ingliz wrote:Yes, you did.
African cannibals
I read that from him too. Extremely racist against Black people. But he is not really against Black people. He can go and tell lies to others. I am reading what he writes. So far he has written in one thread about slaying his enemies and that politics is about getting in a power position and then killing his political enemies off. But his group is not violent. Yeah, right.
Then he talks about wanting to kill people. Equal opportunity killing because it does not necessarily have to be people of color. Yeah, right.
Then he says he knows a lot about genetics. He does not give credentials at all. Then he says he has a real authority Davenport who was into genetics. The man was rejected as being a racist by other British and European geneticists within his own ERA. In his own peer group. They questioned his facts and called them counterfactual and his research was basically trashed. But he is holding it up as the proof of objective conclusions about race.
Yeah right.
He floated the idea that if a woman gets pregnant by a man that is not of her same race that the baby is defective enough to be spontaneously aborted. Implying that if a pregnancy is from a couple that is of the same race that the fetus would be healthier and not be aborted. That is a vile lie of the worst sort.
The entire pregnancy for a woman can be risky. From start to finish because believe it or not, giving birth is not a problem free, anxiety free process. It is difficult and risky sometimes. That is why so many women died in childbirth before the days of family planning and contraception. The baby could have its umbilical cord wrapped around its neck, it could have a bad reaction to food poisoning, trauma, or the mother has some kind of fall or traumatic injury, and many other factors during the gestation period that affects the baby.
But the race of the father or the mother making the child naturally defective off the bat is the argument of a racist of the worst sort. No one believes that shitty lie either. Yeah, right.
Then he says I overestimate the capacity of the White Nationalists to fight the government that is on a kill all white people genocide campaign worldwide. That the situation is dire. That something has to be done. But he can't provide some article, link or video or a shred of evidence that there are gangs of people from the government or Black people or Latinos going door to door in white neighborhoods, shooting or killing or displacing white families en masse from their homes a la GAZA in Palestine. Denying them food, water, medicine, fuel, and housing, and work and killing lots of white innocent people to get to a neo Nazi. It is not happening. ZERO EVIDENCE.
But we are supposed to believe that string of lies as gospel truth. WHY SHOULD WE?
There are so many lies that he spouts it is incredible.
Holocaust never happened. Lie.
Israel is not a legit nation at all.
Colonialism did not really happen. Lie.
Slavery in the USA did not happen. Lie.
But, now he argues with @ingliz about cannibalism.
We already stated that cannibalism has happened in the USA by white people. Yes, white people. And there are cases of cannibalism in people in extreme situations and they are white.
In fact, if you examine a lot of Christian European traditions it is a form of cannibalism. How? The body of Christ is the wafer...the host. You are eating the Flesh of Christ symbolically so you can be part of the forgiveness of sins. The wine is actually the Blood of Christ. Cannibalism in Christianity in terms of symbolism. But the Africans are inferior and do primitive bad shit that no other race associated with whiteness has ever done in the history of MANKIND.
He has a filter against anyone who is Black, Latino or any other race he hates irrationally. The hater is him. And he can't accept it. He hates. He spreads lies.
Have some depth and try to argue with some decency. Not even @Verv who is a conservative Christian living in South Korea for years and likes hanging around Asians believes that white people can only live around other white people because they can only trust WHITE culture only.
Most of the stuff you write @FiveofSwords is either misleading via omission or is lacking a lot of objective scientific backing with real authorities in the present day....or they are just racist lies of the worst sort.
But we need to buy into it?
That is why you would do better going to the Trump rallies and talking your talking points of white power and white genocide with them. Most of the posters in these fora are married to people who are of different races than they are. Even the conservative ones. And most live outside of the USA racialist narrative that is going crazy lately in 2024.
The USA is only about 5% of the world. 95% of the world is not in that reality. Though your fear about the White Race going extinct is really about the need to take over the government and do a Hitler 2.0 ethnic cleansing campaign that is not about being humane. But about being foolish. And being immoral in the worst possible manner. It will also cost the USA its superpower status. Right now the BRIC nations according to Skynet are plotting to get rid of the petrodollar monopoly in the world.
If they are successful the threats about do what we say or else from the USA is going to be hard to keep up. It is about basic math. 850 million vs 3.3 Billion people markets. The numbers are hard to overcome.