The World's Smallest Political Quiz - Page 7 - Politics | PoFo

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Polls on politics, news, current affairs and history.

Which ideology best describes you?

Left (Liberal)
Right (Conservative)
Statist (Big Government)
It says I am a Centrist, but on other political quizzes I have taken, I am a leftie. I only voted Centrist because that is what it labeled me as. Not happy.
Doug64 wrote:Personally, I think the Left/Right dichotomy is too limited.

I agree, but the liberal-conservative dichotomy is even worse because it goes by American terminology. The left-right dichotomy is better IMO, but still severely limited.

Doug64 wrote:Actually, I think a two-dimensional grid is too limited, I'd prefer a three-dimensional cube with the third axis being for foreign policy. But that cube's a little tough to get on paper.

I think that a foreign policy axis would be highly problematic, largely because interventionist and non-interventionist policies can have different philosophical presuppositions (e.g., an idealist and a realist may have similar scores, despite major differences in reasons for intervention.

I think that the Political Personality Quiz, despite having major flaws and areas for improvement, does a better job at finding the differences between the philosophies of people with similar views on only a superficial level.
Fraqtive42 wrote:I agree, but the liberal-conservative dichotomy is even worse because it goes by American terminology. The left-right dichotomy is better IMO, but still severely limited.

That works fine for Libertarians and Authoritarians, but it's next to useless for (American) Liberals and Conservatives (or vice versa). They'll end up clustered around the middle of the line and agree on almost nothing.

Fraqtive42 wrote:I think that a foreign policy axis would be highly problematic, largely because interventionist and non-interventionist policies can have different philosophical presuppositions (e.g., an idealist and a realist may have similar scores, despite major differences in reasons for intervention.

Why someone makes the political choices they do doesn't matter to me as much as whether their choices are fairly predictable. If two people are consistent non-interventionists, IMHO they belong at the same point on the scale even if one makes the call because of the expense and the other because he's morally opposed to imposing our will on foreign peoples.

Fraqtive42 wrote:I think that the Political Personality Quiz, despite having major flaws and areas for improvement, does a better job at finding the differences between the philosophies of people with similar views on only a superficial level.

Not sure I agree with that. It's first rank of Rationalist and second rank of Small Government are probably fairly accurate, but the Syndicalist political personality profile runs up against my belief that we need a strong but limited central government, both at the federal and state levels.
Though my expectations were rock bottom when I decided to do this..

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 70%

Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 20%

Labeled a Liberal. :lol:
On the political personality quiz:

I'm a tad more autocratic than democratic. I'm somewhat more big government than small government. I'm noteacably more individualist than collectivist. I'm a hair more rationalist than literalist. I'm substantially more wide focus than narrow focus. I'm a little bit more ecocentric than human centric.

According to that I'm a big government individualist. How does that work?
According to that I'm a big government individualist. How does that work?

A socialist would argue that it is only with a large government protecting your rights that you can be truly free to be an individual.

After all there is no time for education and self exploration while living in a box worrying about where the next meal is coming from. :)
Doug64 wrote:That works fine for Libertarians and Authoritarians, but it's next to useless for (American) Liberals and Conservatives (or vice versa). They'll end up clustered around the middle of the line and agree on almost nothing.

Yes, but the Liberal and Conservative terminology still doesn't take into account the many different Leftist and Rightist ideologies which are classified outside of this dichotomy. This is a pretty sever problem, in my opinion.

Fraqtive42 wrote:Why someone makes the political choices they do doesn't matter to me as much as whether their choices are fairly predictable. If two people are consistent non-interventionists, IMHO they belong at the same point on the scale even if one makes the call because of the expense and the other because he's morally opposed to imposing our will on foreign peoples.

I would have to disagree. Simply looking at policies rather than the philosophical reasons behind them is superficial. For example, Libertarians, who are often very divided with regards to moral philosophy and disagree with each other often, would be placed in nearly the same place. This could generate much confusion.

Fraqtive42 wrote:Not sure I agree with that. It's first rank of Rationalist and second rank of Small Government are probably fairly accurate, but the Syndicalist political personality profile runs up against my belief that we need a strong but limited central government, both at the federal and state levels.

I should have been more specific when I referred to the Political Personality quiz as describing political philosophy more accurately. When I said that, I was referring to the ranks and measurements themselves, and not the categories (which, in my opinion, should either be made much more complex or just gotten rid of entirely).
Fraqtive42 wrote:Yes, but the Liberal and Conservative terminology still doesn't take into account the many different Leftist and Rightist ideologies which are classified outside of this dichotomy. This is a pretty sever problem, in my opinion.

Sure, you get the same problem with any line from Authoritarian to Libertarian instead of a grid, because it doesn't take into account that people will want varying degrees of freedom in different areas. At least the grid for this poll allows you to break it out between economic and personal freedom.

Fraqtive42 wrote:I would have to disagree. Simply looking at policies rather than the philosophical reasons behind them is superficial. For example, Libertarians, who are often very divided with regards to moral philosophy and disagree with each other often, would be placed in nearly the same place. This could generate much confusion.

True, it's superficial when it comes to worldview and motivation, but that's fine - scholars and geeks (like me) can explore the intricacies of political philosophies, but when it comes to political action knowing which way people will jump is fine.
What is your political ideology?
Your Result: Libertarian
This quiz has defined you as a Libertarian. Keep in mind, this ideology can be applied to the right or left in the social sense. You believe in a minimal role of the government in solving problems and believe that the "Free market" can handle almost all economic situations.
Result Breakdown:
87% Libertarian
62% Liberal
31% Conservative
14% Social Democrat
0% Fascist/Radical Right
0% Communist/Radical Left
Quiz Created on GoTo Quiz
What is your political ideology?
Your Result: Communist/Radical Left
This quiz has defined you as a Communnist. The Cold War is long over, so we won't report you to Senator McCarthy or anything like that. Generally speaking, you favour the equalisation of society through tax rates approaching 100% and communal control of property. You may or may not wish to achieve this by revolutionary reasons. Most political scientists would define you as a "radical"
Result Breakdown:
86% Communist/Radical Left
80% Social Democrat
39% Liberal
14% Fascist/Radical Right
0% Conservative
0% Libertarian
Some questions were obvious.
Interesting little quiz:

What is your political ideology?
Conservative. You believe in a limited/minimal role in the government to solve social problems, and instead believe economic growth is paramount. It is possible you may identify with the "religious right" as well.

Libertarian 81%
Fascist/Radical Right 47%
Liberal 22%
Social Democrat 5%
Communist/Radical Left 0%

What is your political philosophy?
Your Result: Libertarian 91%
You believe in the principle of "live and let live"; you believe that the market allocates resources more efficiently and, in any case, more morally. You do not believe that seizing wealth from the people is justified; you believe that liberty requires independence, and that one must accept the risk of failure in order to find true success. You recognize that government bureaucrats are human beings too, which are no less corrupt or selfish than businesses, and yet have more power than any business man.

Liberal 23%
Neo-Conservative 21%
Communist 0%
Fascist 0%
What is your political philosophy?
Your Result: Libertarian
You believe in the principle of "live and let live"; you believe that the market allocates resources more efficiently and, in any case, more morally. You do not believe that seizing wealth from the people is justified; you believe that liberty requires independence, and that one must accept the risk of failure in order to find true success. You recognize that government bureaucrats are human beings too, which are no less corrupt or selfish than businesses, and yet have more power than any business man.
Result Breakdown:
100% Libertarian
21% Liberal
0% Fascist
0% Communist
0% Neo-Conservative

That last sentence, "You recognize that government bureaucrats are human beings too, which are no less corrupt or selfish than businesses, and yet have more power than any business man", reminds me of a quote by Hayek:

F. A. Hayek wrote:The power which a multiple millionaire, who may be my neighbor and perhaps my employer has over me is far less than that which the smallest functionary who wields the coercive power of the state, and on whose discretion it depends whether and how I am allowed to live or to work.
It's been awhile since I've taken this poll. The questions have changed a bit to keep them current, and my own opinions have changed a bit over the years. So I've gone from Libertarian: Personal 80 / Economic 90 to Libertarian: Personal 70 / Economic 70, just barely above the Moderate line. The description has changed a little, as well:

    Libertarians seek to maximize human freedom and eliminate coercion in personal or economic matters. They advocate “self-government,” that is, people who govern themselves. Government, to the extent it exists at all, should be limited to protecting individuals from harm. Otherwise, libertarians embrace individual responsibility, voluntary community and private charity. They also tolerate diverse lifestyles, defend civil liberties, and support the free exchange of goods, services and ideas.

    Famous libertarians include economist and philosopher Friedrich Hayek, journalist Rose Wilder Lane, and entertainer Penn Jillette.

    “The number one responsibility for each of us is to change ourselves, with hope that others will follow.” — Ron Paul, Congressional Farewell Speech
FrenchFried wrote:Some questions were obvious.
Here are my results , from the same quiz .
What is your political ideology?
Your Result: Communist/Radical Left

This quiz has defined you as a Communnist. The Cold War is long over, so we won't report you to Senator McCarthy or anything like that. :) Generally speaking, you favour the equalisation of society through tax rates approaching 100% and communal control of property. You may or may not wish to achieve this by revolutionary reasons. Most political scientists would define you as a "radical"

78%Social Democrat


3%Fascist/Radical Right


So , pleased to meet you , Comrade , I guess . :D
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