What's The End Game? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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WHat's the end game for the Democrats and their impeachment proceedings?

1. The Democrats truly believe that they will be successful in having Donald Trump removed from office
2. The Democrats know Donald Trump won't be removed from office, but they can't imagine not investigating Trump for SOMETHING
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3. The Democrats are more interested in political grandstanding and making their constituents think they're actually working
4. The Democrats simply can't seem to stop pissing away time and money on what they know is destined to be a failure
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By BigSteve
Despite the Democrats intending to follow through on their desired impeachment of President Trump (despite the cowardly tactic of not putting it up to a vote on the House floor), what's the end game?

Anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size understands the Senate will never convict.

So what's the point? Of course, the Democrats say Trump should be removed from office, but they know it's not going to happen.

So what's the point? What's the point of wasting all of this time and money on something which they know is never going to happen?

Do they truly believe they will successfully have Trump removed? Are they just grandstanding? What's the point??
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By Hong Wu
It's about Biden and the IG report. That should be a poll option!

Also, odds seem fair that the candidate the whistle-blower had a professional relationship with was Biden. Just ask yourself, how many of them have CIA agents working for them? Most of them probably don't have access to that level.
I voted for option number one; delusional, and thinking they really can remove President Trump from office. It seems to fit the known facts about how they've been going about things since Trump broke them permanently in 2016. Read their posts on PoFo, they still don't get it yet.
BigSteve wrote:Do they truly believe they will successfully have Trump removed? Are they just grandstanding? What's the point??

They think they can sway independent voters and suburban women with yet another sham in the long run, but they are trying to sully reputations in the short run to cover for the almost certain fallout from the failed coup attempt because it has so many ties into key deep state figures who are going to get fucked by Durham's team.

Hong Wu wrote:Also, odds seem fair that the candidate the whistle-blower had a professional relationship with was Biden.

That's already known for certain. What's also already known for certain is that Schiff and his staff interacted with the whistleblower before the complaint was filed, suggesting a political hit and also making Schiff a fact witness in an investigation he's leading. Additionally, we know that a Schiff staff member flew to Ukraine to meet with Yanukovych too. So there appears to be some political coordination.

As it stands right now, all of Schiff's testimony is hearsay. They are keeping it secret from the American public, and none of it would be admissible at trial in the Senate anyway. They must know this. I mean they are stupid, but not that stupid.

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