Three kinds of women - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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How the three kinds of women do rank according to their attractiveness to men?

Sensible - Sensual - Soulful
Sensible - Soulful - Sensual
Sensual - Sensible - Soulful
Sensual - Soulful - Sensible
Soulful - Sensible - Sensual
Soulful - Sensual - Sensible
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By Julian658
Rancid wrote:Do you get along with your sister?

My experience thus far is that most middle class Americans are having kids in their late 30s and even early 40s. I had my first kid at age 28 and funny enough, me and my wife feel like we should have had our first a little earlier than that (25-26). Anyway, as a result, we are always the youngest parents in my kids classes. All the other parents are typically 10 or more years older than we are.

I'm not kidding, every school year, we are the youngin's among all the parents.

I got out all my dumb shit behaviors in my teens and early 20s. Didn't really need to carry that into my 30s.

You are quite normal and smart. I think your head is on your shoulders which is quite rare these days.

Ideally women should have all their kids between 25-30 years of age. Feminists tell women that a career is more important. Then one day these women turn 40 with no kids, no husband, and no family. They complain because men are crappy (without realizing all the good guys are already married). After age 35 the eggs start to dwindle or become defective. These women struggle to get pregnant or forego pregnancy and marriage. They end up alone with a couple of cats. Some studies show they are unhappy when compared to the women that form a home in their 20s.

A woman needs to get old and lose her parents to one day realize she failed to create a new family. She will be alone for the rest of her life with her two cats.
Julian658 wrote:Some feminist women are shooting themselves in the foot these days. They see a beta male as the ideal man and they want to wait till they are 40 to make a family. They often end up alone with a couple of cats.

A lot of women say they want the kind sensitive responsible beta but they can't stop being attracted to the manly alpha. They say those men are pigs but they can't get enough.

Also, they say they don't want children until later but their biology can't help it, so in their 20's and 30's a lot of women will get a dog (or cat) and treat it like it's "their child" and call themselves "mommy" instead of treating it like a dog and pet.
I tend to check the physical attributes rather than the accessories. However, I also pay attention to style and dress. Nevertheless, I don't know any guy who goes for a woman because of her clothes.


Guys who check accessories are trying to figure out if I have a lot of money or if I come from a wealthy family, neither apply to me. But you cannot tell based on possessions. Women who dress better than me could have credit card debt or the items are loaned to them. I have a jacket that cost over 100 bucks because it was not on sale and it was from a touristy store, since the regular stores did not have my size. But usually, I do not splurge on clothing.

Igor Antunov wrote:A friend mentioned something to me and it hit me like a freight train when realization kicked in days later.

Have any of you ever met a Caucasian woman under 5 foot 6 inches that isn't a complete cunt? I honestly haven't. Same applies to men below a certain height. Napoleon complex pervades both sexes, not just men.

Numerous studies have shown that if a person is shorter than the societal average, their feelings of paranoia and anger increase prompting compensation mechanisms to kick in, such as for example being an absolute little cunt.

Logical Solution; short people must be sterilized.

I know tall cunts, taller than 5 foot 6. It is not about height, Igor. It is about upbringing and education. A lot of women learn to be manipulative and nasty. Ask them what happened to make them that way. They were not like that as a baby.

I am short, under 5 foot 6 but not a "cunt". I could be part Caucasian. I have some characteristics like a narrow nose. I think that sterilization of short Caucasian women is a bit extreme.
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By Rancid
Julian658 wrote:
You are quite normal and smart. I think your head is on your shoulders which is quite rare these days.

Ideally women should have all their kids between 25-30 years of age. Feminists tell women that a career is more important. Then one day these women turn 40 with no kids, no husband, and no family. They complain because men are crappy (without realizing all the good guys are already married). After age 35 the eggs start to dwindle or become defective. These women struggle to get pregnant or forego pregnancy and marriage. They end up alone with a couple of cats. Some studies show they are unhappy when compared to the women that form a home in their 20s.

A woman needs to get old and lose her parents to one day realize she failed to create a new family. She will be alone for the rest of her life with her two cats.

I can't speak to how many women do or do not regret having kids, but what I can say is that a lot of those older parents are pretty boring with their kids. That is, when we are at a birthday party, or the pool or whatever. My wife and I have noticed we are the only parents that actually engage with the kids. Play with them, throw them into the pool, run around and chase them. Basically, act like kids with the kids. We don't spend the entire time just playing with the kids, but we spend some time interacting with them (you might as well do that, because they will grow up). We think it's cause they're just old and tired. :lol:

Anyway, we are the fun parents in the eyes of our kids, and in the eyes of other people's kids. :lol:
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By noemon
I have a good friend, Italian guy, very smart, educated, successful, composed, artisan, who had one of the worst relationships with his wife that I have come across. Married for 3 years, slept in separate rooms for 2 and a half. Had 2 children, the second only because the family therapist prescribed sex every Wednesday. He told me that his wife(Australian) right from the beginning of their relationship saw him as inferior in terms of status & class(she comes from old money) and belittled him at every chance. As such I cannot really put much blame on her because of her honesty from the start. I think he falls into Unthinking Majority's 2nd category. And yeah these categories are pretty spot on.
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By Wellsy
The idea that feminists claimed careers were more important than family isn’t true as far as I can tell.

Having it all’ or ‘had enough'? Blaming feminism in the age and the Sydney morning herald, 1980–2004

Its actually the norm that if you’re not dropping out of school and getting knocked up that women wait to at least their late 20s before having kids. This is the case even for women who see that its more economically rational to be a stay at home mum because child care costs are too high that makes working financially redundant.
The pressures that skew outcomes in one way or another aren’t merely individual choice outside of structural forces, ones which still heavily rely on women and although not equal, increasingly asks more of more men. ... an-mothers

There is certainly a reality check needed for women who are naive about how their potential for pregnancy deteriorates with age. But I think the emphasis in on women as making terrible choices in an economy that requires womens participation, and was progressive in women acquiring their legal rights and present status in fighting for the value of their labour, but of course community life is taken over by market services.
Beren wrote:Rancid is right and women are more materialistic in general, actually, which they consider being more "practical" while considering men "childish" at the same time.

I don't agree. I think women are paid less in general in many nations all over the world for the same type of job. Men in general suck at finances and in general run from kids and responsibilities and commitment. They don't want the burdens of responsibility. Women carry the kids in their bodies for months and abandoning responsibilities is harder for them psychologically and emotionally and physically.

Good men are hard to find. So are good women. I have never been materialistic but other women have been that I know. The same can be said of some men. Some of them are materialistic assholes with big egos and the women they choose are trophy wives and are superficial men as well. It depends on the individual.

I have always been romantic with my partner. I also think it is a mistake for women to expect men they date to be the sole breadwinner for everything. Nothing wrong with traditional roles at all but women now have to be financially independent of men in case things go wrong she knows how to support her own life and those of her offspring if she has any.

Gender gap problems all over the world. Pay the women well. Minute 5:40. Men get paid a lot more. Women lose power for independence with that problem. Thus why many manipulate to try to get a male to pay for stuff. She can't make the money. They won't let her.

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By Beren
I wonder if you actually understand with what you don't agree, @Tainari88, because your response doesn't have much to do with it. Sure, there are all kinds of men and women, plus the usual pay gap story, so what? The thing is that men don't really have plans as usual when they start a relationship with a woman, for example, while women are constantly planning even while having sex.
Beren wrote:I wonder if you actually understand with what you don't agree, @Tainari88, because your response doesn't have much to do with it. Sure, there are all kinds of men and women, plus the usual pay gap story, so what? The thing is that men don't really have plans as usual when they start a relationship with a woman, for example, while women are constantly planning even while having sex.

Beren, do you know how long women have had to fight for everything? Right to vote, right to work outside the home and be paid a living wage? Etc. Those narcissistic aggressive women exist. But they also exist with men. I really don't like selfish human beings of either sex. They are a pain in the neck.

If you have issues with women don't come projecting your stuff into others you don't know on the internet. I never had a bad relationship with a man in a personal relationship. Not once. So I am not your typical woman alone with cats. Lol.

My issue is too many people seeking my time and company. If you care about people and are social and so on and you don't want to control, dominate and dictate and listen and care? You get along with many people.

But a lot of women feel like they don't make as much money as men do Beren even though they do the same field of work. Those are hard facts. If that happens after a while? Women will begin to think they have to manipulate others to get something out of them. It happens with class disparities as well. What people should focus on in either sex is self-development and not worry about trying to get something out of their partners. Anyone who is with someone for some manipulation and trying to take advantage of them for some selfish reason is not a good life partner anyway. it doesn't matter which sex they are either. Selfish man or woman=bad marriage material or girlfriend or boyfriend material.

But people got their criteria. Live and learn.
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By Beren
It's you, @Tainari88, projecting her stuff here, which is another attribute of women, that they always have a personal point of view and never mean to be objective or abstract (and can't even imagine that others do), while I'm just talking in general. I also don't say women mean to take advantage, but they definitely mean to manipulate and lead, and determine any relationship they happen to be in, while men never know what comes next and whatever they want in a relationship with a woman is supposed to be irrelevant, because they're supposed to be boys rather than men, regardless of whether how much money the man or the woman makes. I'm not of the opinion, by the way, that money is what women want the most, it rather seems like they want to dominate and be in charge, because they have plans to execute.
Beren wrote:It's you, @Tainari88, projecting her stuff here, which is another attribute of women, that they always have a personal point of view and never mean to be objective or abstract (and can't even imagine that others do), while I'm just talking in general. I also don't say women mean to take advantage, but they definitely mean to manipulate and lead, and determine any relationship they happen to be in, while men never know what comes next and whatever they want in a relationship with a woman is supposed to be irrelevant, because they're supposed to be boys rather than men, regardless of whether how much money the man or the woman makes. I'm not of the opinion, by the way, that money is what women want the most, it rather seems like they want to dominate and be in charge, because they have plans to execute.

Whatever Beren. That is your opinion of what women are. I disagree. I think men and women can be selfish and aggressive or overbearing and controlling. Either one can be that. Men and women.

It seems to me you got issues with women being in charge. Whatever. Lol.

I don't care if it is a man or a woman being in charge. I just want them to be good leaders with sound values. Those are hard enough to come by.

It takes some women a long time to get enough courage to go and deal with a forum full of men dominating all political conversation and they see it as a boys club. They resent it and act strangely towards women who don't worry about being in a forum full of men.

Lol. I really don't care what others think about people they barely know Beren. It is all about making mistakes with who people really are in this medium.

BTW, you ain't the only one with a nasty sister to deal with! :D :lol:
Last edited by Tainari88 on 08 Oct 2020 05:02, edited 1 time in total.
@Tainari88 makes many good points. Women try harder than mean to earn respect and status in the workplace and in the world. Women do get less pay. Many women are scheming bitches because if they are not, men will disrespect them and belittle them. I feel belittled at my job. They see me as the little cutie with the good manners. I want to be a professional so I am studying hard and learning how to be stronger. I am more than my looks.

And regarding childbirthing, I do not want children. I like kids but I do not want to raise any if it means I will do much of the work. I want a kid IF I am with a man who will help me out with the child rearing. If he does not want to handle diapers or educate them, then I do not want him or the kid. I have a hard enough time as it is fending for myself in this cold, harsh world.

I know some women who have kids past the age of 30. The kids turn out fine. The women are healthy and happy. Age is just one factor.

If I end up single for years, then I am fine with that. I do not want to settle. I believe there is a man out there for me. I just am not ready to meet him. I have lots of work to do. I need to be able to support myself no matter what. I want to be self reliant.
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By Rancid
Sometimes I wonder if I should just skip out on my family. You know, say that I'm going out for cigarettes and then just never come back home...

What do you guys think?
Beren wrote:It's you, @Tainari88, projecting her stuff here, which is another attribute of women, that they always have a personal point of view and never mean to be objective or abstract (and can't even imagine that others do), while I'm just talking in general. I also don't say women mean to take advantage, but they definitely mean to manipulate and lead, and determine any relationship they happen to be in, while men never know what comes next and whatever they want in a relationship with a woman is supposed to be irrelevant, because they're supposed to be boys rather than men, regardless of whether how much money the man or the woman makes. I'm not of the opinion, by the way, that money is what women want the most, it rather seems like they want to dominate and be in charge, because they have plans to execute.

Women choose the man. Biologically, it's because they have limited chances to get pregnant and so they want to choose the optimal partner. The man asks the woman if she wants to marry him. The man usually approaches the woman if he likes her, and she decides if she accepts or rejects him. Women set boundaries in the relationship.

Women are good at planning and arranging details. Whenever we went on trips, my mom handled the packing, luggage and booked the hotel rooms. Women are good with organization.
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By Beren
It's my observation rather than opinion. And I know you disagree with it, which is a denial rather than a disagreement actually. You also don't have to reassure me about that all the time, I know women can keep denying forever, @Tainari88. :lol:

I don't really have issues with women being in charge if they're not in charge of me, which seems possible only if there's not any woman around me, because they want to be in charge of him sooner or later if they sense a male within their "radius of charge" for long enough. :lol:
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By Rancid
I'm going to start making and selling T-shirts that read "I have the dick, so I make the rules."
MistyTiger wrote:@Tainari88 makes many good points. Women try harder than mean to earn respect and status in the workplace and in the world. Women do get less pay. Many women are scheming bitches because if they are not, men will disrespect them and belittle them. I feel belittled at my job. They see me as the little cutie with the good manners. I want to be a professional so I am studying hard and learning how to be stronger. I am more than my looks.

And regarding childbirthing, I do not want children. I like kids but I do not want to raise any if it means I will do much of the work. I want a kid IF I am with a man who will help me out with the child rearing. If he does not want to handle diapers or educate them, then I do not want him or the kid. I have a hard enough time as it is fending for myself in this cold, harsh world.

I know some women who have kids past the age of 30. The kids turn out fine. The women are healthy and happy. Age is just one factor.

If I end up single for years, then I am fine with that. I do not want to settle. I believe there is a man out there for me. I just am not ready to meet him. I have lots of work to do. I need to be able to support myself no matter what. I want to be self reliant.

All this finding a partner for marriage and etc is tough nowadays. I am not part of the digital dating generation so I have no idea what the newer generations are looking for.

I did not order up my life partner from some menu Misty. It seems to me it is hard to find the right person for you nowadays. For a lot of singles.

It should not be. Find common values and spend time getting to know someone well and observe their character for a long time. It is not hard to do. The truth is you can find a lot of great men and women to date. You just need to find common value systems and have compatibility. People who are well developed in every way and who love giving of themselves....they are great people. Not easy to find I know...but they are out there.

;) Don't give up Misty.

@Rancid the problem you got is your wife can find a job fast and take up your slack. But your mother won't let you skip out on your responsibilities Rancid. She will get you back to where you belong.

Who else will train their son on how to take a poop that is epic in the correct manner? Solo tu.....that is who!

New Merengue song for you:

En la sala de un hospital, nacio el Gran Varon,

Su mision en la vida era ser un cagon,

El Gran Cagon..... :lol:
Beren wrote:It's my observation rather than opinion. And I know you disagree with it, which is a denial rather than a disagreement actually. You also don't have to reassure me about that all the time, I know women can keep denying forever, @Tainari88. :lol:

I don't really have issues with women being in charge if they're not in charge of me, which seems possible only if there's not any woman around me, because they want to be in charge of him sooner or later if they sense a male within their "radius of charge" for long enough. :lol:

I wouldn't want to be in charge of you. You seem like a pain in the nalgas to me. LOL. :lol:

My observation is that men who fail a lot with girlfriends tend to always is the women. Most people who fail a lot with relationships rarely blame themselves and work on themselves. Most of the shit that makes people break up is a two-way street. All you can do is look in the mirror and sing a song about it.

In the end? It takes a whole lot of work to make relationships work between men and women. I would say looking for love in all the wrong places, looking for love in too many faces, looking for cheap bullshit phrases...looking for love....

That is when you pull out the bad country lyric Lucille. Lol.
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By Rancid
Tainari88 wrote:@Rancid the problem you got is your wife can find a job fast and take up your slack. But your mother won't let you skip out on your responsibilities Rancid. She will get you back to where you belong.

The thing with all of these men vs women sort of arguments that happen here is that I always feel like most of that shit doesn't apply to me. We have a system/rules we both agree to and it works for us. Some of the rules/things we agree to are old school, but whatever, it works for us. Yes, you are right, she could easily get a very good job and go if she wishes. I'd guilt trip the shit out of her for abandoning her kids though. :muha1: She old school Chinese though, if she hated me, she wouldn't leave me cause of the kids. Frankly, I'm the same way, even if I hated her, I wouldn't leave her cause of the kids. :lol: We'd both grind that shit out. White knuckle that shit all the way through. :lol:

All of that said, I still maintain that men are more romantic than women. I think I've stated this example before:

I have this shed in my back yard. It's basically a pier and beam setup. The shed started to sink into the ground. My wife and I spent about 2 hours jacking up the shed and re-leveling the ground. I remember telling her "This is romantic! Working on our home together, like a real team!" then I kissed her. She was like "Wha? huh? this is just a stupid chore". I don't give a fuck what anyone say's, working on the home you are raising your kids in with your spouse is cute and romantic. :) Fuck all of you if you don't agree.

Fuck you all :cries:
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By Beren
Tainari88 wrote:I wouldn't want to be in charge of you.

I'm sure you always want to be in charge of anything around you, I just don't happen to be around you fortunately. ;)
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