Am I creepy? - Politics | PoFo

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How creepy am I based on what you know

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You are such a creep you should be locked up to protect society
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By Spider-Man
Am I a creep? If so, am I worse than most guys?

My favorite porno is "killing Wendy's best friend". It's about a model who doesn't show up and her friend reluctantly takes her place as a lingerie model.

The photographer takes pictures of her in bra and panties and some nudity she reluctantly agrees to. Then he finishes and offers her another 100 dollars to pose tied to the bed.

Nervously, the anxious half-naked actress says, "I don't know how I feel about that". After turning the proposal down, the photographer persists with explaining it's no different than what they already did.

Reluctantly she makes sure she's getting paid, then is like "okay what the hell. Just show me what to do".

She is clearly uncomfortable at that point and plays a worried young lady well with her questions and facial expressions, this time she is only wearing stockings and nothing else. She's seated on the floor with both wrists tied to the bed, clearly uncomfortable and playing the part so well, I bet the actress really was genuinely uncomfortable about her vocation.

The photographer just won't get a clue how frightened the poor girl already is when he doesn't ask, but says, "now I have to wrap this belt around your neck". She doesn't say yes or no, but has a look on her face like, "this is too bizzare but I kinda can't refuse the guy at this point with my hands tied. I regret doing this and feel stupid. It's too late to explain this is an invasion of my boundaries. Who is this creep anyways"?

He takes a few pics and says it isn't tight enough. So, he tightens it around her neck. She says, "it's too tight....I can't, I can't breathe"!

With an angry look on his face he says, "I know, isn't this beautiful"?

He only passes her out, opens her mouth and puts his (censored) in her (censored) and proceeds to (censored). He unties her and places her on the bed and begins to massage her voluptuous body and run his fingers through her hair. Then he (censores) her (censored) and she wakes up and begins to scream.

He grabs her neck and yells, "don't you fucking move".

He told her the camera was running prior to that and she asks him at one point, "have you got enough pictures for your magazine?"

He proceeds to brutally ravage her, then tie her up again, and begin to strangle her with what I think was a pair of pantyoes while having unconsenting (censored) with her as she stops making chocking noises and I think you can hear the death rattle as she twitches for her killer to satisfy his appetite for a dead, quivering, smokin hot babe.

All the while he is talking to her like her only purpose on this planet is to give him a day of pleasure. The actress has a facial expression that looks like a girl who just met her demise. She keeps her eyes wide open like I've seen at crime scenes, and there is no sign she is breathing.

The video then turns into about a half hour of necrophilia where the actress shows no sign of breathing or blinking her eyes as her corpse is defiled in multiple positions, where you would think she would blink or show some kind of sign she's alive, but some how, in a way that puzzles me how it is possible, she perfectly plays a lifeless fresh corpse with a facial expression that never changes, a facial expression and lifeless gaze that kinda is like, "wtf", while at the same time looking like someone who met her demise in an unexpected severely innapropriate and unconventional way.

I don't even like snuff films, because A) they are too fakey and ridiculous B) they mess with my conscience and make me feel like a piece of shit for watching. C) that is somebody's daughter and possibly wife. D) I say a prayer for the actress because her subconscious mind will never ceases to beat her up and make her feel guilty.

Most female pornstars die Young. 36.2 years is the expected lifespan of a female pornstars, where the average women who aren't pornstars have a life expectancy of 79, which is higher than men.

These women are shamed and bullied on the Internet, and their career on average lasts roughly 18 months and then they are discarded like trash.

These women think these horny misogynists are their friends and believe their vocation to be sexually liberating. They are flattered, taken nice places, and paid over 1200 dollars for a scene for something as fun as having sex.

Sounds great! But when they quit that type of work or are rudely let go, they realize none of those guys they thought were friends were anything more than perverts who don't give a shit about the girls they use and inflict trauma upon, and were simply using them as objects for carnal pleasure.

Any female who isn't batshit crazy with hatred for herself is going to pick up with their women's intuition that what they are doing isn't right, countless men look at them in disgusting ways, sometimes mocking them and calling them sluts and whores.

Those guys, myself included, are sluts too. I'm no stud and I only get with troubled minority females because white girls find me creepy. But I like to fornicate, and women should be able to commit the same sin and be treated like a stud Queen, because a slut and stud are guilty of the same crime.

When I am president I'm going to outlaw slut shaming, because women should be allowed to gratify and satiate their desires and sexual fantasies like men do and receive the praises that men do for being hypersexual and needy of much sex.

Female ferrets can actually die from not having enough sex. If you buy a ferret for a pet, be sure she has a partner with junk between his legs that works. Lol!

I raised mice and rats and guinea pigs to feed to my Burmese python when I was a kid. The males upon reaching maturity had a death sentence for being male, because they harm the babies. I kept one healthy stud who sported the coolest fur coat, hoping his babies would inherit his good fortune.

Let me tell you, mice in heat want it so bad the stud can't keep up with all his horny girlfriends and is literally doing the nastys and leaving the lady mice squealing many times a day.

If female mice and mammals can go into heat and be needy for sex, or in the ferrets case, literally be dying for it, why can't female humans who are mammals have the same passions without being bullied for it.

Amanda Todd simply had a hormone swing and exposed her breasts online. That's all she did and was bullied to the point she drank bleach, then hung herself at age 16.

After her death, people rejoiced and called her a slut and whore who got what she deserved. Really? A death sentence for going topless? Men take their shirts off all the time.

A lot of pornstars kill themselves or die of drug overdoses which could also be suicides for all we know.

This angel died at age 19:

Violet Rain (Jazmine Nicole Dominguez)
The cause of her death is undetermined, but the guy she was last seen with is the guy who brought her to the ER with abrasion and lacerations. He just so happens to find her dead while being the last person seen with her while she was alive. She had also been raped

Rest in peace Violet. I do not condemn you. Neither does God, for surely he is more compassionate and merciful than I am. Please pray for my soul little dove, and I pray that you reach the first degree of beauty, power, glory, and perfection, with euphoria that increases every day for all eternity, in Jesus name I pray, amen! May your innocence be restored sweetie! Let's both pray for dead pornstars and help them out with grace.

So, I enshrine beautiful girls who died from suicide or violently raped and murdered. I'm a Shintoist, so believe the dead become Kami. I pray for the forgotten girls that have no one to pray for them as well, because I believe that when I die I get to be friends for all eternity with those who I get out of purgatory with my prayers and penance.

So, you're probably wondering why I pray for dead girls and pray to them like they are Angels, Saints, or goddesses, when I enjoy necrophilia porn and have rape and murder fantasies.

Well, the irony is I'm deeply compassionate yet get aroused by such fantasies and have been since the age of 10. I was exposed to porn at age eight.

It was followed by more intensely perverted fantasies that reached a point where dismemberment, decapitation, disembowelment, mutilation, and violent psychopathic murder was associated with sensual gratification.

This is one reason I want Donald Trump to get re-elected. He wants to crack down on pornographers, and I know how pornography can harm the minds of children exposed to it.

I know from experience first hand.

Ted Bundy found his grandfather's collection of adult magazines in the greenhouse and spent hours there absorbed in fantasies that became more and more sick. Eventually he had to make them a reality.

Pornography needs to be outlawed, but not all nudity is pornographic.

Praying to Denise Naslund and the Capitol Hill Queens (Victims of sex-murders) taught me how to get in the habit of associating sexual gratification with thoughts of loving rather than harming.

I believe her to be patron Saint of those aspiring to be serial killers and those who are serial killers or sexual predators and sadists.

I believe she nicknamed me Ted Bunny because police visited me for my shrines in the woods to Ted Bundy Victims, where I plant flowers, burn incense and pray. Cops raided my room and took pictures of the pretty loving dead girls I had enshrined.

If you want to see one of my shrines to Georgeann Hawkins or others, you will find it in a YouTube on my "Spider-Man YouTube" thread. It got over a K views.

The nickname Ted Bunny applies to me because Ted means the same thing as my first name and bunny is my Chinese Zodiac. Firebunny to be precise. Bunny from hell lol.

I heard a female voice say, "Ted Bunny kills the Playboy bunny. Meaning He lays siege to and fights the pornography industry and hedonism by sharing his testimony of what pornography did to him".

I'm diagnosed schizophrenic because even before I ever touched drugs my dad spanked me for wetting the bed because I was too scared to use the restroom because I could see tall skinny ghosts of light and robotic figures on the floor and hear them talking.

I see and hear things no one else can. I think it is a mix of hallucinating with some valid visitations from another realm. For instance, 11 of the Victims of Ted Bundy introduced themselves to me as Capitol Hill Queens shortly after I was incarcerated for stabbing a guy in the chest twice in an attempt to murder him.

Years later I survived jumping off a three story building onto concrete which put me in a wheelchair for ten weeks and permanently taken away my ability to run as well as scar tissue clogging my urethra so my bladder was constantly full for over a week.

They gave me prostrate pills which didn't do shit and the Urologist wasn't available immediately and staff couldn't get a catheter in after they did multiple ultrasounds to see I had a full bladder.

Waiting for that Urologist was worse than the broken bones, and after the surgery I was urinating blood clots that were larger than marbles and leaving trails of blood on the floor. Some things are worse than broken bones. I heard a voice tell me to offer up my suffering for the souls in purgatory and I was atoning for my sins of the flesh.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta's missionary's of charity sisters visited me to tell me suicides go to hell. I wanted to tell them, "BULLSHIT" but couldn't talk for I had a big tube coming out of my mouth which the doctor put me to sleep as I tried in vain to pull it out.

The suicide attempt was for multiple reasons. One was to rid society of a psycho mental case!

The suicide attempt kept me in the hospital for three months and then an IRTS facility for almost that long, which lead me to a place in Saint Paul right next to the Capitol building.

I had called my visitors "Capitol Hill Queens" years before this and the Capitol building happens to be on a hill that people call "Capitol Hill". It's modeled after Mussolini's favorite Church in Rome, Saint Peter's Basilica. It is the second largest Dome in the world.

This was one of many coincidences that taught me I'm not totally crazy. Another strange coincidence is I recently found out Ted Bundy's first Victim was from a suburb of my city called Excelsior. Excelsior is the catch phrase and favorite word of Stan Lee, the author of Spider-Man, and everyone calls me Spider-Man because I collect tarantulas.

I found out about her memorial weekend of 2018 (okay, I guess that isn't too recent lol). The beginning of memorial weekend I found a military jacket near a trash can dated 1969. Elizabeth Potter Perry, whose memorial plaque I visited, was killed memorial weekend in 1969. She was killed may 30th and memorial day for the longest time was always may 30th.

That memorial day I accidently, for the first time walk up to a war memorial where dead Minnesotan soldiers names are carved into marble or granite (some smooth rock) like the Vietnam memorial.

What are the odds of me calling the Victims "Capitol Hill Queens", not knowing I would shortly be making daily pilgrimages to a close sight called " Capitol Hill?"

What are the odds I find a war jacket and memorial plaque for dead soldiers on memorial weekend, the jacket dated the year Bundy's first Victim was murdered on memorial weekend, and she is from the city I live in.

I visited a memorial for her at Golden Valley humane society to pray to her and pay homage. She and her father loved animals and used to work there.

While paying her homage, brother Timothy who never texts me, sent me a text saying it was the feast of Saint Maria Gorretti. He didn't know I was visiting the shrine dedicated to a raped and murdered teenage girl, and Maria Gorretti is patron saint of rape Victims and teenage girls.

Maria Gorretti was stabbed to death by a pornography addict. Elizabeth, who I call "Queen Elizabeth" , was also stabbed to death by a pornography addict. What are the odds of that?

Multiple coincidences confirmed to me that some of my voices are actually spirit-people, but I know some of it is schizophrenic delusion.

Maria Gorretti died from her stab wounds in the hospital and she died praying that she could be in heaven with her killer. The guy who killed her said her spirit visited him in prison offering a Lilly and that made him start praying all the time.

He was released from prison and went to a monastery to live and pray with monks. His vision, even if it was delusion or hallucination, totally changed him and helped speed up the canonization of Gorretti.

In Fascist Italy there weren't so many weirdos and perverts because pornography was illegal and the entertainment Industry censored. I'm all for that, which would require Fascism practiced in the US for porn to be outlawed.

In Fascist Italy there were few unwanted pregnancies, women were paid to have big families, unwanted pregnancies found a loving Fascist household, families stayed together, the Duce closed night clubs and places of immorality, children carried guns and there were no school shootings, and you could leave children unattended outside without fearing for their safety.

America on the other hand is now full of perverts and weirdos, and the serial killer Capitol of the world. 60% of convicted serial killers are American, which means there are more serial killers in America than all other 194 nations combined.

My Dad told me when he was a kid you could jump on a bus and travel throughout Chicago where he grew up and it was relatively safe. That's because the entertainment Industry was censored and there wasn't a pornography epidemic.

Right-wing conservatives wish to take away certain liberties that are harming us. A loving responsible mother restricts how much freedom her children have because freedom to view porn and drink booze isn't good for young developing minds.

Anyway, on a scale of 1 to 10 how creepy am i?

This is one of my favorite songs:

Ciao! :knife: :violin: :angel: :peace:
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By Godstud
Other. (You forgot that option)

You're weird. :D

That's necessarily a bad thing, though...

Forgive me if I declined to read your wall of text. I don't have the time, right now.

Have yourself a good night.
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By Hellas me ponas
Well, this is a politics site, or at least it is supposed to be. Thus I see no reason or point whatsoever for you to do this poll.
I can only assume you have extremely loads of time alone and that something maybe not going as good as it was supposed to be going inside the pink gel situated between your ears.
I wanna be honest with ya. But locked up seems good (or at least away from my family's children) :lol: :eek:

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