Soy Product Consumption and Political Orientation - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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How does your soya product consumption correlate with your political orientation?

I eat soy products very often and I self-identify as a leftist
I eat soy products rarely or never and I self-identify as a leftist
I eat soy products very often and I am not a leftist
I eat soy products rarely or never and I am not a leftist
Pants-of-dog wrote:Like people who buy into pseudoscience, use it to prop up outdated gender norms, and then make weird connections between leftists and their made up stuff?

Yeah. Sure. Okay.

Meme's have a place, and it's on The Longest Thread Ever, viewtopic.php?f=4&t=8&start=234820 but not in normal discussions. That's all. The rest of the forum is supposed to be for intelligent discourse, not cat pictures, memes, or videos of guys getting nutted.
Awww, did I upset poor little Viccy?? Do you hate that people think you posting memes is childish? That's too bad. Sucks to be a troll, doesn't it?

Memes are for 4chan faggots.

The skull? I am in particular good form these days. :P
Where I'm living right now, homeless people don't move around very much. I give them money sometimes but seeing the same person in the same place day in and day out is kind of weird. It really drives home the fact that no matter how much money I give them (granting that I can't buy them an apartment or something), they're still going to be there until they decide themselves to stop being there, only now they have a cola or something.

Edit: Wrong thread. I meant to write LOL SOYBOYS :excited:
Godstud wrote:Do you hate that people think you posting memes is childish? That's too bad.

Yes, because calling folks faggots represents the height of maturity and can be in no way misconstrued as "juvenile" right? :lol:

Soyboys be hatin' that the left can't meme. 8)
Cute, pop-culture-related giffs and pix aren't really a viable alternative to having a point and backing it up with some recognized theory or personal anecdote.

Debating a political subject isn't like watching TV while stuffing your face with doritos. Posting things like 'haters' and 'leftists' in lieu of actual thoughts or opinions is sort of tragic and dystopic.
Victoribus wrote:Yes, because calling folks faggots represents the height of maturity and can be in no way misconstrued as "juvenile" right? :lol:
I didn't think I called anyone here a name. I assumed your use of a meme was a one time thing. Oh, well. :|

Try arguments, not silly gifs and pictures. This is a political forum and not a world of warcraft forum.

Qatzelok wrote:Cute, pop-culture-related giffs and pix aren't really a viable alternative to having a point and backing it up with some recognized theory or personal anecdote.
QatzelOk wrote:Cute, pop-culture-related giffs and pix aren't really a viable alternative to having a point and backing it up with some recognized theory or personal anecdote.

Debating a political subject isn't like watching TV while stuffing your face with doritos. Posting things like 'haters' and 'leftists' in lieu of actual thoughts or opinions is sort of tragic and dystopic.

Let's not get too full of ourselves, this is just a random internet forum, not Her Majesty's High Falutin Conclave of Elitism. Shit posting is as good as it gets your posts included.
A hater himself, SolarCross wrote:Let's not get too full of ourselves, this is just a random internet forum, not Her Majesty's High Falutin Conclave of Elitism. Shit posting is as good as it gets your posts included.


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