How Far Could / Would You Go to Make People Believe Your Ideology? - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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How Far Could / Would You Go to Make People Believe Your Ideology?

1. I would happily flay the fucker alive and wear his skin for a hat.
2. I might beat him up a bit, but I would stop short of mutilation. If that was not enough to persuade him then indefinite detention.
No votes
3. I would treat him humanely but detain him indefinitely.
4. I would treat him humanely and let him go after a bit even if he did not consent to believe.
5. I would do nothing to him.
6. Other
Godstud wrote:This poll does, however, disprove your statement(@SolarCross ) about people here being totalitarians. :D

Not really because this question is about zealotry in the main. You might have a point if the question was "Do you self-identify as a totalitarian?". Obviously there is a relationship between zealotry and totalitarianism, but it is absolutely possible to be a zealot and not a totalitarian or a totalitarian who is not a zealot.

An example of a zealot who was not a totalitarian might be a CIA employed patriot who in the cause of defending freedom from totalitarians was absolutely willing to insert red hot pokers up wrong-thinker's bottoms and then peel off their living skin with a roughly sharped spoon.

Apparently pofo is absolutely stacked with the opposite of this: totalitarians who want totalitarianism but who are not quite willing get up out of their comfy armchairs and actually get their hands bloody. They are just going to wait quietly for someone else to do it, and pass the time by dropping the odd zinger on social media.

I think pofo's totalitarians are not actually very shy about admitting to being totalitarians. I guess they are aware the word has bad optics due to history and stuff but they have not thought of another less tainted word for totalitarianism yet with which to disguise themselves. The Immortal Goon admitted to it several times. We have had members completely comfortable with admitting to being fascists and tons who admit to being Stalinists... So yeah self-identifying totalitarians all over the place.

Another thing is, apart from POD who refused to answer, I think most respondents to this poll so far have not even been among pofo's totalitarian contingent. Where is @potemkin?
Last edited by SolarCross on 06 Feb 2020 10:55, edited 1 time in total.
SolarCross wrote:Apparently pofo is absolutely stacked with the opposite of this: totalitarians who want totalitarianism but who are not quite willing get up out of their comfy armchairs and actually get their hands bloody. They are just going to wait quietly for someone else to do it, and pass the time by dropping the odd zinger on social media.

Totalitarianism is only appealing to someone if it brings benefits, privilege or power; and they can handle it without consequences.

As a (possible) victim of totalitarianism myself, I must say people must be careful of what they want. "Waiting quietly for someone else to do it" for bringing in totalitarianism they want is definitely not a good idea.
Patrickov wrote:Totalitarianism is only appealing to someone if it brings benefits, privilege or power; and they can handle it without consequences.

As a (possible) victim of totalitarianism myself, I must say people must be careful of what they want. "Waiting quietly for someone else to do it" for bringing in totalitarianism they want is definitely not a good idea.

I suppose it is obvious from a lot of my writing here that I am very puzzled as to why any of these pofotards would want totalitarianism. Most anything anyone wants intensely, good or bad, can be readily explained in terms of rational self-interest. It is practically mandatory to try to fit them in that box if possible. And it does work quite well for explaining why "Dear Leader" would want it, because he gets everything, even that most precious thing of all for a criminal genius, impunity.

But the rest of these schmucks? Who knows? I can't see that they stand to gain anything. Just terror and hunger like the rest of us.
I think that the difference lies in the type of opposition in question . If we're referring to an insurgent , I would not wantonly , and brutally torture the person in question , really I might not even inflict the third degree , i. e. enhanced interrogation , at all , since I have read that it has been shown to be ineffective in extracting accurate information . However , in a desperate imminent , Jack Bauer , " 24" situation , I very well might drug the person with truth serum , or something . But I do not fault a regime for resorting to extreme measures in securing its hold on power . If I were to rise up in armed rebellion against a reactionary right regime , I would expect to be met with white terror , just the same as the if the role were reversed , and I were to be in the role of my avatar , Josip Broz Tito , and someone such as perhaps @SolarCross were to engage in counter-revolutionary violence . He would be met with red terror . It is nothing personal , only political power in action . As Claus Von Clausewitz once put it , Image And , as Mao Zedong once said ,
“A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.”
But , if the person in question were merely a dissident , who had committed nothing more than a thought crime , then I would simply subject them to a campaign of consciousness raising . Finally , if the person in question were a wrecker , I would subject them to a re-education camp . All of that which is necessary for the eventual construction of the new person I would carry out , nothing more or less .

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