Will the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election be contested? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Will the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election be contested?

Do you guys think that the U.S. Presidential election will be contested? I think so, as I do not think Trump would step down if he were to lose and his base would back him no matter what, and there are people who will not tolerate a Biden administration. Also, there are people who would not tolerate Trump if he were to win.

Edit: By contested, I mean the loser or someone affiliated with the loser fighting the election outcome. Ie. Trump losing, but declaring the election was "rigged" and that he rightfully won, or Biden losing, but claiming that he in fact won. In other words, the election results are disputed.
Last edited by Dimetrodon on 10 Oct 2020 15:56, edited 2 times in total.
Random American wrote:Yes. I edited my OP, I think it should be more clear now.

Thanks, but maybe one more option is required.

IMHO this will be more probable if Trump loses, but less likely if vice versa.
I voted yes.

Typically what happens is the loser concedes the election before all electoral votes are counted. The votes come in piecemeal as polls close so at some point before all votes are counted the winner becomes evident. At this point, the loser usually concedes after hanging on for a little while.

If Biden Loses:
I think Biden and his camp will hang on a little longer than usual before conceding. I do think someone in his camp will contest, but I think they would back off once more polls close and the electoral count picture is more clear. They may even hang on until every electoral vote is counted before conceding. I don't think they will bother to claim fraud.

If Trump Loses:
I think Trump will hang on until EVERY SINGLE electoral vote is counted, even if we reach the tipping point way earlier. In the time between the point where it's clear Biden wins and all votes counted, he will certainly start to throw out claims of fraud, vows to contest, and maybe demand a recount. I think once after all of that happens, he would concede.
Random American wrote:But either way, there are large parts of his base who would ignore the results, and possibly resort to terrorism.

I suppose there are enough armed Americans on both sides for this not to become an issue.

I won't give a damn if anybody attempting terrorism because of this was blown apart himself.
Patrickov wrote:I suppose there are enough armed Americans on both sides for this not to become an issue.

Well, Democrats tend to have a phobia of guns, but even if they don't, people fighting is still a problem and probably would destabilize the nation. I would suspect it would be those rogue supporters fighting the military - not Democrats - but that would still be a problem and would still be destabilizing.
Random American wrote:I hope so. There is the possibility that he won't, but either way, there are large parts of his base who would ignore the results, and possibly resort to terrorism.

It is certainly possible that the rabid segment of his followers take to the streets and do stupid shit. However, we don't really know how many of those people really exist. Also, if they did resort to some sort of rioting/terrorism, I don't believe it will be things like rioting in the streets and destroying businesses (like left leaning rioters do); it might be more like dumb ass militia types going after government targets (like those jackasses that were going to kidnap the Michigan governor). Basically, in a Trump loss, stay away from government buildings. Again, there aren't many of those, so I think most of his supporters would just protest mostly peacefully and spread lies. I think the institutions of the US still have enough integrity to deal with that.

Patrickov wrote:I suppose there are enough armed Americans on both sides for this not to become an issue.

Democrats tend to be anti-gun. It's very regional of course. For me, I live in a very strong liberal city that elects democrats. All my neighbors fear guns (yes, and we are in Texas of all places). They also have no idea I own guns, and I'm sure they would be scared of me and never let their kids come to my house if they found out I own guns. I don't disclose that i have guns, because it's none of their business, and i keep them safe and locked up. Most people wouldn't be able to find them if they searched through my house.

I also find it comical that because I live in Austin, and I'm not white, that they assume I'm anti-gun. I'm VERY pro-gun, I'm pro 2nd amendment through and through. An Arm citizenry is wonderful for national defense. One of the reasons Japan decided NOT to attack America directly is because they knew every citizen was armed to the teeth with guns. I see the 2nd amendment as a nation defense tool. In a world were authoritarian regimes like China are gaining unprecedented global power, we need every man woman and child armed.... well maybe not every child, but you get the point. I do believe every house hold should be armed.

When you invade the US, you need ot realize you are not just fighting US military forces, you are also fighting the citizens themselves. We need to keep it that way.
Random American wrote:A bit off topic here, but I do find the Democrats to be a bit dramatic with their opposition to guns, and I wouldn't be surprised if many of them secretly admire China's strict no-gun policy. I seen China touted as an example of a nation that has good ideas to prevent mass shootings.

They are asking for state terrorism against themselves if that is the case.
I would just like to point out that the Trump campaign is ALREADY being contested. They are suing every place they can find some issue on which to try to suppress votes. At the end of the day the rush to confirm the SCOTUS nomination is to have her in place when these hundreds of law suits hit the court.

Trump has said very clearly that he is going to fight the results of this election by hook or by crook. And he is long on crook.

So the answer WAS yes. Now there is no longer a question of whether.

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