Anyone with ideas for Israel-Palestine conflict? - Politics | PoFo

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Anyone got any solutions?

I'm real tired so this may be stupid, but I just thought of something.

The U.N., or some more efficient international coalition created for this sole purpose, should make the lands of Israel and Palestine international property, open for whoever, and operated locally, but overseen by the international coalition, since the whole world seems to care about this location so much.

The government, closely monitered by the coalition, should be set up with the electoral college system, so that Palestinian or Israeli regions have somewhat equal voices.

Israel should not have a military. It should become neutral, protected by the coalition against any aggression. The nation tapping into its enormous potential for tourism to make it the melting point of the world and probably the most popular tourist country ever.

Why should Israel be the group that is disarmed?

Because hate is born and increased from both Israel military raids and Palestinian bombings. It is my belief that taking away one of these factors would increase the stablity of the region. Since the Israeli military is more organized, it should be easier to dismantle.

Why should the earth's most coveted ground be controlled by a single government?
By Generalissimo Talonius
I think we should just let 'em battle it out to see who really has the right to both the Gaza Strip and West Bank. If the Palestinians really want it, I guess they should take up arms and fight the Israelis to the death ( then the Israelis should blow the Palestinians straight to hell. That's how war works :evil: ).
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By Yeddi
Seriously.... HOW OLD ARE YOU? :eh:

Wars should never be fought. I bet your loveing the current atmosphere... death and destruction about to destroy peoples lives. You must love it...
Personally i think the world should take a tough stand and make both sides keep to the UN accord from 1948 or whenever where they ruled out bounderies.
By El Cid
Well obviously the two countries can't do it alone. Another, "stronger" if you will, country must participate to come to get to peace. I do not know why the US are supporting the evil deeds of the Israelis and why no one is even planning on helping Palestines! It's sad the other countries around just ignore the fact that there has been a "passive war" for a while.
By Deicidus
I don't call it a war when a tank opposes a kid trowing rocks. This conflics has no purpose or no cause. The jews should of had kept a lesson from the holocaust. Some people in Israel say they're not supporting Sharon and his evil deeds. Well, where the fuck are they? we don't see them in the streets protesting, we don't see them in conventions or reunions arguing that this conflict is either fair or right. No, they cave and keep their mouths shut. They're cowards. The palestinian won't cave either. Palestinian kids under 10 play games where they are suicide bombers going to kill people on the other side of the border. It's sad, very sad. Israel is a fascist country and it should be blown up. Since the biggining of this country it has been wrong. The jews from 2000 years ago were oppressive and discriminating for the other minorithies, christians, or what they called ``Barbarians``. They rebelled twice agaisnt the Roman legions, which kicked their ass twice, and they got kicked out of Jude for more than 2000 years. and now, they expect to come back and kick out the people that were there for more than centuries.
By gqtie
Deicidus, your reference to some corrupt, murderous politicians as "the jews" is a bit disconcerting.

Deicidus: I don't call it a war when a tank opposes a kid trowing rocks.

Its murder.

Deicidus: The jews should of had kept a lesson from the holocaust.

I think you should take a lesson: Humans are obedient and malleable animals. We can be very good, or very cruel.

Deicidus: Some people in Israel say they're not supporting Sharon and his evil deeds. Well, where the fuck are they?

A lot people ask the same of Americans and the US's numerous atrocities. Where the hell were we? Well, most of us are obedient, patriotic citizens busy fulfilling our duties as consumers.

There is far more debate and condemnation of Israeli policy in Israel than in the US. In fact, I've never seen any balanced discussion in the US mass media.

If you wish to condemn, follow the billions pouring into Israel from blind US taxpayers.
By Sapper
Atrocities? What atrocities has the U.S. committed? When did we gas people? When did we purposely murder civilians?

Umm... the kid doesn't have to throw the rock at the tank. That's rather stupid actually.

I agree with Bloody Talons, the strong will survive while the weak will be vanquished. However, the U.S. should definetly halt it's support for Israel because that's why the rest of the Middle East hates us. It is ridiculous for us to support that little nation over the rest of the Middle East just as it is ridiculous for a presidential canadiate to sacrifice Texas & New York's electoral votes for Rhode Island's. A U.S. endorsed Palestinian state MUST be created.

Whether you think Israel should have the country or not, if you care about the good of the U.S. more than Israel, you should support a Palestinian state. I have written numerous articles about this... some of them are about the Palestinian holocaust, I'll post them up sometime.

By gqtie
Sapper46123: Atrocities? What atrocities has the U.S. committed? When did we gas people? When did we purposely murder civilians?

Hiroshima? Nagasaki? Vietnam (also gassed)? Palestine (by proxy)? Iraq (sanctions, depleted uranium)? Just to name the most blatant examples.

Umm... the kid doesn't have to throw the rock at the tank. That's rather stupid actually.

Imagine, if you will, Iraqi tanks strolling by your home. I certainly wouldn't hold it against you for expressing outrage by throwing a rock.

I agree with Bloody Talons, the strong will survive while the weak will be vanquished.

Not if the lucky help the unlucky as you wish to do with Palestinians.
By Sapper
How many people died in those two nukes? In between 100,000 & 200,000 I think. Wasn't it something like a million people would've died had we used conventional means? Besides, Japan could've surrendered and avioded that. We warned them but they didn't listen. Admittingly, sanctions never work, but I wouldn't count that as an atrocity really.
By GlobalJustice
Why Nagasaki??

Had we detonated the first on Hiroshima and the second on barren terrain, it would have shown the Japanese that we had the capability of multiple atomic weapons and it would have had the same effect.
By gqtie
Sapper: Wasn't it something like a million people would've died had we used conventional means? Besides, Japan could've surrendered and avioded that.

That situation is debatable. We knew the Russians were going to declare war, and would persuade Japan to surrender. Also, our insistence upon unconditional surrender is a bit suspicious given the insignificant condition Japan sought.

It was a warning to the Soviets. And the ultimate real world side-to-side comparison of plutonium and uranium bombs.

Sapper: Admittingly, sanctions never work, but I wouldn't count that as an atrocity really.

Sanctions on Iraq have certainly worked as designed: brutalize Iraqis. They are genocide. Sanctions have greatly facilitate the death of 1.5 million Iraqis. That is certainly an atrocity.
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By KurtFF8
GlobalJustice wrote:Why Nagasaki??

Had we detonated the first on Hiroshima and the second on barren terrain, it would have shown the Japanese that we had the capability of multiple atomic weapons and it would have had the same effect.

accually they were not just for shock effect, it was also an attack on industrial centers that were producing the japanese war machine.

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