How the British took over India by Trevor Noah (Very Funny and Insightful) - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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Oh you snowflake crying about being injured and can't share any information. No dude, you will not do it due to not having any real confidence in your points of view. This is a debate board.

Don't project your cheap intolerance onto me. It is about you worrying about being replaced and genocided.

You are not able to be open because it is tough defending ideas that are emotionally rooted in irrationality. Which yours are.

Meanwhile, have you seen RRR? Bollywood from India loves producing films that Hindus, and others there love to watch. One of their favorites are watching the British arrogant types getting their comeuppance. Sort of like the PRC always making movies about the bad Japanese who invaded them in WWII, and the US WWII films where the Nazis get their due.

It sells.

Gee, they were weak. The audience loves seeing Indian Hindu speaking heroes being strong and comically exaggerated. Entertain yourself Mr. Snowflake.

You might learn a little about Indian Film Culture. ;)

FiveofSwords wrote:...The primary reason the British conquered India was because India was weaker. ...

"The primary reason that the gang raped Isabelle is because Isabelle was weaker..."

Do you see how "being weaker" is not a cause of the rape (or the colonialism) but simply offers "an opportunity" to the rapist or colonialist?

To call it "the reason" would mean that every smallish country on earth would be invaded and captured by Big Money.... oh wait....

If I agree with your analogy, I have to conclude that the USA is the world's most successful rapist. And it has been "successful" (it has gotten away with multiple rapes) by ruining the reputation of its many victims in its media...

Tainari88 wrote:... The audience loves seeing Indian Hindu speaking heroes being strong and comically exaggerated. ...

Yes, the losers (rape victims) of colonialism can be passified with movies and other entertainment products. As are suburban victims of "trail of tears" isolation.
QatzelOk wrote:"The primary reason that the gang raped Isabelle is because Isabelle was weaker..."

Do you see how "being weaker" is not a cause of the rape (or the colonialism) but simply offers "an opportunity" to the rapist or colonialist?

To call it "the reason" would mean that every smallish country on earth would be invaded and captured by Big Money.... oh wait....

If I agree with your analogy, I have to conclude that the USA is the world's most successful rapist. And it has been "successful" (it has gotten away with multiple rapes) by ruining the reputation of its many victims in its media...

Yes, the losers (rape victims) of colonialism can be passified with movies and other entertainment products. As are suburban victims of "trail of tears" isolation.

Uh..if you legalized rape then yes, more people would get raped. Rape is less common right now than it will be after rape is legalized because it is illegal AND because most people are less powerful than the police.

If Isabella doesn't want to get raped then I would expect her to want rape to be illegal and to support the enforcement of that law.

If she wants to decriminalize rape (as the 2nd wave feminists did)...or if she attacks law enforcement...or if she helps propagate the meme that white women always falsely accuse black men of rape...or if she tries to conflate rape with drunk sex or consent she regrets...then I do not believe she is really opposed to being raped. In fact I would fully expect that Isabella to have some rape fantasy kink and cares more about her own pleasure than protecting women who actually do not want to be raped.

This is not an 'analogy' lol...this is simply the way things actually are. You seem to be the one desperately trying to construct an analogy and i don't understand the relevance at all.

I am not a fan of thr isa...but yet again I will repeat that you are not going to change the behavior of the usa by trying to shame it lol. The usa is not going to care one bit that you compare it to a rapist. The only deterrent to the usa is to actually get more powerful. Follow the example of north Korea, for example.

I find it very amusing that you and this other brown poster who keeps shouting insults at me seem to assume that I somehow side with imperialism because I am suggesting a solution that would actually work. That is not logical. It SHOULD imply the exact opposite...and if you are trying to support the idea that countries can keep thenselves safe by just trying to shame their oppressors and calling them racist then I naturally would suspect that you side with imperialism...because of how absurd your strategy is and how doomed to failure it is.

By the way it is spelled pacified.
This point seems to need repetition. Where there was civilisation there was imperialism and the most gross inequality. The British were actually better than the alternatives. Of course they were selfish, all humans are selfish. Britain's rule was the best chance for Hindu's and Buddhists to retain the best of their spiritual culture, while learning modern progressive values from their moral superiors. The great tragedy of British India is that it didn't include Tibet. In the long run is it was racist, aggressive, expansionist, oppressive, exploitative Han settler Imperialism that was the real enemy not the British.
FiveofSwords wrote:Uh..if you legalized rape then yes, more people would get raped...

Um, this needs to be proven. It is possible that our civilizational angst regarding sex (and other body functions) has harmed our relationship to our own bodies and the bodies of other people. If this is the case, we will not have a healthy relationship to our own bodies or the sovereignty of other bodies... until we are finished with civiliation (animal-husbandry applied to other humans).

But your simply formula is true for colonialism. If it is legal (like it appears to be right now) then it will happen. If Israel is allowed to kill whomever it wants, then it will kill a lot of people. And if the people Israel (or the USA) kills includes MOST OR ALL of the members of a particular culture, then genocide (the equivalent of a snuff-movie rape) it will be.

Racism guarantees that "the other" gets genocided. And the lust of money is a great cause of racism because racism allows more stealing and killing of "resource holders."
Tainari88 wrote:Oh you snowflake crying about being injured and can't share any information. No dude, you will not do it due to not having any real confidence in your points of view. This is a debate board.

Don't project your cheap intolerance onto me. It is about you worrying about being replaced and genocided.

You are not able to be open because it is tough defending ideas that are emotionally rooted in irrationality. Which yours are.

Meanwhile, have you seen RRR? Bollywood from India loves producing films that Hindus, and others there love to watch. One of their favorites are watching the British arrogant types getting their comeuppance. Sort of like the PRC always making movies about the bad Japanese who invaded them in WWII, and the US WWII films where the Nazis get their due.

It sells.

Gee, they were weak. The audience loves seeing Indian Hindu speaking heroes being strong and comically exaggerated. Entertain yourself Mr. Snowflake.

You might learn a little about Indian Film Culture. ;)

Lol! You are just openly hateful and then pretend I am 'projecting' when I say you are hateful. You sincerely seem to have some psychological issues.
Well, those who like @FiveofSwords continue to avoid taking responsibility for greed incarnate as the reason for exploiting the resources of other nations or peoples and justify it all as weak vs strong?

No, the reality is that if you face the facts about the results of all these actions taken? The colonizers have to give up on the abusive relationship. There is resistance. People get tired of trying to rule over people who do not trust your savage ways of rule. And the rulers get tired of living in fear of retaliation from the people they have fucked over too long.

It does not work. Over time. It does not work.

Why is this so hard for people to accept? Because you got to believe that your version of the human race is better than the next guy's. It is not.

Accept responsibility.

@FiveofSwords thinks he is going to be genocided by who? He refuses to state who it is.

I know who is or continues to work on getting rid of my group of people. He can't name his enemies? Why?

The only answer is he can't back it up.

This lack of facing reality is a by product of people who lie to themselves all day.
FiveofSwords wrote:Lol! You are just openly hateful and then pretend I am 'projecting' when I say you are hateful. You sincerely seem to have some psychological issues.

No, I am not openly hateful. I criticize colonialism because it is a very despicable and horrible policy that oppresses one group of people in order to gain for another group of people, and it enslaves one group and ruins the moral compass of the one's forced into the role of oppressor. It ruins both people.

Again, Greed and Violence.

Now, you trying to state I have psychological issues is another projection. You are the one with psychological issues, because you refuse to name who is trying to genocide you.

So once again--Who is trying to genocide you?

Can you name them or the concept?

If you can not do it?

Then you have an unnamed persecution complex. Who has psychological issues again?

You have not reported me for hate and genocide against Anglos Sword? Why haven't you done that? You claim that is who I am?

Do it.

You will not do it.


because it is a lie.

You instead avoid identifying who your enemy is.


Maybe because it continues to be a lie.
QatzelOk wrote:Um, this needs to be proven. It is possible that our civilizational angst regarding sex (and other body functions) has harmed our relationship to our own bodies and the bodies of other people. If this is the case, we will not have a healthy relationship to our own bodies or the sovereignty of other bodies... until we are finished with civiliation (animal-husbandry applied to other humans).

But your simply formula is true for colonialism. If it is legal (like it appears to be right now) then it will happen. If Israel is allowed to kill whomever it wants, then it will kill a lot of people. And if the people Israel (or the USA) kills includes MOST OR ALL of the members of a particular culture, then genocide (the equivalent of a snuff-movie rape) it will be.

Racism guarantees that "the other" gets genocided. And the lust of money is a great cause of racism because racism allows more stealing and killing of "resource holders."

A racist is just a white person who doesn't hate white people. So actually racism is necessary to avoid genocide.

Acquisition of money is actually anti racist...obviously. unless you think somehow that only white people can have money lol...which was never true. A person either cares about their race or they care about money...these are not the same thing. Quite often you will have to choose between them (for example, I don't hire cheap brown labor)
Tainari88 wrote:No, I am not openly hateful. I criticize colonialism because it is a very despicable and horrible policy that oppresses one group of people in order to gain for another group of people, and it enslaves one group and ruins the moral compass of the one's forced into the role of oppressor. It ruins both people.

Again, Greed and Violence.

Now, you trying to state I have psychological issues is another projection. You are the one with psychological issues, because you refuse to name who is trying to genocide you.

So once again--Who is trying to genocide you?

Can you name them or the concept?

If you can not do it?

Then you have an unnamed persecution complex. Who has psychological issues again?

You have not reported me for hate and genocide against Anglos Sword? Why haven't you done that? You claim that is who I am?

Do it.

You will not do it.


because it is a lie.

You instead avoid identifying who your enemy is.


Maybe because it continues to be a lie.

Your criticism of colonialism is quite stupid, actually. I could say that eating food is evil because if you eat food then it reduces how much food is available for other you are basically oppressing then and all starvation in the world is your fault.

If you are somehow persuaded by this argument and starve to death then that suits me just fine...because it means there is one less person trying to kill me in the world. My argument against eating would actually be in bad faith and it would be serving a political purpose.

Your argument against colonialism is exactly the same. You love the idea of colonizing white people...your issue is not colonialism per se.
FiveofSwords wrote:A racist is just a white person who doesn't hate white people. So actually racism is necessary to avoid genocide.

Acquisition of money is actually anti racist...obviously. unless you think somehow that only white people can have money lol...which was never true. A person either cares about their race or they care about money...these are not the same thing. Quite often you will have to choose between them (for example, I don't hire cheap brown labor)

Well, this says a lot.

Finally got some decent stance out of you.

Hmm, a person either cares about their race or they care about money. Wow, what a statement.

You have to choose between them.

He does not hire cheap brown labor. He cares about his money and he cares about his race.

:lol: :lol:

He will not last long with capitalistic principles. They do not care who they sell to to gain a profit. And they do not believe in a white nation for white people only. The important thing is if you consume and if you can be a market for their products or goods or services.

Sword here thinks everyone is going to go back to a past where white people supported each other and loved their own race. And the other races either lived in their own part of town and or were deported out of the country because everyone has to live in some color coded world.

Sorry to say FiveofSwords....that world you think you can recreate has been destroyed by the Globalist elite Capitalists. Of all nationalities.

Your petty nationalism of Whiteness has zero chance of success.

Again, you live a lie in your own mind.
Oh, @FiveofSwords you made me laugh too much.

I think I got to really get over this dumb statement.

You love the idea of colonizing white people...your issue is not colonialism per se.

So now, you finally got some cojones and have stated who you fear is colonizing you and or oppressing you?

Is it Latin Americans who are invading the USA? And I am a Latin American brown person who is doing what?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dude, you sure do have paranoia about the Brown people in your head eh?

I need to colonize some white people? That is my master plan?

You need to state how those people are affecting you?

You should know by now that the capitalist globalists who make money off of cheap labor of all sorts--are racists when it is convenient to be so, and non racists when it is convenient to be so. They use it as a device. Like Toni Morrison talked about.

But I am realizing you really do not understand a lot.

I doubt you will ever get @QatzelOk style and thought process.

And you nitpick over shit spelling details like pacify. Why? Because you have zero substance in debating Q. I am sure you will call him crazy and so on. That is a cheap tactic to cover up insecurities about wanting a pure race that does not exist nation full of for profit fools who only think in terms of black vs white. And the brown hordes are full of hate and they want to colonize my decent white nation.

Do not worry @FiveofSwords you are not the first foolish thought type to show up here. It usually happens in election years. :lol:
Tainari88 wrote:Well, this says a lot.

Finally got some decent stance out of you.

Hmm, a person either cares about their race or they care about money. Wow, what a statement.

You have to choose between them.

He does not hire cheap brown labor. He cares about his money and he cares about his race.

:lol: :lol:

He will not last long with capitalistic principles. They do not care who they sell to to gain a profit. And they do not believe in a white nation for white people only. The important thing is if you consume and if you can be a market for their products or goods or services.

Sword here thinks everyone is going to go back to a past where white people supported each other and loved their own race. And the other races either lived in their own part of town and or were deported out of the country because everyone has to live in some color coded world.

Sorry to say FiveofSwords....that world you think you can recreate has been destroyed by the Globalist elite Capitalists. Of all nationalities.

Your petty nationalism of Whiteness has zero chance of success.

Again, you live a lie in your own mind.

Well I am glad you are willing to finally admit that you are just a shill for global capitalists. Obviously I knew that the whole time but it is fun to watch the mask drop.

What you aren't going to admit is that you are afraid. I know you are...or else you wouldn't even bother trying to hard to demoralize me.

Your system is not working and it is intrinsically unsustainable. It will collapse under its own weight and probably very soon. You have no way of stopping the rising power of Russia and used to rely on people like myself as the source of your power but now you have made us your enemy. You have no good moves anymore. I like watching you squirm on the internet.
Tainari88 wrote:Oh, @FiveofSwords you made me laugh too much.

I think I got to really get over this dumb statement.

So now, you finally got some cojones and have stated who you fear is colonizing you and or oppressing you?

Is it Latin Americans who are invading the USA? And I am a Latin American brown person who is doing what?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dude, you sure do have paranoia about the Brown people in your head eh?

I need to colonize some white people? That is my master plan?

You need to state how those people are affecting you?

You should know by now that the capitalist globalists who make money off of cheap labor of all sorts--are racists when it is convenient to be so, and non racists when it is convenient to be so. They use it as a device. Like Toni Morrison talked about.

But I am realizing you really do not understand a lot.

I doubt you will ever get @QatzelOk style and thought process.

And you nitpick over shit spelling details like pacify. Why? Because you have zero substance in debating Q. I am sure you will call him crazy and so on. That is a cheap tactic to cover up insecurities about wanting a pure race that does not exist nation full of for profit fools who only think in terms of black vs white. And the brown hordes are full of hate and they want to colonize my decent white nation.

Do not worry @FiveofSwords you are not the first foolish thought type to show up here. It usually happens in election years. :lol:

Now you are desperately trying to flatter yourself in your fan fiction story about me. Don't worry...I am not actually afraid of dumb brown people like yourself and what you can do to the white are actually too weak and stupid to be a threat. I dislike you but I do not fear you.

I can tell, however, that you love the idea that you might somehow be a threat to me. You desperately wish that you were, lol.

But no, dear. If you use your eyeballs and just look at who actually has power in the formerly white countries and who is actually forcing them to turn brown, it is not the brown hordes themselves. You are just pawns and slave labor. You are irrelevant in the actual struggle for power. If you think your vote matters or could ever matter...then you are kidding yourself and are just as delusional as thr white people who think that voting for Trump could possibly stop mass immigration and the deliberate demographic transformation of our homelands. Trump did not build his 'big beautiful wall' and he never intended to. He just knew what white people were concerned about and therefore what to say to get elected. Voters are predictable like that and frankly brown 'voters' are especially predictable and easy to manipulate.

You are really just a useful idiot lol...and the people whose boots you are licking actually hate you even more than I do. Your masters are not actually capitalists either...they just pretend to be. But they have their own ethnic interests just like you and I do. That is ultimately what all power revoles around: ethnic interests. Always has and always will.
FiveofSwords wrote:
Now you are desperately trying to flatter yourself in your fan fiction story about me. Don't worry...I am not actually afraid of dumb brown people like yourself and what you can do to the white are actually too weak and stupid to be a threat. I dislike you but I do not fear you.

I can tell, however, that you love the idea that you might somehow be a threat to me. You desperately wish that you were, lol.

But no, dear. If you use your eyeballs and just look at who actually has power in the formerly white countries and who is actually forcing them to turn brown, it is not the brown hordes themselves. You are just pawns and slave labor. You are irrelevant in the actual struggle for power. If you think your vote matters or could ever matter...then you are kidding yourself and are just as delusional as thr white people who think that voting for Trump could possibly stop mass immigration and the deliberate demographic transformation of our homelands. Trump did not build his 'big beautiful wall' and he never intended to. He just knew what white people were concerned about and therefore what to say to get elected. Voters are predictable like that and frankly brown 'voters' are especially predictable and easy to manipulate.

You are really just a useful idiot lol...and the people whose boots you are licking actually hate you even more than I do. Your masters are not actually capitalists either...they just pretend to be. But they have their own ethnic interests just like you and I do. That is ultimately what all power revoles around: ethnic interests. Always has and always will.

Tainari88 is one of the smartest people we have in this forum.

She does not have the slightest interest in appearing to be threatening. And she is painfully aware of the disparity of power between South and North. What she was trying to do was explain how what we are doing would cause us problems. (even worse than the problems our stupidity is causing now).
late wrote:Tainari88 is one of the smartest people we have in this forum.

She does not have the slightest interest in appearing to be threatening. And she is painfully aware of the disparity of power between South and North. What she was trying to do was explain how what we are doing would cause us problems. (even worse than the problems our stupidity is causing now).

No..she isn't explaining anything. She is just attacking me, crying about English people, being mad about history. She is supposed to be smart? She has nothing interesting to say.
FiveofSwords wrote:
No..she isn't explaining anything. She is just attacking me, crying about English people, being mad about history. She is supposed to be smart? She has nothing interesting to say.

You don't understand what she is saying, or why she is saying it.

She does have a chip on her shoulder, but there are good reasons for it to be there.

But because she has much to offer, I overlook that as much as I can.
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