Should Memes and Trolling be Considered Election Interference and/or Voter Suppression? - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Should Memes and Trolling be Considered Election Interference or Voter Suppression?

Yes, memes and trolling can be election interference or voter suppression.
No, they should never be considered these things.
Libertarian353 wrote:Also I chose depends cause there were literally russian fake posts online about voting for hiliary on the phones and other false ways of voting. If that count then yes.

This is the sort of interference that seems just fine. We don't want idiots voting, and only idiots would think you can vote by phone.

Hong Wu wrote:One of the funniest things about this Russian interference thing is that the "Russian troll farm" may have been an apartment full of guys drinking vodka who thought it would be funny to put Hillary Clinton's face onto a porn video of a white woman having sex with a black man and title it "how Democrats get votes", and then to their surprise their screen names (which were shit like "Sleepy Bear" etc.) get indicted by an American prosecutor and then maybe they're like "I knew it!" and actually believe that they got Donald Trump elected President.

I suspect that was done for accounting purposes to ensure that they actually indicted some Russians. Politically, it's laughable of course. The whole story was obviously false from the inception.

RhetoricThug wrote:An educated populace is your best defense.

That's part of why the establishment is freaking out. They figured by underserving the electorate in education that they could more easily manipulate the electorate. The problem is that foreigners can do that too. An educated populace is also the best defense against socialism and cronyism, which is why the establishment doesn't want an educated populace.

SolarCross wrote:Satire has been a thing since ancient times.

Right. The problem is that the surveillance state cannot detect satire, sarcasm, sardonicism, parody and the like by computer algorithm. So we could posit something like this: we should embrace multi-cultural values and be tolerant of different ideas and cultural practices; and so we look forward to Larry Page and Sergey Brin showing openness, acceptance and understanding as we submit them as a blood offering to the gods of freedom in our rite of human sacrifice of those who would censor us. <--Machines cannot tell if that is a joke or not, but humans know immediately. That is why the left has been trying to police humor. They eavesdrop on everything, but unless we all agree to express ourselves with utter literalism, automating communications surveillance is hopeless.

So we probably need to increase sardonic political humor to drive them nuts. I'm going to start with a recipe I'll call "Filet of Feinstein."

RhetoricThug wrote:Turn on Youtube, you get armchair politics and a half-baked political analysis.

Yes, and that's actually something that the billionaires and their propagandists fear, as people like Mark Dice, Styxhexenhammer, Sargon of Akkad, Black Pidgeon and the like have ratings that compete with multi-million dollar productions, and these folks are mostly concocting this stuff in their kitchens, living rooms or home offices with a shoe string budget.

SolarCross wrote:Being bored is worse than death.

Death as permanent boredom could be why people fear death.

Pants-of-dog wrote:I find that people who glorify violence are usually the ones who have never been in a fight.

Are you talking about Eric Holder, Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, etc.?
Saeko wrote:Yes. As should peeing while standing up, or blinking too loudly.

I met a woman who said that she hated men because when they get pissed they can just take a pee behind a bush. I can’t see what can be done about it. It can’t be helped. The male physiology is superior to the female when it comes to taking a much needed drunken leek.
Realpolitik = no public debate
blackjack21 wrote:That's part of why the establishment is freaking out. They figured by underserving the electorate in education that they could more easily manipulate the electorate. The problem is that foreigners can do that too. An educated populace is also the best defense against socialism and cronyism, which is why the establishment doesn't want an educated populace.
The establishment is freaking out... :hmm: must be ratings jargon.

The Trump administration is like a reality television show. It's fueled by partisan rhetoric and doublespeak. Call the script Operation Nixon, aired for when cultural turmoil and political angst become the desirable mood and tone for a empire in decline.

The Trump era is like a made for TV version of The Informant!

Yes, and that's actually something that the billionaires and their propagandists fear, as people like Mark Dice, Styxhexenhammer, Sargon of Akkad, Black Pidgeon and the like have ratings that compete with multi-million dollar productions, and these folks are mostly concocting this stuff in their kitchens, living rooms or home offices with a shoe string budget.
Sure, the rise of the prosumer created new forms of "truth to power" punditry and folklore. However, this wave of digital-political pageantry isn't really a "threat" to the economic establishment. The big players or social media platforms offer service environments that create these cultural narratives or trends. In reality, the digital overlap provided new insights into human behavior and group-think. Today, the establishment has the ability to analyze these trends and forecast the cultural-political minutiae of everyday life.

"In the order of things, ground comes first and the figures emerge later. Coming events cast their shadows before them. The ground of any technology or artefact is both the situation that gives rise to it and the whole environment (medium) of services and disservices that bring it into play. These environmental side-effects impose themselves willy-nilly as a new form of culture. Once the old ground becomes content of a new situation it appears to ordinary attention as aesthetic figure."

Social media is the new ground, it's the new establishment. The old establishment is an aesthetic figure, a myth for consumption. Hence why a future president, Donald Trump, strategically appeared on the Alex Jones show in 2015. What we have is not a form of cultural liberation, it's an advanced form of propaganda. Driven by big data. The age of social media, group-think, and information echo-chambers (algorithms) have balkanized our perception of reality. The new establishment is an information feed-back loop. One ring web to rule em all.

Vladislav Surkov understood how aesthetic figures can be used to control Russian politics.

During Putin’s first decade, Surkov was known for coordinating the “matrix” of Russian politics, cultivating fake opposition parties and funding pro-Kremlin youth groups. He personally curated what was allowed on to Russia’s television screens, and was seen as the architect of “post-truth politics” where facts are relative, a version of which some have suggested has now taken hold in the west.

The West has the same attitude, but it uses self-motivated figures (like youtube content creators) and dialectical group psychology to steer the political environment. Meanwhile the technology is literally shortening attention spans, so the complex rhythm of culture and big data become unfathomable and unattainable for the human mind. The new establishment is controlled opposition and it matters not which way the wind blows or political pendulum swings.
RhetoricThug wrote:Sure, the rise of the prosumer created new forms of "truth to power" punditry and folklore. However, this wave of digital-political pageantry isn't really a "threat" to the economic establishment. The big players or social media platforms offer service environments that create these cultural narratives or trends. In reality, the digital overlap provided new insights into human behavior and group-think. Today, the establishment has the ability to analyze these trends and forecast the cultural-political minutiae of everyday life.

That's just the sound of the establishment putting on its brave face. The establishment's ability to get all Americans on board with its agenda is failing miserably. Only after Obama was gone did the Democrats realize that he had hollowed out their party. The reality on the ground and the reality in the media are two completely different worlds.

Obama’s Crowd vs. Trump’s Crowd
2016 was like 1980. Today is like 1982. There is such a staggering dissonance between what the media portrays and what actual Americans think and feel.

Rush Limbaugh wrote:On the left is Obama in Nevada. On the right is Trump last night in Houston. Take a look. You can’t even see Trump in that picture on the right. The media is a large contingent of the people on the floor there. Maybe from that angle it’s about one-third of it. You could have put another 500 people in there if you could have kicked the media out. But just compare those two photos. It’s a Democrat candidate for the Senate in Nevada and Obama. The crowd there on the floor? This is a tiny, little like junior high school gym! Is the media telling you about this mediocre, nonexistent crowd?

Since the media became just another arm of the Democratic party, its credibility has been absolutely torched. They did this in 2016 too. Hillary Clinton could not draw big crowds. Trump had them in big stadiums. (Obama did too by the way). Yet, today even Obama cannot fill a stadium while Trump is killing it.

Rush Limbaugh wrote:Last night at the rally in Houston for Ted Cruz and pretty much the whole state of Texas, Trump said (summarized), “You know what? If you really want the fake news to investigate Hillary Clinton, I’m gonna have to nominate her to the Supreme Court. It’s the only way that we’re gonna get an investigation into Hillary.” (laughing)

Trump is a comedy act. You can ban memes all you want, but when Trump is out there saying, "Republicans create jobs, Democrats create mobs", there isn't much more the media can do. The crowds love it. He'll have to appoint Hillary to the Supreme Court to get the government to investigate her... That's funny, but it's also true. Hillary committed crimes and Jeff Sessions has proven totally ineffectual.

Forum image blackjack21 didn't digest my last post.
blackjack21 wrote:Trump is a comedy act. You can ban memes all you want, but when Trump is out there saying, "Republicans create jobs, Democrats create mobs", there isn't much more the media can do. The crowds love it. He'll have to appoint Hillary to the Supreme Court to get the government to investigate her... That's funny, but it's also true. Hillary committed crimes and Jeff Sessions has proven totally ineffectual
I see, you're a circus-goer. As long as the tent is up, admission cheap, bread basket full, you're happy. Partisan stage state-craft is quite a spectacle. Your guy is winning, and by golly you're wearing his jersey. You've become an extension of his will, a hollow shell, a voter in the crowd. Vote 666, blackjack, it's your lucky number. ;)

You know you're born to lose, and gambling's for fools.

Be seeing you,

Okay, if my last post didn't resonate... Here you go

blackjack21 wrote:That's just the sound of the establishment putting on its brave face. The establishment's ability to get all Americans on board with its agenda is failing miserably. Only after Obama was gone did the Democrats realize that he had hollowed out their party. The reality on the ground and the reality in the media are two completely different worlds.
American foreign policy hasn't changed much over time (post-WWII). Despite a 4-8 year ideological cycle, Merica has been consistently pro-war and pro empire (somebody's gotta do it). Domestic statecraft is largely rational irrationality and a numbers game. The establishment is always putting on a brave new face. Realpolitik is the art of non-democratic geopolitical decision making. The empire is more important than the electorate. This is the rule for any country or any empire. The president is a privileged PR guy, kept on a need to know leash. Citizens are livestock in a global economic system.

Sometimes, PR guys like to meet up and fix a boxing match or two. The Cold War was a commercial success. We need edge-of-your-seat thrillers, keep em guessing. A wise man once said, if you want to do good, do a little evil.

Today is like 1984. There is such a staggering dissonance between what the media portrays and what actual Americans think and feel.
Right, and you can flip this script and make it fit any system of ideas. Dialectical group psychology (or political behavior therapy) is the paradigm and it involves classical and instrumental conditioning. Repetition and dogmatic tenacity rule reality.

Since the media became just another arm of the Democratic party, its credibility has been absolutely torched. They did this in 2016 too. Hillary Clinton could not draw big crowds. Trump had them in big stadiums. (Obama did too by the way). Yet, today even Obama cannot fill a stadium while Trump is killing it.
Actually, traditional media outlets have benefited from Trump's campaign and presidency. It's reverse psychology, driven by business. Remember how Trump and his team used big data trigger words to emulate the Internets anti-establishment rhetoric? Do you remember how Bush and Obama co-created the conspiracy theory dysphemism. In other-words, do you remember how Bush created Obama and how Obama created Trump? Do you remember how the war never ended because war is peace?

Alt-right, new left, it's schizophrenic newspeak for irrational politics. Robots, trans-humanism, post-humanism, AI, genetic programming, etc; that's REALITY. The political matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you to the truth.

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