Is It Okay To Be White? - Page 30 - Politics | PoFo

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Is It Okay To Be White?

1. Yes, It Is Okay To Be White.
2. No, It Is Not Okay To Be White.
3. Other
One Degree wrote:Making such a statement without putting @ before my name is pretty chickenshit.

LOL,I didn't put the @ cause I knew you respond anyway. And you did in one of the most amusing way.

One Degree wrote:All races suffer from racism.

Irrelevant, how Blacks suffer racism is vastly different from how whites suffer racism. You saying that ignores the issue how racism is hurting the planet and eventually our own race. All over the world Blackness is hated while whiteness is loved. Whether India, Asia or even Africa this is true. White symbolizes wealth, while Blacks poverty. White=Smart, Black=Dumb all this even when history state the opposite at one point: Whites lived in shit/were consider stupid even by certain Whites. Meanwhile Blacks had civilizations whose streets actually paved in gold. What I'm saying is, how Blacks see racism is vastly different. The closets whites have come to experience racism like Blacks is Zimbabwe(and even that is debatable considering I hear how whites say they're treated better there than SA) and from ourselves. Whites in Europe have discriminated against other whites(Yugoslav wars, anti-Polish hate crimes, etc).

One Degree wrote: The arguments of Whites being immune due to historical dominance is such silly logic I can’t understand the number of people who buy it.

Yes, cause some tumblr self-hating white person telling whites to check your privilege is akin to a reverse jim crow laws. :roll:

One Degree wrote:Anyone growing up in a multi racial community knows the truth.

Apparently you still don't even after all time in a multi racial community. I from Eugene, Oregon and even I know the truth.

One Degree wrote:The problem is not knowing the difference between culture and race and using one to ignore the other. A different race is not a threat to your way of life. A different culture can be and usually is. Whether that threat ends up being beneficial or not is purely subjective.

Not according to the right wingers who believe cultures very upon having a different shad of skin. Besides all the Black thug culture comes from whites.
By Decky
Rich wrote:I'm reminded of poor Adolf and Himmler's archaeological enthusiasm's. Adolph was rightly concerned that Himmler's search for great ancient Germanic civilisations would only lead to embarrassment. Have you read Bernard Cornwall's warlord series? He does a nice job of portraying the Celtic struggle against English barbarians.

No but I am a big fan of Sharpe so I might give warlord a chance. If I do I'll review it in pofo's book thread.
One Degree wrote:Eradication is destructive and an unobtainable goal in the foreseeable future.
Eradication of things that society does not deem beneficial, such as racism, is not destructive. It's quite the opposite. To accept racism as inevitable or normal is to accept that which is destructive.

Thus racists, in most normal modern societies, are deemed to be assholes who are uneducated, and holding onto archaic, unscientific beliefs. Most racism can be 'cured' with education, but we don't want to accept and tolerate it.

Slavery is unacceptable in most societies and, as such, has been eradicated. Do you not understand what this word means?

- destroy completely; put an end to.
You state an opinion as a universal fact and then base your argument on your own bias.
Stating a person suffers more based upon their skin color is racist, totally subjective, and plain stupid.
Quit thinking about imaginary groups and think about real people. Can others determine your degree of suffering? The best the medical profession has come up with is 1 to 10, which is universally considered to be next to worthless. But, we still have ‘geniuses’ who believe they are experts in determining who suffers more.
Placing your biased ignorance in a large lettered meme does not help the impression you are giving of your inability to separate facts from opinion.
Your insistence I am racist because my comments don’t match the DNC guidebook is juvenile. Open your mind instead of wasting your time and mine yelling ‘racist’ at everyone who disagrees with you.
One Degree wrote:Stating a person suffers more based upon their skin color is racist, totally subjective, and plain stupid.
Actually, it's not any of those things. It's a fact. If you were Black or Latino, you'd be aware of this more. It can be proved 'objectively'.

Study: anti-black hiring discrimination is as prevalent today as it was in 1989
Racism is alive and well in America. ... acism-jobs

You pretending it's not, is part of the problem.

One Degree wrote:Your insistence I am racist because my comments don’t match the DNC guidebook is juvenile
No, it's actually very accurate. You say terribly racist things, at times. You've demonstrated blatant racism.

What does the DNC have to do with anything? You can be a Democrat and be a racist, too. It's not limited by political bent.

One Degree wrote:Open your mind instead of wasting your time and mine yelling ‘racist’ at everyone who disagrees with you.
I thought you were a big fan of people telling it like it is?
Most of your comments made no sense to me. Your statement about suffering not being subjective can be proved by asking Latinos and Blacks is too absurd to reply to.
Do you understand what ‘subjective’ means?
By 'suffer', I don't necessarily mean PAIN and TORTURE, but certainly having to do with discrimination and prejudice. That you are somehow equating it with that is the silly thing.

You can, objectively, find racism directed at Latinos and Blacks, in America. I even provided a link to that, if you had taken the time to look. There are facts to support this.
Godstud wrote:By 'suffer', I don't necessarily mean PAIN and TORTURE, but certainly having to do with discrimination and prejudice. That you are somehow equating it with that is the silly thing.

You can, objectively, find racism directed at Latinos and Blacks, in America. I even provided a link to that, if you had taken the time to look. There are facts to support this.

Racism hurts no matter what color you are. To say it hurts one race more is to apply feelings to an imaginary group. Only the individuals suffer from racism, and to say they suffer more because of an artificial group you have arbitrarily assigned them to is just silly.
I wish I was capable of convincing people their obsession with groups is demanding we live based upon fantasy instead of reality. I don’t care what color John is. If John is suffering due to others, then it needs addressed. Bringing John’s color into makes you the racist. Why is John’s race important? It is not necessary to mention it if you understand true equality and understand this is not still 1860. Instead of continuing to demand an equality that is already acknowledged, accept we are equal and move on by no longer bringing up our racial group.

Edit: @Godstud
Let me try this way. Liberals are using the same arguments about racism they have always used. They were effective. People adjusted, but your arguments have not changed. This insistence on a ‘thought change’ that has already happened is insulting. That is why the same liberal arguments are now driving us backwards. Behavior modification does not work if you continue the punishment after the behavior has changed. The subject will react violently when you continue the abuse. Quit beating the same old horse and listen to what ‘conservatives’ are saying instead of dismissing them with infantile, old, tedious accusations of racism. Most racists today only exist in the stagnated minds of liberals. Of course if you don’t change, you will succeed in bringing them back.
Last edited by One Degree on 03 Apr 2018 02:54, edited 1 time in total.
One Degree wrote:To say it hurts one race more is to apply feelings to an imaginary group.
:roll: What an absolutely stupid fucking statement! The minority suffering from racism is not an "imaginary group".

You can quantify racism. It's not imaginary, either. :knife:

One Degree wrote:I wish I was capable of convincing people their obsession with groups is demanding we live based upon fantasy instead of reality.
Groups exist. Racism against groups exist. Facts also exist whether you believe them or not.

One Degree wrote:Bringing John’s color into makes you the racist.
Only if I am discriminating against him, based on that. You don't understand what racism is, do you?

One Degree wrote:Instead of continuing to demand an equality that is already acknowledged, accept we are equal and move on by no longer bringing up our racial group.
That would be wonderful were there not racists still around, discriminating against them. That would be wonderful if past discrimination still didn't affect people, and their communities.

As you, and others here, have already demonstrated, racism is still around. Ignoring a problem does not make said problem go away.

(Edit: Grammar)
One Degree wrote:Edit: @Godstud
Let me try this way. Liberals are using the same arguments about racism they have always used. They were effective. People adjusted, but your arguments have not changed. This insistence on a ‘thought change’ that has already happened is insulting. That is why the same liberal arguments are now driving us backwards. Behavior modification does not work if you continue the punishment after the behavior has changed. The subject will react violently when you continue the abuse. Quit beating the same old horse and listen to what ‘conservatives’ are saying instead of dismissing them with infantile, old, tedious accusations of racism. Most racists today only exist in the stagnated minds of liberals. Of course if you don’t change, you will succeed in bringing them back.
Poppycock. A well educated people will not "bring racism back" simply because some people, like you, don't understand or want to acknowledge your racism, and don't like being called out on it.

Racism is racism, and you don't need to be a "liberal" to know that, or identify it.

You are simply an old racist who doesn't like being called out on racism, so you whine about others making it worse by trying to stop it. No. If you're a racist you aren't going to get worse unless society condones it, and promotes that way of thinking.

Only by society scorning and ostracizing racism/racists, while educating people, will we eradicate racism( a beneficial goal for the greater good).
Godstud wrote:Poppycock. A well educated people will not "bring racism back" simply because some people, like you, don't understand or want to acknowledge your racism, and don't like being called out on it.

Racism is racism, and you don't need to be a "liberal" to know that, or identify it.

You are simply an old racist who doesn't like being called out on racism, so you whine about others making it worse by trying to stop it. No. If you're a racist you aren't going to get worse unless society condones it, and promotes that way of thinking.

Only by society scorning and ostracizing racism/racists, while educating people, will we eradicate racism( a beneficial goal for the greater good).

Your self righteousness knows no bounds. To believe you can decide I am a racist better than I is a profound admission of omnipotence. If there really is a God, you are in deep shit ‘stud’.
One Degree wrote:Your self righteousness knows no bounds.
:lol: That's really rich, coming from you. The irony is overwhelming!

One Degree wrote:To believe you can decide I am a racist better than I is a profound admission of omnipotence.
There is nothing omnipotent about it. You have, in the past, made VERY racist comments. That's a fact. I am not the only person to have noticed this. If you don't like being known as a racist, stop talking like one. It's that simple.

One Degree wrote:If there really is a God, you are in deep shit ‘stud’.
I am sure your "god" would not like people like you hating his creations simply based on the colour of their skin, so I hardly think that I'd be the one in "deep shit". The evidence, however, points to there not being a "god", so I'm pretty safe.
Godstud wrote::lol: That's really rich, coming from you. The irony is overwhelming!

There is nothing omnipotent about it. You have, in the past, made VERY racist comments. That's a fact. I am not the only person to have noticed this. If you don't like being known as a racist, stop talking like one. It's that simple.

I am sure your "god" would not like people like you hating his creations simply based on the colour of their skin, so I hardly think that I'd be the one in "deep shit". The evidence, however, points to there not being a "god", so I'm pretty safe.

See, your obsession with groups and your unwillingness to truly hear results in you arguing with things you ‘imagined’ about me. I have never made a comment where I said I disliked anyone because of their color. I have repeatedly said the opposite. The irony is many of my positions were held by liberals in the 60’s. They were the ‘thinkers’ who held true beliefs based upon careful thought. Today is basically the old story of repeating something changing it from what it originally was. Non thinkers repeating learned lines they have no real connection with.
I said you can’t eliminate racism and you called me racist. I also said skin color should not be considered in wrong doing and you called me racist. It is clear you call me a racist due to never having given any original thought to the problem. You just repeat mindless slogans. All insults, never any solutions. Your thinking stops at ‘people being racist is the problem’. Juvenile and shallow thinking.

What laws do you want passed? What actually do you want ‘racist’ to do? I never hear this from pseudo liberals. You are beating a scapegoat because we have already passed the laws. Your propaganda masters simply see no other path to getting votes. I mentioned continuing punishment a.fter the behavior changes will result in violence and a recurrence of racism. You deny it, but it is very clear that is exactly what is happening.
Even a year ago, you would not have seen poster after poster saying “if that makes me a racist, then I am a racist”. YOU are creating increased racism, not reducing it and your puppet masters want exactly that. Democrats don’t get votes by saying racial relations have improved. They get votes by convincing you it is still 1950. You accept their fantasy world instead of seeing the real world.
Again, don’t tell me who is a racist, tell me something real you want to happen.
The most hilarious thing about this whole campaign is the emotional need of white racists to make the whole thing about themselves.

“The most important issue in race relations is how white people feel!”.

Pants-of-dog wrote:The most hilarious thing about this whole campaign is the emotional need of white racists to make the whole thing about themselves.

“The most important issue in race relations is how white people feel!”.


So, you have no proposals for the real world either? Just more name calling. Thanks for demonstrating what I said above. I am still waiting to discuss the real world and concrete proposals.
One Degree wrote:So, you have no proposals for the real world either? Just more name calling. Thanks for demonstrating what I said above. I am still waiting to discuss the real world and concrete proposals.

I was not talking to you or about you, as I am at the point where I consider your posts to be only worth ignoring.

The whole point of the poster campaign was to center the race discussion on the feelings of white people who feel “oppressed” because they cannot be openly racist any more without dealing with consequences.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I was not talking to you or about you, as I am at the point where I consider your posts to be only worth ignoring.

The whole point of the poster campaign was to center the race discussion on the feelings of white people who feel “oppressed” because they cannot be openly racist any more without dealing with consequences.

So, more beating the imaginary scapegoat racist as a solution? Gothcha.
@One Degree

I have no idea what you are talking about and I do not care.

If you are saying that racists are imaginary, then your post is too stupid to deserve a reply. I am discussing the very real people who put together the poster campaign.
One Degree wrote:You state an opinion as a universal fact and then base your argument on your own bias.

If by bias you mean actual facts, then yes.

One Degree wrote:Stating a person suffers more based upon their skin color is racist, totally subjective, and plain stupid.

Wow, that's an idiocy I haven't seen in a long time. :)

One Degree wrote:Quit thinking about imaginary groups and think about real people.

I think you're the only one living in an imaginary world here buddy. Like and I thought Hindsite was funny.

One Degree wrote:Can others determine your degree of suffering?

Depends on skin tone. Blacks suffer even when they do slightly better than whites. Why not pour tar on yourself and live in the South for a week, see the difference.

One Degree wrote:Placing your biased ignorance in a large lettered meme does not help the impression you are giving of your inability to separate facts from opinion.

So it bad when I do it, but you didn't say shit when Sab did his white victimization meme.
One Degree wrote:Your insistence I am racist because my comments don’t match the DNC guidebook is juvenile.

Did I say you were? You like ter are putting words in my mouth. Are you racist?

One Degree wrote: Open your mind instead of wasting your time and mine yelling ‘racist’ at everyone who disagrees with you.

Again, I never said you were. And my mind is open, I know you're full of shit.
I don’t even know how to reply anymore to people who accept propaganda as reality. Who accept an imaginary group representing real people. You can’t even define ‘Blacks’, yet you are positive they suffer more than whites. You are simply repeating something you were told without deeply considering how it relates to real people.
Did African slaves suffer more than Native American slaves? Did they suffer more than white slaves or indentured servants? Did they suffer more than the average free person in frontier settlements who died of hunger or disease? Did they suffer more than a white child today kept in a closet and abused?
Your view was created as a stereotype to support a political agenda. It has no relationship to real individuals today.
Is suffering because of your skin color worse than suffering because of your religion or political affiliation or sexual preference?
Where do you get the right to make these decisions about who suffers more?
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