Races aren't real, but 'black' is real - Page 14 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Rancid wrote:Everybody is a little bit mixed.

That is not what the problem is with Sword. It is mixing. You are not supposed to do that. Purity. Nazism and bullshit. White Genocide.

They wonder why the Master Race crap went down in flames? Because of their lack of understanding that the perfection shit is impossible. IMPOSSIBLE. They do not get it.

If you read that Davenport man whom is the 'real biologist or eugenicist' he did not even like Goebbels the Nazi propagandist because he was a cripple. That is what that Davenport man called his own Nazi. A cripple. Can not have these people in charge or Roosevelt with his Fireside Chats in WWII because he is in a wheelchair. The Fuhrer's who had only one ball due to sharpnel blown off or something, is not defective? Why didn't they kill the Fuhrer for being a damn cripple? Oh, no, he is forgiven. Our leader for being with only one ball and according to @ingliz perverted sexual practices. Hitler also never had any known children. So much for leaving behind a leader of the Master Race's genes. Nothing left behind there.

These people with these Nazi thoughts are just insane basically. Wanting a world that never existed. The Natural world deals with the past. It gives us the correct instructions for survival. The humans trying to manipulate out variation because they are all paranoid and live in fear of their own kind, their own species due to the need to control everything and be in command by force and violence and fear. It is ANTI LIFE.

Then they do not understand why they lost WWII. It is Nazi Twilight Zone Rancid.




Having sex with a chimpanzee would be difficult sans your genitals. When you piss them off, their favourite trick is to reach down and rip your prick and balls off - one easy movement, complete as a package- and throw them away.

You can find numerous reports online so I won't post the gory details.

Of course, if you insist on proving a hybrid is possible, I suggest you livestream the attempt.

At least then, you will receive recompense for your loss.

Zoophiliacs and the curious would pay good money to watch it.

ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords


Having sex with a chimpanzee would be difficult sans your genitals. When you piss them off, their favourite trick is to reach down and rip your prick and balls off - one easy movement, complete as a package- and throw them away.

You can find numerous reports online so I won't post the gory details.

Of course, if you insist on proving a hybrid is possible, I suggest you livestream the attempt.

At least then, you will receive recompense for your loss.

Zoophiliacs and the curious would pay good money to watch it.


Chimps are very strong too Ingliz. In terms of force available to the chimp pound for pound? They are stronger than humans.

No, it is foolish to try mate with a gorilla or a chimp or an orangutan that is not interested in that from a human. But? You have people wanting to use animals for their own nefarious purposes. Lab experiments on innocent animals is also going out of style.
Tainari88 wrote:Chimps are very strong too Ingliz. In terms of force available to the chimp pound for pound? They are stronger than humans.

No, it is foolish to try mate with a gorilla or a chimp or an orangutan that is not interested in that from a human. But? You have people wanting to use animals for their own nefarious purposes. Lab experiments on innocent animals is also going out of style.

Chimps are about six times stronger than the average person. If they want to mess you up, then they’ll mess you up. There will be nothing you can do to stop them. This is why I don’t understand people who buy chimpanzees as pets. Rule of life #27: never have a pet which can kill you.
Potemkin wrote:Chimps are about six times stronger than the average person. If they want to mess you up, then they’ll mess you up. There will be nothing you can do to stop them. This is why I don’t understand people who buy chimpanzees as pets. Rule of life #27: never have a pet which can kill you.

Those animals deserve to be free. To live in the wild with their own kind. To live in chimp society.

Look at this clip of a man who adopted a chimp infant. Only to have him grow up and not be able to adjust to human society fully. They are not meant to be in a human society.

Potemkin wrote:This is not a scientific argument for the existence of races, @FiveofSwords. It’s like arguing that we see the Sun moving but not the Earth, therefore the Sun must be rotating around the Earth. Simply arguing from the surface appearance of phenomena can be misleading. Skin colour looks like a major genetic difference, but it actually isn’t.

The Sun does rotate around the earth backwards every 24 hours or so. The backwards definition is obviously a human or western civilisational designation. I'm guessing it comes from the way we write, I imagine that as we write from left to right it was thought that the X Axis should go from left to write, although the Y Axis doesn't follow our direction of writing.

Unless you're proposing some sort of ether, I don't see how you can say that one frame of reference is "the true one". Although I've not directly experienced it myself I accept that if you could float on the Sun's surface at a similar latitude to London then you would see the earth rotating about the Sun backwards or clockwise about once every 28 or 29 days. Well you would if you had very good HDR vision. The light intensity at the sun's surface would make even the most basic astronomy challenging. For most human purposes the model of the Sun rotating about the Earth is a perfectly good one. Obviously there are certain specialist areas where other models might be easier to work with.
Rich wrote:The Sun does rotate around the earth backwards every 24 hours or so. The backwards definition is obviously a human or western civilisational designation. I'm guessing it comes from the way we write, I imagine that as we write from left to right it was thought that the X Axis should go from left to write, although the Y Axis doesn't follow our direction of writing.

Unless you're proposing some sort of ether, I don't see how you can say that one frame of reference is "the true one". Although I've not directly experienced it myself I accept that if you could float on the Sun's surface at a similar latitude to London then you would see the earth rotating about the Sun backwards or clockwise about once every 28 or 29 days. Well you would if you had very good HDR vision. The light intensity at the sun's surface would make even the most basic astronomy challenging. For most human purposes the model of the Sun rotating about the Earth is a perfectly good one. Obviously there are certain specialist areas where other models might be easier to work with.

The Earth and the Sun both rotate around their mutual centre of gravity, which happens to be located inside the Sun. :)
Potemkin wrote:The Earth and the Sun both rotate around their mutual centre of gravity, which happens to be located inside the Sun. :)

That's a bad model, go the bottom of the class. ;) The effect of Jupiter's mass is significantly more important than the effect of the earth's mass on the Sun's position. Venus will also have more effect on the Sun's position that Earth's mass. I'm not sure where Saturn and Neptune fit into the mass effect hierarchy. The model of the sun moving around the earth is a perfectly good one for most purposes. The movement of planets around the earth doesn't help explain this apparent rotation of the Sun, because the planets revolve around the Sun in a positive or anti clockwise direction.

Of course for some purposes it makes more sense to model the earth as rotating and the Sun as still. There's probably a never ending series of complications you may want to introduce for ever more specialist tasks. You may want to add the in the Earth going around the Sun. And then you may want to add the complication of the Earth not moving with constant angular momentum. But most of the time these complications are just superfluous, most people I know seem to live quite happily with model that all days are 24 hours long. Most residents of Greenwich England seem happy to go with the model that mid day takes place at 12.00 GMT.
Rich wrote:That's a bad model, go the bottom of the class. ;) The effect of Jupiter's mass is significantly more important than the effect of the earth's mass on the Sun's position. Venus will also have more effect on the Sun's position that Earth's mass. I'm not sure where Saturn and Neptune fit into the mass effect hierarchy. The model of the sun moving around the earth is a perfectly good one for most purposes. The movement of planets around the earth doesn't help explain this apparent rotation of the Sun, because the planets revolve around the Sun in a positive or anti clockwise direction.

Of course for some purposes it makes more sense to model the earth as rotating and the Sun as still. There's probably a never ending series of complications you may want to introduce for ever more specialist tasks. You may want to add the in the Earth going around the Sun. And then you may want to add the complication of the Earth not moving with constant angular momentum. But most of the time these complications are just superfluous, most people I know seem to live quite happily with model that all days are 24 hours long. Most residents of Greenwich England seem happy to go with the model that mid day takes place at 12.00 GMT.

@Rich do you believe in Master Race theories made by the Neo Nazis in the USA? And that racial mixing is an abomination?

Do you think White Genocide is happening in the UK and the USA and in the Nordic nations and Denmark?

Do you dislike Paskistanis and Arabs and Muslims and Hindus and Africans from Kenya or many other ex British African continent colonies and Jamaicans etc present in the UK?

I just want to be clear where your mentality is at?

I have zero respect for Neo Nazis. Zero. I have zero respect for violent KKK members. One of them literally tried to murder my mother in a motel room when she was investigating a civil rights violation in the late nineties. The school principal hated Mexican American students who were bloody Papist that worshiped the Devil because the Pope was the devil and they were inferior racially and a six year old child was told he was not wanted in a public school funded by the state of Oklahoma and the Feds. The parents were upset that their little boy said he was called the son of Satan by his schoolteacher and the school principal and they filed a Civil Rights complaint with the Office of Civil Rights. My mother chaired a committee dedicated to investigation educational racism and claims of religious or ethnic discrimination. She drove to that little backwater town and interviewed the Principal of the school. He used racial slurs and the n-word and dirty beaners and so on. She got her evidence and called the office in DC. His MONEY would be cut off and he would be fired for being that way in violation of the law. She informed him of the likely consequences.

That asshole racist redneck, sent his goon squad (who happened to be the local sheriff of that little town in Oklahoma), and the man shot at the motel window when my mother was staying there. Almost killed her dead.

When I hear about this fucking Neo Nazis on PoFo claiming they are not violent in their racist belief system. And they claim at the same time of wanting to kill people....but they are not violent? IT IS A FUCKING LIE.

They all believe in killing the inferiors. Like my mother. Like me. And like my sons and my entire family. They are psychotic racist pig people.

If you are part of that mentality say so now on PoFo.

I do have experience with those people in the real world Rich.

They are dangerous and nasty human beings. And IGNORANT.

They call all us Latin Americans dumb, ignorant, inferior, uneducated, wetbacks, illegal aliens, can't speak English, animals and other offensive shit of the worst sort.

They do not respect people like my mother was, when she was alive. People with a lot of formal education, and real values about humanity being respected regardless of creed, religion, background, national origin or whatever. No. They want a white race war.

I will never go easy on those posters in this place. NEVER.

They deserve to be destroyed in debates.

And they are all a bunch of liars. They never study genetics, neuroscience, or biology with integrity. It is all skewed shit to justify some racist bend where supposedly White people are the superior race. They deny the Holocaust ever happened. And they really do want to be able to bomb and shoot anyone who speaks Spanish in the street like dogs. Another case my mother worked on.

I am not inventing these cases. Ask for the real links I will send them to you via PM.

I have no respect for these violent racist people. They can go straight to fucking HELL where they belong!!

And every election year they come out of the woodwork. Especially this year. They are hoping for a race war to go out and do their damage.

If you find yourself feeling identified with their 'problems'? You let me know.

I never thought you were that kind of person Rich? But one never knows how people get when they feel their world is under threat by the supposedly hordes of Brownies or Blackies or whatever the fuck these dumb ass racists call other people with impunity.

Pendejos. De primera.

As for @Potemkin arguing with you about the Sun and the Planets? Lol.

He should be arguing about the stupidity of racists. Races aren't real, but 'black' is real.


This thread was a symphony of people arguing different angles.

My favorite lines were @Fasces and @ingliz short and to the point thoughts.

@Potemkin fell asleep I am sure in one of those answers. :D
Tainari88 wrote:Who was Fagin the fictional character from Oliver Twist and Charles Dickens fictional writing? He was a bad guy. Exploiter of children, and a murderer. He was English. Did he represent all of the English people in the world? Was he the example of Englishness?

When you break down these explanations for purity? It is meaningless.

Again, you have a lot of variation within that group. It is never going to be a neat package.

Why is that so hard for the Nazi mentality to get?

Are you going to start with I am too intelligent for you...you do not understand me....I am the greatest of the greatest....oh, you are cliches, you are fools, the truth is there....Nazism has to be the answer....because? Why?

It better not be Nazi Twilight Zone.

In all honesty though , Fagin wasn't English , but rather Jewish .



And though Werner Sombart was of the opinion that the English and the Jews were both possessed of the same spirit of mammon , genetically the two nationalities are not akin to one another . I mention this not with the intent to humiliate you , but rather to be faithful to the truth . That and also to illustrate that an Anglo can be as greedy as any Jew might be purported to be , and conversely , a Jew might be as good a socialist comrade as any German , even though the Anglo-Saxons were a Germanic tribe , while the Jews are considered to be a Semitic people . But personal character does not necessarily reflect racial origin .
Deutschmania wrote:In all honesty though , Fagin wasn't English , but rather Jewish .



And though Werner Sombart was of the opinion that the English and the Jews were both possessed of the same spirit of mammon , genetically the two nationalities are not akin to one another . I mention this not with the intent to humiliate you , but rather to be faithful to the truth . That and also to illustrate that an Anglo can be as greedy as any Jew might be purported to be , and conversely , a Jew might be as good a socialist comrade as any German , even though the Anglo-Saxons were a Germanic tribe , while the Jews are considered to be a Semitic people . But personal character does not necessarily reflect racial origin.

Thank you Deustchmania, for saying that. I agree with your last line. I am sick and tired of bullshit racist lies perpetuated by many who can't accept that variation in everything is life affirming. Why want only one type of ethnicity in the world.

Why anyone would think that because one is Jewish, or Latino or African or this or that? That automatically means you are what? That is the problem with the racists.

BTW, how did you find out Fagin was Jewish? Lol. I never read it.

I like those kinds of details about literature.

The first 38 chapters of the book refer to Fagin by his racial and religious origin 257 times, calling him "the Jew", against 42 uses of "Fagin" or "the old man".

So a little while back someone said I don't get to decide. I think it was @late, but apologies upfront if I've misremembered that. But to ever said it, that's where you;re wrong. I remember when "Out of Africa" came out. I'm talking about the theory of the origins of Homo Sapiens, not that interminable film with Meryl Streep. The majority of the biological Scientific community, the consensus rejected this theory, because it sounded racist. Now in reality the implications of "Out of Africa" are probably less racist than the preceding multi-regional co-evolution model, but most biologists if not exactly stupid are certainly not over burdened with intelligence. So I straightaway decided that "Out of Africa was correct, it was then up to the biological scientific community to come around to my view.

I remember when Mitochondrial Eve first appeared. I immediately understood, what it meant and what it didn't mean. It was painful watching biologists taking years to get their heads round this. I say this not to be egotistical. I make no claim to be the greatest mathematician on the planet, in fact my maths is quite basic. Yes we need Zoologists, bio chemists, molecular biologists and other specialists, but the interpretation of their results comes down to relatively basic maths and logic.

Or should I say relatively basic maths. logic and political ideology. This race doesn't exist nonsense, is driven by ideology not by good faith scientific investigation. This is why I made the point about the sun's rotation. Sunrise and sunset are real physical phenomena. They are not social constructs. And I notice that most scientists seem perfectly happy to refer to thm as "sunrise" and "sunset", rather than "horizon fall" and "horizon rise".

Race cannot be biologically defined due to genetic variation among human individuals and populations.

The old concept of the 'five races' ...

According to this view, the variation between the races is large; thus, each race is a separate category - Wrong!


These individual races are thought to have a relatively uniform genetic identity - Wrong!

When we look at actual genetic variation in humans, human populations roughly cluster into geographical regions. However, variation between different regions is small, thus blurring the lines between populations. Furthermore, variation within a single region is large, and there is no uniform identity.

Note ...

If separate racial or ethnic groups actually existed, we would expect to find “trademark” alleles and other genetic features that are characteristic of a single group but not present in any others. However, the 2002 Stanford study found that only 7.4% of over 4000 alleles were specific to one geographical region. Furthermore, even when region-specific alleles did appear, they only occurred in about 1% of the people from that region—hardly enough to be any kind of trademark. Thus, there is no evidence that the groups we commonly call 'races' have distinct, unifying genetic identities. In fact, there is ample variation within races.

Ultimately, there is so much ambiguity between the races, and so much variation within them, that two people of European descent may be more genetically similar to an Asian person than they are to each other.

— V. Chou, How Science and Genetics are Reshaping the Race Debate


* Vivian Chou is a Ph.D. candidate in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences program at Harvard Medical School.
ingliz wrote:@Tainari88

The first 38 chapters of the book refer to Fagin by his racial and religious origin 257 times, calling him "the Jew", against 42 uses of "Fagin" or "the old man".


Hmm, I must have blanked that out. Because all I remember was that he was an Englishman. Which he was. But so were all the characters in the books. But English speaking and innate to the nation Jews were never really accepted were they?
ingliz wrote:@Tainari88

The first 38 chapters of the book refer to Fagin by his racial and religious origin 257 times, calling him "the Jew", against 42 uses of "Fagin" or "the old man".


I read those books when I was 12 years old. I never associated Fagin with the old Jew. Though, to be fair the children's version for US Public schools had the sanitized version of Oliver Twist. They edited it to be acceptable reading for school children. It probably had Jew edited out. In fact, I had a child's version of Oliver Twist and never read a line about Fagin is a Jew. I think I got the edited version only. Plus, none of the films made ever said he was either. Hmm. Interesting. That is why one should refer to the original text always eh?

Little Dorrit I did read the original version and the Tale of Two Cities and David Copperfield.

Odd then that you failed to notice that the Fagin (Alec Guinness) in David Lean's Oliver Twist sported a large prosthetic nose and looked like a Nazi caricature of the archetypal 'Jew'.

The film was banned in Israel for antisemitism.

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