Which country do you consider the greatest long term threats to your PERSONAL way of life? - Page 6 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Which country do you consider the greatest long term threats to your PERSONAL way of life?

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MistyTiger wrote:You cannot blame Obama for the sad state of police departments. The President cannot do a complete overhaul of the police training programs. Department heads are in charge of making the changes which the instructors enforce. Presidents have no time to micromanage city police departments.

Many people thought Trump was directly in charge of every cop in America. It works both ways. Sadly, police brutality also happens in cities where the chief of police and mayor are POC. Is not that easy to control people.
Julian658 wrote:That did not stop police errors and people getting shot for no good reason (all ethnic groups included except Asian). That is what I meant.

Everyone makes errors. Police are not known for having a good understanding of the body. Emotions can affect judgment. I really have no idea how people can stop their strong emotions. Like if we get scared, the first response is to just act without thinking. We do stupid things when our emotions run high. Anger and fear make anyone irrational and stupid.

Ignorance and lack of understanding are major reasons for hate. People need to open their hearts and minds to differences in lifestyle and culture. It is hard to change though. Mainstream culture likes to polarize the audience to dislike everyone who is not in the majority. This polarization needs to stop. The fault lies with the wealthy white businessmen who just capitalize on the polarization to continue to line their pockets. They care not a whit about the damage it does to common folks. More minorities should get rich and start changing the media and culture. I think it is slowly happening.
MistyTiger wrote:Everyone makes errors. Police are not known for having a good understanding of the body. Emotions can affect judgment. I really have no idea how people can stop their strong emotions. Like if we get scared, the first response is to just act without thinking. We do stupid things when our emotions run high. Anger and fear make anyone irrational and stupid.

If you watch videos of police unjustly shooting people you will see there is a bit of PTSD in the subjects that get shot. And the cop is also stressed. The decision to shoot happens in an instant.

Ignorance and lack of understanding are major reasons for hate. People need to open their hearts and minds to differences in lifestyle and culture. It is hard to change though.

We evolved in tribes for protection. Tribes would murder each other members. Our evolution was designed to be wary when in the presence of non-tribe members. That is what we have in our DNA and it will take some time to deprogram. Some black people are naturally suspicious of white people. It is natural to feel distrust with non-tribe members.

Mainstream culture likes to polarize the audience to dislike everyone who is not in the majority. This polarization needs to stop. The fault lies with the wealthy white businessmen who just capitalize on the polarization to continue to line their pockets. They care not a whit about the damage it does to common folks. More minorities should get rich and start changing the media and culture. I think it is slowly happening.

The news media and social media love racism stories because of ratings. Yes, it is about money. Meanwhile the constant barrage of racism stories fuels the PTSD in POC America.
Julian658 wrote:If you watch videos of police unjustly shooting people you will see there is a bit of PTSD in the subjects that get shot. And the cop is also stressed. The decision to shoot happens in an instant.

That was my point. In the heat of the moment, people just act or react. There is no rational thought going on.

We evolved in tribes for protection. Tribes would murder each other members. Our evolution was designed to be wary when in the presence of non-tribe members. That is what we have in our DNA and it will take some time to deprogram. Some black people are naturally suspicious of white people. It is natural to feel distrust with non-tribe members.

The murder happens if the tribe feels threatened or they cannot get what they want without a show of force. We are not necessarily wary of non-tribe members. We learn to be wary. Take the example of a baby. A baby is very trusting of its mother and even of strangers. They do not know how to fear and they do not understand why they should be suspicious of others. Through rough experiences and betrayals, a child learns who to trust and who not to trust. In cases of hate, people hate because they had a traumatic past experience with an outsider and they sometimes associate all similar outsiders with the one outsider who hurt them in the past...a transference of blame. If an Indian steals money from a storekeeper, that storekeeper might think, "Indians want to steal my money" and so the storekeeper will be angry with all Indians. I think it is wrong but that is what happens in some cases.

The news media and social media love racism stories because of ratings. Yes, it is about money. Meanwhile the constant barrage of racism stories fuels the PTSD in POC America.

It goes beyond loving racism stories. The upper class like to promote the narrative that white is the best and the most beautiful. Hollywood has long promoted the story of the beautiful, pale-skinned woman or the tall, handsome Caucasian gentleman who wears glamorous clothing and lives a luxurious lifestyle. They love status symbols. They love saying that these are the classy people. Society is way too shallow and loves painting these pictures that make foreigners look ugly. Like in the cartoon version of Aladdin from the 90s, the Arabic guards and the street vendors were drawn as ugly or ordinary while the two protagonists were drawn beautifully and look very European. It is not fair and makes it seem like Arabs are ugly. Like any culture, there are ugly and beautiful people. The castle guards could have been drawn to look less ugly.
MistyTiger wrote:It goes beyond loving racism stories. The upper class like to promote the narrative that white is the best and the most beautiful. Hollywood has long promoted the story of the beautiful, pale-skinned woman or the tall, handsome Caucasian gentleman who wears glamorous clothing and lives a luxurious lifestyle. They love status symbols. They love saying that these are the classy people. Society is way too shallow and loves painting these pictures that make foreigners look ugly. Like in the cartoon version of Aladdin from the 90s, the Arabic guards and the street vendors were drawn as ugly or ordinary while the two protagonists were drawn beautifully and look very European. It is not fair and makes it seem like Arabs are ugly. Like any culture, there are ugly and beautiful people. The castle guards could have been drawn to look less ugly.

Up until the 1960 the USA and Canada were 90% plus white. What did you expect? That is like asking BET to have white oriented programs or to have Telemundo forget the idea of doing shows about Latinos.
MistyTiger wrote:That was my point. In the heat of the moment, people just act or react.
There is no rational thought going on. That is why people train to react appropriately to a given situation.

Police are supposed to be risking their lives for the safety of others, not simply out there to cover their own asses. They already have body armour and several weapons at their disposal, as well as authority and training.
Random American wrote:I would say China, but my country isn't that good either with it's current government. I wouldn't want my life in the hands of the CIA any more than I would trust China.

The CIA is nothing when you have a government changes hands every four (or even two) years. Besides they do not have exclusive military power like the Burmese military.

The biggest problem of China is that there is no check and balance other than from foreign countries. It's not the same case for the United States (at least domestically)
Patrickov wrote:The CIA is nothing when you have a government changes hands every four (or even two) years. Besides they do not have exclusive military power like the Burmese military.

The biggest problem of China is that there is no check and balance other than from foreign countries. It's not the same case for the United States (at least domestically)

You hero-worship the USA Patrikov. The USA is basically a duopoly of the same shit with a different toilet bowl.

You got a plutocracy and a totally obstructed system of trying to get needed and urgent bills and reforms done. It won't get done with the current filibustering and a bunch of bought off sellout politicians in both parties.

The vast majority of American politicians are Authoritarian quadrant Right wing horrors. These two videos illustrate my points. Go ahead and come up with a challenge to the analysis in these videos. I dare you...Lol.

Or just beg on your knees to DC that you want the USA to make you the new colony and get rid of the Chinese Commies you hate because you prefer to be their puppets. Just study the puppets they have now how well they are doing? NOT. You will see the future then.

There you go Patrikov, the great variation in shit thoughts. Almost all of them are in that Authoritarian Right wing pro capitalism only quadrant. The entire left is almost absent. It is all so varied?

You believe sheer lies Patrikov. I am not surprised. Totally thinking American crap thoughts are the answer to crisis based on GREED. Who do you think have been the greediest of all in the last 100 years who constantly want to dominate the globe with tons of military bases all over the world. Expanding throughout the globe and spending on endless wars neglecting their own crumbling infrastructure? The society you think is the answer to all your problems in HongKong.

They are not. If the HK wants freedom? You need to put your big boys' and girls' pants on and confront your own ethnic group from the mainland and not wait for the UK and the Anglos to solve your problems for you. Those Anglos don't care. They don't care. They want it for them and the hell with you. They are imperialists. Like the Japanese were in WWII with the Chinese and like the Italians and Germans were in the Axis. The Right has the seed of authoritarian terror. No matter where it comes from.

Remember there are authoritarians in both ideologies. I am not one of them.

I prefer to be true to my experience @wat0n . A Chilean Jewish young man who prefers to be colonized by some dumbells who only know how to do infighting and bullshit and obstruct progress for power grabs and who want to get rid of democratic voting rights because they might lose their grip on power and prefer to be authoritarian right wing pendejos are not my idea of PROGRESS in human politics.

Those ideas are for the ones who want to be part of the fake "winners".

Te veo como una persona bastante vendida Wat0n. No una persona con principios. No lo eres. :lol: :D
Tainari88 wrote:I prefer to be true to my experience @wat0n . A Chilean Jewish young man who prefers to be colonized by some dumbells who only know how to do infighting and bullshit and obstruct progress for power grabs and who want to get rid of democratic voting rights because they might lose their grip on power and prefer to be authoritarian right wing pendejos are not my idea of PROGRESS in human politics.

Those ideas are for the ones who want to be part of the fake "winners".

Te veo como una persona bastante vendida Wat0n. No una persona con principios. No lo eres. :lol: :D

I'm not sure why do you harp on regarding my jewishness, but whatever.

That doesn't deny the fact that China and other socialist (real and alleged) regimes are single party dictatorships. Of course I prefer the US, why wouldn't I?

The kind of infighting you see is part of the democratic game whether you like it or not.
wat0n wrote:I'm not sure why do you harp on regarding my jewishness, but whatever.

That doesn't deny the fact that China and other socialist (real and alleged) regimes are single party dictatorships. Of course I prefer the US, why wouldn't I?

The kind of infighting you see is part of the democratic game whether you like it or not.

I don't go for games with people's lives in politics. Maybe you do. I don't share your superficial thoughts wat0n or your feeling so cozy with a society you never grew up in.

Back to the question of why I feel the USA is a threat to most people on planet Earth?

People in the USA don't even know who their government is currently bombing and killing. Why? Hey, they got used to it. Like the mass shootings that pop up consistently like clockwork now. Where are they going to do next? Hey, some hundred more shootings and so on....life as usual in the country that doesn't threaten your personal way of life?

Your thoughts are illogical and not well done @wat0n too busy kissing ass I guess..... :lol:

Well, this is the reason the infrastructure ain't getting updated in the USA folks....

Meanwhile you got the well trained asskissing types saying....tell me it ain't so....it is. ;)
When the USA were calling the shots in Chile, thousands died and/or were disappeared. Police raped women as form of torture. Children were imprisoned. Thousands fled in exile. Et cetera. This story is typical for almost any country in Latin America.

This actually happened, and US society and politics has not significantly changed since then.

China has not ever done anything to Chile, or any other Latin American country.

The only way to think Chinese occupation would be worse is if you imagine a situation where China does worse than this. Has China ever done this?

If so, then we would need to look at the socio-economic conditions that led to US threats against other countries and those that led to Chinese threats against other countries and see which apply.
Pants-of-dog wrote:When the USA were calling the shots in Chile, thousands died and/or were disappeared. Police raped women as form of torture. Children were imprisoned. Thousands fled in exile. Et cetera. This story is typical for almost any country in Latin America.

This actually happened, and US society and politics has not significantly changed since then.

China has not ever done anything to Chile, or any other Latin American country.

The only way to think Chinese occupation would be worse is if you imagine a situation where China does worse than this. Has China ever done this?

If so, then we would need to look at the socio-economic conditions that led to US threats against other countries and those that led to Chinese threats against other countries and see which apply.

You could ask @Patrickov how is it to live under direct Chinese rule.

I find it interesting that you have to refer to events from 30+ years ago, and a dictator that has been dead for almost 15 years now to criticize the US in this regard. But if you want to do that, then we can discuss what the alternative to the US was at the time and if anyone would sincerely prefer to live under it over living in the US. We can also discuss the behavior of the Soviets abroad, and how these countries where the USSR called the shots also had thousands dead and/or disappeared. We can also discuss how the police routinely raped women as a form of torture in those countries. We can discuss how children were imprisoned. We can discuss how thousands fled in exile, if they were lucky enough to (often, they would just be sent to a gulag. In some cases, along with their whole families). We can also discuss systemic racism, which seems to be in vogue now but only when it happens in NATO members. This was typical in almost all eastern European countries and beyond (like Cuba where, unlike the Southern Cone, this is still ongoing - and which you rubber-stamp under "anticolonialism").
wat0n wrote:@Tainari88 what a pathetic excuse for standing for totalitarianism :lol:

Fortunately, I can compare the US with Chile. The US is better overall. Not perfect, but clearly better.

So is any nation that doesn't have Chile's history. So is any nation who doesn't have any ethics and applies force and terror to gain ground, money and influence.

So is any nation who drops a couple of A bombs on civilians. If you believe that is SUPERIORITY? I don't agree.

You will never be about ETHICAL POLITICS. Just about wanting to be part of a powerful nation and climb for some money and position.

An asskissing position. One I will never respect. And pathetic in the extreme.

This is what everyone on the left should be aiming for. You are not on the left Wat0n. You are also blind and not very intelligent about your loyalties. Chile will lose in $$$ and military. But is that all your Chilean identity means to you? A banana peel that you peel and discard because the true loyalty is the $$$$? Think about that your thoughts are beyond repulsive.

https://www.ethicalpolitics.org/ablunde ... pdf#page90
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