'll start a thread on that soon,
By SouthWind
Are you making reference to the Constituion party? If so, I believe that's still around.
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By Noumenon
Are you making reference to the Constituion party? If so, I believe that's still around.

No, when he means "neo-conservatives," which is the term used to describe conservatives who are not paleo-conservatives. Paleo-conservatives are the anti-war isolationists like Pat Buchanan.
By SouthWind
D'oh. I guess since we were on the topic of Consitution and Liberty based parties I assumed he was talking about the Constitution Party.

Ah well, what are the beliefs of the neo conservatives?

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