Soy Product Consumption and Political Orientation - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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How does your soya product consumption correlate with your political orientation?

I eat soy products very often and I self-identify as a leftist
I eat soy products rarely or never and I self-identify as a leftist
I eat soy products very often and I am not a leftist
I eat soy products rarely or never and I am not a leftist
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:Yes, they claimed, but they were lying. They didn't.

Fake News huh? :lol:

Prosthetic Conscience wrote:Your persona appears to be going all New Age on us.


Prosthetic Conscience wrote:As I've just said in another thread, I now suspect you are a joke account, so I don't think your thoughts about honest conversations are worth considering.

Actually, I don't understand this charge. My views are plain and transparent on my profile and I believe everything I claim to be my views. There are self-admitted fascists on PoFo and you get all triggered by a Semi-Theocratic Neo-Monarchal Imperialist and Paleo-Colonialist questioning women's property rights like thats "out there." Please. If you can't continue that conversation and properly reply to my last post there, I see no reason to do so any further on here.
There are self-admitted fascists on PoFo and you get all triggered by a Semi-Theocratic Neo-Monarchal Imperialist and Paleo-Colonialist questioning women's property rights like thats "out there."

Hate to break it to you but you are definitely way out there politically.
Anecdotal evidence:

I eat a lot of soy products AND I failed to attack Victo's boring and unconvincing 'Look at those amazing Victorian olde people' tangent.

Perhaps I was slowed down by all the biological pussification from the Soy Lattes. :roll: :lol:

Yes, but since I have a decent work ethic, the general laziness and degeneracy of my peers has given me a pretty great competitive advantage in the workplace, so it would be wrong to entirely complain about my generation. The failings of other millennials helps to further aid my success.

SolarCross wrote:Don't worry I am sure there must be some other cause for your personal failings, do continue with your soy consumption. But in fairness to @Victoribus Spolia the Victorians were amazing.

Glad someone agrees that the most intelligent generation was pretty awesome ;) ... parts.html
Red_Army wrote:Nothing quite as pathetic as people nostalgic for things a time they didn't live through :lol:

Do you guys frequently feel like you were born in the wrong generation?

Nothing could ever be as pathetic as people being nostalgic for communism which they also didn't live through.

I am not sorry to be born in the time that I was, if anything I would choose to be later, closer to the technological singularity. Victorians were amazing, it was an amazing time, but I can appreciate that without actually feeling sorry I couldn't be a part of it.
Victoribus Spolia wrote:That. Sounds. Horrifying. :eek:

"We Are The Borg."

Is that what you want?!! :lol:

Yeah it could definitely be horrifying and far more horrifying than the goofy borg but on the other hand virtual god-hood is on the cards also. One thing is for sure it will be a pretty wild ride.
Red_Army wrote:I get that you're trying to use SJW logic against me, but since I'm not an SJW I don't really get it. I make homophobic, sexist, and racist comments all the time. You can't box me out, nazi boy!

^ confesses to being a sexist, racist homophobe, but thinks that it is me whom is the nazi. :roll:

Herr Freud would call that projection, though given your laundry list of bigotries you are probably an anti-semite too. Where do you stand on Israel?

Also don't bother signing up for maoism, you'd be lousy at it, you're supposed to make your opponent confess not do it yourself. ;)
It is you who are the nazi. Whom isn't just a way to sound fancy its used as an object.

I didn't confess to being any of those things. I just said that I'm not afraid of saying words to offend liberals to counter your weird anti-SJW fit.

I notice you didn't deny being a nazi, curious... The Roy Moore supporters would say this lack of denial is tantamount to admission.
Red_Army wrote:It is you who are the nazi. Whom isn't just a way to sound fancy its used as an object.

I didn't confess to being any of those things. I just said that I'm not afraid of saying words to offend liberals to counter your weird anti-SJW fit.

I notice you didn't deny being a nazi, curious... The Roy Moore supporters would say this lack of denial is tantamount to admission.

^ Grammar Nazi. Though I am not great at grammar being self-taught and a bit stupid I thought I was using "whom" correctly there. :eh:

So you are now claiming to just to be pretending to be a nazi? Who but a nazi would do that? There is literally nothing worse than nazis except maybe communists who are more or less the same thing when it comes down to it, who else but a nazi would say nazi things? Very suspicious.
In what way were you self taught grammar? Are you a non native speaker? You use whom when who is the object of a sentence. ex: You gave the book to whom? The dog bit whom? Who is the subject, like Who gave you the book? Who bit the dog? In Russian this would be the nominative vs. the accusative cases, but English has mostly shed them. You see the bones of the case system with who/whom and I/me, he/him, she/her.

I'm done calling names. You aren't a nazi and neither am I. The logic behind your OP is silly though. Have a good night.
Red_Army wrote:In what way were you self taught grammar? Are you a non native speaker? You use whom when who is the object of a sentence. ex: You gave the book to whom? The dog bit whom? Who is the subject, like Who gave you the book? Who bit the dog? In Russian this would be the nominative vs. the accusative cases, but English has mostly shed them. You see the bones of the case system with who/whom and I/me, he/him, she/her.

I'm done calling names. You aren't a nazi and neither am I. The logic behind your OP is silly though. Have a good night.

Native speaker, but most people don't use "correct" grammar if you don't get proper schooling on it then you are just learning from other joe ignoramuses who don't do it properly either. I say self-taught because I have had no higher education, so I basically have to work out the right way as I go along. In that offending sentence I would be the object no? because I was talking about what you thought of me?

but thinks that it is me whom is the nazi.

You are thinking I am the nazi. Am I not the object of the sentence rather than the subject then? People often incorrectly use who for whom so even I'd be rather embarrassed to have done the opposite!

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