yet another appeal (I know--long) - Politics | PoFo

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“The white conservatives aren’t friends of the Negro either, but they at least don’t try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the “smiling” fox.”

Malcolm X said this in 1963, two years before he was assassinated. Here he was attempting to convey to his audience the concept that the nature of the system above the heads of the average black person was the central cause of their exploitation. He suggested that by working within the system, or by voting for one of the two main political parties, there could be no substantial advancement for black people. I would like to modify this argument somewhat, because I believe it does not only apply to the oppressed black people of America, but it applies to every last victim of the long legacy of imperialism carried out abroad by the United States, and every last victim of our false democracy. Included in this latter group are the poor people of all races in our own society.

In 2011 it has become clear to a great number of people that social activism will be a requirement if we hope to pressure our government to genuinely represent our interests as American people. This perception of disenfranchisement has caused fledgling movements to pop up in every major city in the country and many towns. We have become trapped in the flawed nature of our political system, forced to vote for one or another candidate that both represent the interests of the business class. The train is plowing ahead, and we can only nudge it in one direction or another. This situation is unacceptable and needs to be changed, and the question always arises: to what end? What is the solution to the problems that face us, and to what end should we work as people interested in social reform? There are a thousand eloquent descriptions of those problems, and far fewer attempts to understand how we can resolve them.

My suggestion here is that we need to unite around central fundamental reforms that will upset the very source of power of the elite in this country and place that power into the hands of the people. First, we must upset the consolidation of control over media. Participants in recent social movements are aware of the extent to which mainstream media outlets intentionally downplay and disregard our protests. The very existence of FOX News, with their deceptive framing and obvious bias, is evidence of the existence of elements in this society that have a particular agenda. They are not playing to an audience, they are creating the beliefs of an audience, and they are engaging in the crime of deception. TV media and news media needs to be re-formatted and more public channels need to be established where a more neutral voice can have a permanent place.

Second, we need to significantly reduce our military budget, bring troops home from abroad, and close our military bases abroad. These conflicts are never and have never been in the interests of the vast majority of American people and they are, most of the time, the results of business ambitions. We should defend our own country and we should be very reluctant to move across its borders militarily. Americans have a duty to be vigilant about watching our government when it comes to foreign policy because these actions are carried out in our name.

Third, we must demand the establishment of universal systems of education and health care. If we can employ the population to man military bases and kill the people of Afghanistan and Iraq, we can employ them to provide health care and education to our own citizens as well. If we want to provide a basis on which people can fulfill themselves as human beings, this basic foundation of life is an absolute necessity. Perhaps, as well, if people are able to raise their gaze from their direct short-term self-interest, they will be better able to understand and contemplate their position in the world. The opportunity to have time to read and learn comes from a degree of affluence, however ideally it would be provided to every person in their most absorptive stages.

Fourth, we should demand the restructuring of our political system to make it more viable to choose a third party over the two central ones. We should adopt a system of proportional representation on a statewide and national level that would allow people to vote for the party they believe most represents their interests. This would create a multiplicity of voices, which is certainly preferable to the current circumstances. Many social activists and revolutionaries hold faith in the concept of revolution; I do not. I appreciate the spirit of revolt, but we must understand that a real revolution is chaotic thing that cannot be controlled. We have a democratic system that, though it is flawed, has a sound foundation in that there is a judicial process and a system designed to prevent tyrannical control from taking hold.

Fifth and finally, we must resoundingly demand the protection of our civil liberties and the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. The Patriot Act and its most recent extension, the National Defense Authorization Act, are unwarranted extensions of executive power that threaten to undermine the separation of the three branches of government.

Many aspects of this society—consolidation of control over media, increasing concentration of wealth, the violation of our civil liberties—points toward one thing: tyranny. We cannot allow this concern to be shouted down by others who say that we are panicking, or engaging in conspiracy theory. We cannot take the violations of our civil liberties lightly and should work to protect them at every available opportunity, and we must work to correct other aspects of the way that we conduct ourselves if we want to create a more egalitarian, just, and productive society and world.
Why do you think that my white Conservative masters appointed me as Director of Operations, CSIS if they are Conservative racists who are waging 'war against the Negro" when I am pure black, a Negro? Why do you think McCain recommended Herman Cain as presidential candidate. You are trying to whip up the "negro' into hateful frenzy.

The God-saved Conservatives have wanted to make peace with the Negro. But the fact of the matter is that the leaders like Obama are either socialists or closet communists. Obama should not have been surveilled for Cuban espionage if he was pro-capitalist. They have no other choice but to wage war against the communist Negro not against pro-capitalist Herman Cain. Socialism and communism do not work. Capitalism works.
Malcolm X wrote:The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the “smiling” fox.”

Here, he compares "white liberals" to the Goldstein character in 1984.

False friends. Double Agents. Backstabbing social climbers.

This group currently dominates both the "alternative" press and college speaking tours. These money-fueled pseudo-egalitarians are like a vaccine for the "disease" that is social justice.

And they often belong to the same race(s)/clique(s)/secret society(ies) as the ruling elite. Just like Goldstein.
Why do you think that my white Conservative masters appointed me as Director of Operations, CSIS if they are Conservative racists who are waging 'war against the Negro" when I am pure black, a Negro? Why do you think McCain recommended Herman Cain as presidential candidate. You are trying to whip up the "negro' into hateful frenzy.

I think color doesn't matter in this case, that's what I was suggesting. Herman Cain is a good example. He's black but that doesn't make him any less a part of the machine that continually oppresses the poor of all races in our own society and prioritizes the desires of the rich over the needs of most of the population. I'm not trying to whip anyone into a hateful frenzy, I'm trying to create something that we can unite on as Americans interested in social change that would fundamentally alter the way we govern ourselves while still maintaining a democratic ideal.

Qatz, the Democrat/Republican situation is basically a good cop/bad cop situation in that Republicans are staunchly pro-wealth and pro-capital, while the Democrats are only marginally better. Because these are the two main voices, many Americans are convinced that they are the only rational alternatives.
Hearts and minds is the only tool available, save for a bloody insurrection. What we do here is for hearts and minds - no more or less value than what some on the streets are able to do. I believe it will fall apart on its own, it is too precariously perched in a strong wind to stay upright much longer. Cultures braver than ours have taken the first steps - our bravery won't come however, until stomachs start to empty - or a few of our children get killed - I've seen it before.

We need a leader. No - We need a warrior.
Qatz, the Democrat/Republican situation is basically a good cop/bad cop situation in that Republicans are staunchly pro-wealth and pro-capital, while the Democrats are only marginally better. Because these are the two main voices, many Americans are convinced that they are the only rational alternatives.

I'm aware of this. A lot of pseudo-democracies (Banking Dictatorships) have this kind of fake two-party choice.

But there is the parallel phenomenon of the fake "change" advocate, of which Malcolm X speaks. I have known many of these comfortable equality-talking hypocrites. They often adopt a "socialist" voice because it's the best way in their social situation to get money and status.

In other words, a certain slice of the ruling class adopts "worker chic" as its thin veneer of social respectability. They talk the talk, but hop into their Subarus and fly to Thailand once a year rather than walking the walk of the workers they pretend to care about.

College and mass media teaches kids how to channel their concern for other people into something that doesn't imperil the status quo. I went to college and have watched a lot of movies myself, so I too have been poisoned by the castrating medicine of Capitalist memes.
My evaluation of the appeal:

grassroots1 wrote:My suggestion here is that we need to unite around central fundamental reforms that will upset the very source of power of the elite in this country and place that power into the hands of the people. First, we must upset the consolidation of control over media. Participants in recent social movements are aware of the extent to which mainstream media outlets intentionally downplay and disregard our protests. The very existence of FOX News, with their deceptive framing and obvious bias, is evidence of the existence of elements in this society that have a particular agenda. They are not playing to an audience, they are creating the beliefs of an audience, and they are engaging in the crime of deception. TV media and news media needs to be re-formatted and more public channels need to be established where a more neutral voice can have a permanent place.

Agree. Publicly funded television is important.

grassroots1 wrote:Second, we need to significantly reduce our military budget, bring troops home from abroad, and close our military bases abroad. These conflicts are never and have never been in the interests of the vast majority of American people and they are, most of the time, the results of business ambitions. We should defend our own country and we should be very reluctant to move across its borders militarily. Americans have a duty to be vigilant about watching our government when it comes to foreign policy because these actions are carried out in our name.

Agree and disagree. We should close the useless bases (e.g. South Korea :?: ) but we should still remain a powerful military force. We should bring home our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, along with becoming less active in war to some extent.

grassroots1 wrote:Third, we must demand the establishment of universal systems of education and health care. If we can employ the population to man military bases and kill the people of Afghanistan and Iraq, we can employ them to provide health care and education to our own citizens as well. If we want to provide a basis on which people can fulfill themselves as human beings, this basic foundation of life is an absolute necessity. Perhaps, as well, if people are able to raise their gaze from their direct short-term self-interest, they will be better able to understand and contemplate their position in the world. The opportunity to have time to read and learn comes from a degree of affluence, however ideally it would be provided to every person in their most absorptive stages.

Agree. Healthcare and education are two extremely neglected establishments in this country.

grassroots1 wrote:Fourth, we should demand the restructuring of our political system to make it more viable to choose a third party over the two central ones. We should adopt a system of proportional representation on a statewide and national level that would allow people to vote for the party they believe most represents their interests. This would create a multiplicity of voices, which is certainly preferable to the current circumstances. Many social activists and revolutionaries hold faith in the concept of revolution; I do not. I appreciate the spirit of revolt, but we must understand that a real revolution is chaotic thing that cannot be controlled. We have a democratic system that, though it is flawed, has a sound foundation in that there is a judicial process and a system designed to prevent tyrannical control from taking hold.

Strongly agree. The two-party monopoly is very harmful.

grassroots1 wrote:Fifth and finally, we must resoundingly demand the protection of our civil liberties and the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. The Patriot Act and its most recent extension, the National Defense Authorization Act, are unwarranted extensions of executive power that threaten to undermine the separation of the three branches of government.


This appeal consists of many reforms that I am hoping for. If I made a political party, these would probably be some of my main talking points. I think that the appeal is missing one big thing though: campaign finance reform.

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