Who are you libertarians voting for? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Classical liberalism. The individual before the state, non-interventionist, free-market based society.
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By Noumenon
I would have preferred Gary Nolan or Aaron Russo, since they were more well known and more capable of getting our message out. But I guess Badnarik it is. I would rather not vote than vote for Bush. The only other candidate I would consider is Michael Peroutka (Constitution Party), but only if he had a chance to win. If I'm going to vote for a candidate who has no chance to win, it might as well be the one who is closest to my views.
By Mr.Hedgehog
Does anyone have a list of everyone running for Presidency of the US?
By Pope Perseus Peptabysmal
If I would be able to vote this year, I'd vote Bush even though I'm practically a Libertarian. When I am able to vote in 2006, I'm giving my vote to the Libertarians unless there is a Republican candidate my family knows.
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By Todd D.
I will either vote in Texas or Connecticut, I haven't decided yet. In both of those states, I can call the results right now. Therefore, my vote cannot help or hurt either of the canidates, I vote my consiounce.

Badnarik it is.
By briansmith
As a proud partisan Democrat, I hope Badnarik goes out on a tear and starts picking up votes all over the place. I would like nothing more than for (L) to be attracting more votes than (G) and (I) in important swing states. Such results ought to deliver us our 44th President of the United States.

By Garibaldi
Perseus wrote:If I would be able to vote this year, I'd vote Bush even though I'm practically a Libertarian. When I am able to vote in 2006, I'm giving my vote to the Libertarians unless there is a Republican candidate my family knows.

How come 90% of the libertarians I see have Nazi's as their second choice and not socialists? Atleast modern liberalism is still socially progressive, if it does support interference in business. However, the GOP wants justs as much interference in government(although on behalf of the Corporations, not against them), but also wants to interfere on behalf of our morals as well.

If I could vote, it's be Badnarik all the way; however, I'm going to have to look at the Constitution party.
By Garibaldi
TSaler wrote:As a proud partisan Democrat, I hope Badnarik goes out on a tear and starts picking up votes all over the place. I would like nothing more than for (L) to be attracting more votes than (G) and (I) in important swing states. Such results ought to deliver us our 44th President of the United States.


As much of a dusche as Kerry is, he's less of a dusche than Bush.
By briansmith
Garibaldi wrote:
TSaler wrote:As a proud partisan Democrat, I hope Badnarik goes out on a tear and starts picking up votes all over the place. I would like nothing more than for (L) to be attracting more votes than (G) and (I) in important swing states. Such results ought to deliver us our 44th President of the United States.


As much of a dusche as Kerry is, he's less of a dusche than Bush.

The word is "douche," and Kerry is not one, nor is he a "douchebag," and I don't give a crap if you're "voting for him anyway."

What a disgrace.

(Addendum: Don't take that personally, Garibaldi. The whole "johnkerryisadouchebagbutimvotingforhimanyway" theory makes me physically ill. It's an exercise in neo-apathy, and it sickens me.)
By Garibaldi
Sorry, I'm a little tired. Anyways, he is a douche and I am not voting for him, nor would I if I could. I have problems with most political apathy too, although if I had to conceed several ideologies for the advancement of the rest, I would.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I'm doing a write-in for Darth Vader, since I have a better chance of dying on the way to the polls than affecting the outcome of the election.
By Ocker
Interesting. Despite the obvious ideological differences, Badnarik would get my vote.

I'd kill myself before knowing I contributed to christian-fundamentalist dominated, neurologically-fascist politicians, ie. Bush and Co.
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By The American Lion
Heres a better idea for people who are not voteing for Bush but still dont like Kerry. There is Nader!
By varwoche
Those of you voting for Badnarik... Are you holding your nose and voting for him despite that he's a fringe nucase? Or do you subscribe to his nutty views?

On teaching congress about the constitution Badnarik wrote:I would announce a special one-week session of Congress where all 535 members would be required to sit through a special version of my Constitution class. Once I was convinced that every member of Congress understood my interpretation of their very limited powers, I would insist that they restate their oath of office while being videotaped. Those videos could then be used as future evidence should they ever vote to violate the rights of Americans again.

Badnarik on blowing up the UN wrote:The day I enter the Oval Office, I will give notice to the United Nations. Member nations would have one week to evacuate their offices in the UN building in New York. They would have seven days to box up their computers, their paper work, and family photos. At noon on the eighth day, after ensuring that the building was empty, I would personally detonate the explosive charges that would reduce the building to rubble. The same type of rubble we had to clean up after September 11th. I want to send a message around the world that United States foreign policy had changed dramatically, and unmistakably.

Badnarik on property wrote:The purpose (and ONLY purpose) of our Constitution is to create a government that will protect our PROPERTY.
badnarik.org archive

Badnarik on McVeigh wrote:How could Timothy McVeigh's Ryder truck knock down so much of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, while doing no damage to the building across the street except for a few broken windows? Doesn't that violate the laws of physics? How could the explosion of McVeigh's truck throw bricks and debris out into the street, once again, violating the laws of physics? What ever happened to all of the evidence from the Waco disaster that was being kept for “safe keeping” in the FBI offices in the Murrah Federal Building? THINK dammit! We may not know who blew up the building, or what their motivation was, but the government's version of the truth is completely implausible.

Thinking Hawaii had declared independence, Badnarik wrote:Last Saturday I became very excited when I received an eMail entitled “Hawaii Declares Independence?” that included a July 15th press release from the Kingdom of Hawai'i. I was, of course, somewhat skeptical so I did some preliminary research on the web and discovered www.hawaii-nation.org and several other references. My curiosity piqued, I decided to call Hawaii even though it was very early in the morning in the islands. I spoke to a man identified in the press release as the new Prime Minister and was told that a Declaration of (Hawaiian) Independence HAD been presented to the White House and United Nations recently. I was amazed and excited. Admittedly a little TOO excited, because I subsequently dispatched an eMail entitled “HAWAII DECLARES ITS INDEPENDENCE!”. Declaring your independence and having other agencies acknowledge that independence are two different things, and my enthusiasm caused me to blur that distinction. I realize now that it was only a small group of Hawaiian natives who made this declaration. It was not a proclamation by the state legislature as I allowed myself to believe. In other words, it is a bit premature for us to remove a star from the US flag.

Seriously, is there such thing as moderate libertarians?

More quotes available on request.
By smashthestate
On teaching congress about the constitution Badnarik wrote:I would announce a special one-week session of Congress where all 535 members would be required to sit through a special version of my Constitution class. Once I was convinced that every member of Congress understood my interpretation of their very limited powers, I would insist that they restate their oath of office while being videotaped. Those videos could then be used as future evidence should they ever vote to violate the rights of Americans again.

Besides the videotaping of the oaths of office, I think that's a very excellent idea. And while we're at it, we should include all of the judges and the supreme court in the occassion as well. Our founding document is now meaningless because no one respects it anymore.

One minute they will say the constitution is so old and meaningless, then if you violate one of their rights protected by the constitution, they scream out loud and say "you have violated my First Amendment rights!"

You can't pick and choose.

Badnarik on blowing up the UN wrote:The day I enter the Oval Office, I will give notice to the United Nations. Member nations would have one week to evacuate their offices in the UN building in New York. They would have seven days to box up their computers, their paper work, and family photos. At noon on the eighth day, after ensuring that the building was empty, I would personally detonate the explosive charges that would reduce the building to rubble. The same type of rubble we had to clean up after September 11th. I want to send a message around the world that United States foreign policy had changed dramatically, and unmistakably.

Another excellent idea, although we should let the building stand and use it for another purpose. The U.S. needs to get out of the U.N. and not so that we can be allowed to conduct our imperialism without checks and balances from the U.N. (not that we respect those now anyway). Libertarians believe in military isolationism and non-intervention. We want to keep the U.S. military out of other countries' business. What's so bad about that?

Badnarik on property wrote:The purpose (and ONLY purpose) of our Constitution is to create a government that will protect our PROPERTY.
badnarik.org archive

He's wrong about it. It is not the only purpose, but that certainly was one of the major purposes during the creation of the document. I think he was being deliberately exaggeratory in this quote to make a point.

These quotes are meaningless anyway. Talk is just talk, and only action can make these things happen.

We can play this quote game all day, though. Who are you voting for? Kerry? Bush? Nader? I can find plenty of "interesting" quotes from any of those candidates as well, that would paint them as fringe radicals.
By varwoche
smashthestate wrote:
On teaching congress about the constitution Badnarik wrote:I would announce a special one-week session of Congress where all 535 members would be required to sit through a special version of my Constitution class. Once I was convinced that every member of Congress understood my interpretation of their very limited powers, I would insist that they restate their oath of office while being videotaped. Those videos could then be used as future evidence should they ever vote to violate the rights of Americans again.

Besides the videotaping of the oaths of office, I think that's a very excellent idea. And while we're at it, we should include all of the judges and the supreme court in the occassion as well. Our founding document is now meaningless because no one respects it anymore.

Since you ackowledge a problem with congress being forced to take a new oath by Pres Badnarik, you might also acknowledge that Badnarik has some problems understanding how the branches of government operate, and maybe he isn't the best person to teach the constitution.

Incidentally, Badnarik's constitutional expertise is 100% self-annointed. He studied chemistry in college (though didn't graduate).

True, he's a US citizen and he's over 35. So yes, in that minimal sense he's qualified to be president.

These quotes are meaningless anyway. Talk is just talk, and only action can make these things happen.

Why are they meaningless? What do you mean talk is just talk? These quotes are from articles that Badnarik wrote. I realize he has zero chance of being elected. Is that why his words are "meaningless"?

Am I to infer that you will not hold your nose when you vote for Badnarik? And that you do not decry his "unorthodox" positions?
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Blowing up the UN building would violate libertarian principles, since it is private property.
By varwoche
smashthestate wrote: We can play this quote game all day, though. Who are you voting for? Kerry? Bush? Nader? I can find plenty of "interesting" quotes from any of those candidates as well, that would paint them as fringe radicals.

I neglected to answer your question smashthestate. I'm voting for Kerry, holding my nose per usual.

I'm eager to see the quotes you threaten to produce. It may be a difficult task and I wish you best of luck. It's going to take some seriously whacked out material to play in the same league as Badnarik, nutcase extraordinaire.

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