PoFo Consensus: Religion and Belief - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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What is your belief?

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I voted for an atheist though I am actually an ignostic. I tried to make a definition of the word 'God' to have some starting point for thoughts about differences between people's understanding of this word and failed to find some for several years. Neither I noticed that someone is close enough to this. Right now I think it's impossible to definite. Gods that have no absolute powers like gods of Ancient Greece that must accept game's rules are just developed aliens (not about extraterrestrials even, just non-human sentient form of life). Gods that have absolute powers like the Christian God that is omnipotent and omniscient should be more complex than our universe is: it means that we can't understand or imagine it in the best possible case and more important, God that is more complex than an universe it created can be treated as an universe himself. If he's able to imagine some man perfectly (and that's what omniscience means) it means its thoughts are as complex as this man - with its personality and participle structure and so on. So why there is a need to create a man if its thought is more than a man?

Pantheists will endorse this: "Of course, I always talked we live in God's mind". But if the universe is not something separate from God, then why do I need God? It means I am already God itself as all other living beings and every grain of sand at an ocean's shore. Our god-like capabilities balance each other and the situation doesn't differ if we consist of God's flame or ordinary matter. The answerer that gives the same answer to any question gives no new information at all.

So either I am an ordinary matter living in the world (possibly) surrounded by ordinary matter whose capabilities can be considered godlike if you have only primitive technologies in comparison or I am a material shadow of a true world existing somewhere else that doesn't care about my shadow existence or I am God itself. In any case talking about god doesn't have sense, so I treat the word (not the possible phenomena behind it) exactly as articles in English language: useless, hostile pieces of information that produce no information but spam my input channels, I hate them.
@Zionist Nationalist
Just got tired of the idea of god and religion as whole.
Had tons of doubts for years, but kept trying to keep holding on to it and rationalizing it because "god" and honestly, hell.
But at the end, I just gave up. Too many logical contradictions, too many illogical concepts, too many lies and horrible laws and social orders propagated with bad consequences and frankly, horrifying crimes being committed and kept in order because the so called "God" said this is how things should be done.

And fuck Islam really, 'm tired of hearing how 'll go to hell for every little thing. And how my wife and most of the people I know are just doomed to eternal torment in hell because they were "bad" people. They didn't do anything wrong to anyone, atleast that I know off, they didn't harm anyone, many of my friends are infact liberals and eco-friendly and donate to charity and try to help others when ever they can; But all going to hell, why ? Because some believe in a different god, or ate bacon or drank alcohol or smoked weed, or had sex before marriage in a relationship.
I mean what the fuck ? Those are crimes ? Fuck that.

And even the idea of hell and heaven is stupid. Its scary from the outside but its stupid. What kind of 5 year old black and white view of things does someone need to have to create such a binary system where one half goes to eternal joy and the other eternal torment because of minor deeds. And I had a problem with this concept since as far as I remember but now it just took over fully.
I mean, really, think about it; outside the horrible criminals and amazing charitable and good people, the divide is just stupid. You'd be essentially sending regular near identical people some to heaven and others to hell because of minor things or words or even thoughts that they had, even if no one knew about it, because god sees all. Fuck god.

And where is this all powerful god when things goes south ? All the bad things in the world are not good enough for this god to intervene, but had sex ? He's going to punish you to eternal hell. Fuck all the famines, genocides, natural disasters, wars, etc. pre-marriage sex is the ultimate crime.

I don't know if there is a god or not, but I do know one thing for sure... Or two things actually.
1- Islam, and pretty much religion in general is filled with lies. And although I defended it because, you know, hell. Fuck it, its just false and frankly, stupid.

And 2- If there is a god, then he or it, at best doesn't care, and at worse purely evil. Either way, not something worth worshiping and obeying.
anasawad wrote:And 2- If there is a god, then he or it, at best doesn't care, and at worse purely evil. Either way, not something worth worshiping and obeying.

Yeah. I once came to the same conclusions about Lord. I guess the starting point was Darwin's autobiography where he wrote: "So I really can't make myself believe into a god who doomed my father to eternal suffering because he was an atheist, my father was a good man who didn't deserve this."

It inspired me to write some verses and, hm, I hope the forum will endure as it endured much worser things. Not sure if I'm even able to translate it properly... Hm, so

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VS wrote:This isn't a buffet @Godstud, :lol:
Why not? Atheism and Agnostic are almost identical. Buddhism is, in some cases atheistic.

Odin's done good. You don't see any ice giants around, do you? :D
skinster wrote:You spelt New-Atheists wrong.

Yeah, there are compelling arguments for atheism with the probabilistic POE being the strongest, but those New Atheist twits are philosophically and theologically incompetent. They give atheism a bad rap. Because of them and their ignorant obnoxious followers a lot of people automatically associate atheism with crude scientistic materialism. They've done to atheism what the fundamentalists have done to religion.

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