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By Jing
I was wondering if any one could share the knowledge of the elite forces of the modern warfare- terrorism. Men (and women, but unlikely) risking their life to protect their family, friends or because of what they get. If you know anything like their name, details, size and etc please post. Thanks-
By Din
seems a bit suspicious :eh: all i can suggest is watch the BBC documentery hunting chris r...... (i can't remeber hisn last name) which sows how the SAS works
By Jing
Thanks Milorg I checked out the site and looks really useful-
By Rowan.
Jing, there are so many books around our town that tell you all you need to know about counter terrorism units. I'll show you some one day.
By ACSocialist
This brings me nicely to another topic.
About two days ago i was wathching BBC2, on which was a program following an group of american seals and british SAS soldiers tracking down another, solo, SAS soldier. This was of course all a hypothetical terrorist training excersise, a kind of game put on by the BBC if you will.
The thing that most struck me however, is that both SEALs in the group slowed the SAS troops down in pursute of the SAS soldier considerably, with one not having taken care of his feet propobly and the other constantly bieng exasted! Now this got me wondering, was my initial expectation of the SEALS of bieng the best trained, toughest and best trained fighting group in the world an amazingly uneducated one? it sure looked like that.
Now im far from supporting the British, but im glad this view of pretention and egotism on the side of the american army in creating a false perception of the supposed invunerability of their special forces.
By Jing
SAS and SEALs can be special forces but they both have different use. SAS is for demolition- more of Covert Ops stuff- their main concept when SAS was first created was assination, sabotage and anything to do with dirty stuff. In other hand, SEALs are the elite of close-range combat. They are forces to use for Search and Destroy Operations. That is why, when it comes to hunting down solo SAS member- SAS is better than SEALs because they actually are trained in a similar way. SEALs gets less training than SAS in my memory, and SAS gets alot of training to do with torture. SAS is more of general battlefield eilte trooper- SEAL is just close range assault squad- used in more of cleaning the building and things. SAS is for long deployment, SEAL is for short deployment.
By Milorg
The SAS is probably the best special operations group in the world. The american seals are good at what they do, but not much else. I remember reading a few years ago during a joint NATO excercise in northern Norway how several squads of Navy Seals got a lesson in Winter Warfare from a group of enlisted Norwegian Army Rangers after being severly defeated.. I'm sure that there are few things that could beat the Seals in typical american naval warfare, like Island landings, but apparently they never stood a chance against during enlisted men during the harsh of winter..
By Jing
mmm- they are all over the world too-
Canadian SAS
British SAS
Australian SAS
they all are fine soldiers,I suppose
"Who dares win"
By Ocker
I used to be in a top secret organization known as Rainbow Six (No it's not a mardi gras float).

I got fired when I shot too many civilians.

Ahh, the lines between reality and games are blurring again :eh: :p
By Rowan.
Jing i would have to disagree with you mate. i belive that what you said about SEAL and SAS is Vice versa. Seals are good for demolition and i reakon SAS is good for special ops during a war. Even though the SAS does have powder monkeys, they still are better for military ops, snipers, parachute dropings u know what i mean.

Go into Bendigo books, they have heaps of Elite forces guides there i was there yesturday.
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By Rokossovsky
The SAS is tradtionally used for 4-man op teams on covert operations whereas the USA tends to see its special forces as a assault team for use in large numbers.

Eg. The SAS took a lot of persuading in Afganistan to use SAS Sabre teams of around 40 who acted more in the American style which was quite successsful.
By treat2
Per the original post on this thread:

I'm unclear if is a question asking for information about suicide bombers (for example), or for information about the folks trying to "take out" suicide bombers. (The post can be interpreted either way.)
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
#236379 guys are forgetting the premier special forces group... :roll: ...the Spetsnaz!! ...and its two sub-units...Alfa and Vympel.

There is no one better than Alfa and Vympel. In the late 90s there was a competition between Spestanz and US Army Rangers. The Rangers won only the weight lifting competition...the Spetsnaz won everything else.

I had this friend in Albania who was in the Albanian special forces (he was a sniper...and fought in Kosovo for the KLA)...and he had seen some insider videos of these guys in training. He said he was way anyone else could do the stuff the Spetsnaz could do.

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