KGB files- UFOs and Psychics - Politics | PoFo

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By Kov
For a former... and in technical terms modern soviet citizen, the information that I have found on the TV and internet reguarding this subject is incredable. I am very thankful that compared to other countries in the world the KGB documented every action that it did...

Lucky for us after the fall of the USSR much of that data can be purchased by the highest bidder. Unlike the US, the USSR had some amazing things behind its sleve. I will atempt to talk about a few of them here.

I always new that the USSR was mathematicaly and scientificaly advanced... but how far, I DID NOT KNOW.

On the topic of UFO reserch

Although the KGB did not go as extensivly to go and write down every civilian report of a UFO as the US had done, the USSR had a much more interesting plan. Since the arms race was very expensive and the USSR could not compete well with the US economy, they tried to find cheap ways of gaining the upper hand. One such idea was to go and find some sort of old wisdom from another civilization...

The USSR found such a thing. With the help of NAZI archives abtained after the second world war, the KGB went to egypt to look for something.

The mythical chamber of knowledge.

This may sound dumb at first, but the KGB would not do something dumb if they did not have a good idea of what they where doing. Take in consideration several key ideas. First, the pyramids are built perfectly and within decimals of acurecy. Something we cannot even master today, and in an anchinet land. Second, all races and civilizations on earth have steps of gaining power... through hundreds of years some faction gains headway slowly... and eventualy gains power. Egypt just appiered out of the desert with no past. Lastly, the cordinants of the Pyramids on the map are perfect in longtitude and latatude. Something that was not discovered till centuries later. In other words if you draw a line down the middle of the world map (flat) and one in the middle across, the intersect point is exactly the Pyramids location.

Thus the KGB went there to take a look... They looked in many places, but a long story later, they discovered a tomb out in the middle of the desert. They have actual authentic footage of men doing all of what I am about to talk about.

In Egyptian folklore there is supposed to be a man, Cyrius, that was part of a family of gods. Not men, not gods, they where called starwalkers... the exact term used by anchient mexicans of the same time period. They are said to have come from the sky and have tought many great things... and when it was time to leave, one stayed behind. Cyrius.

They found his tomb. And acording to the footage and other evidance, the mummy inside is not human, rather a humanoid. They took it back to moscow and took samples... he is dated 10,500BC. This is about 6,000 years before the pyramids... His face was also reconstructed using the bone inside... It was not human, rather a odd shaped round head with huge eyes and a small nose and mouth. They have documented footage of all of this...

The items in the tomb and mummy went through extensieve fabric tests and do not match any substance known to man.

Later by accident they found another toumb under his, compleatly by accident. KGB high command was split on it however. Half thought it was the chamber of knowledge and should be opened, others thought that reserch should be done before any action should be taken. So what did the KGB do? Nothing... they sealed the project and got rid of most eveidence as well as berying the tomb again...

Another amazing thing is that in modern belief the pyramids are suposed have shafts that would in fact show stars through them... Well no such corrilation exists to the shafts when the pyramids where built. However, after moving the sky back some 6,000 years, guess what they found? In all mathamatic ways the pyramids matched the constilation Orion... in ALL ways. Amazing, since no men where around that far back, and yet they where ironicaly built on the same spot some 10,500 years before christ?

The KGB also has actual footage of a UFO crash... not the crash inself, but rather the craft being inspected. This crash has actualy been VERIFIED to have existed due to local newspapers, as well as actual debree from the crash. No word exists on where it went and what was inside, all though the look of it was great to see, real or not. The film has been varified to be real, but even I am a bit edgy at first... but overall it is very convincing.

I do not want to write more on this subject, just look it up if you have even read this far.

On the topic of Pshychics

Amazingly enough, the USSR was the first nation to have done reserch in the pshychic feild. The whole reserch part is a mess to talk about, but it finaly took of with the help of Stalin, who amazingly enough also banned any more reserch into the feild. Stalin invited a man (I do not remember his name) who was a world famous german psychic that predeicted world war two as well as the month that Hitler would die in. He tested the man in two ways.

He asked him to rob a bank using nothing but his mental powers.

He did it, much to the surprise of the KGB man watching the whole operation. He walked in, withdrew 100,000 roubles and walked out calmly.

Next he was asked to sneak into Stalins private datcha without any man telling Stalin of the arival.

He did it. Guards acount this tale, and swear that they all though that he was the head of the KGB, a man that not a person would wish to talk to at all or get in the way of. It so happens that my great grandfather was one of stalins personal guards. (That goes out to all you Stalinists. See, my bloodline is not all that bad now is it?)

Long story short a KGB psychics core was founded and did reserch. In the long run they made unbelevable creations. Mind control, Pshychich Spies, and the best Zombi Agents, or men that did not know they where working for the KGB.

Think the killers of kenndys and other figures. They all denied it did they not? Their dierys also are written like orders, something that a person in a transe usualy does.

Once again I will cut to the point, eventualy devices where made to actualy create better soldiers as well as weapons. One such event was psychics helping a KGB soldier to walk through a mine feild without any help other than the phychich in some far away room.

The most proof worthy event was that of the US embacy. Most do not know, but three of the US embasidors when home with cancer.. in a row. The whole staff once was so sick they all had to be replaced. The CIA launched an investigation... what did they find? An electromagnetic beam sent form the neighboring building. When Nixon visited the USSR almost his whole cabinet was depressed and sick from some unknown cause.

I do not want to write more now, but in the end they had pshychichs that could remotly go places and see things. Some where even used to kill people or save them... Eventualy actualy DEVICES where made to help the KGB, so called mind control hand held weapons. They also caught ghosts on tape and actualy made one do something for them... amazing.

If you guys actualy red any of this and are somewhat intregued, please ask away, and I will post war. Once again, sorry about the war and peace sized post, but it is big topic with a lot of data....
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By thenecrosoviet
ok i dont know why im the only guy that is posting but im reading a book called the day after roswell by this corso guy, apparently he was in army R&D and got ahold of some things at the roswell crash site, anywho the bok goes on to say alot of things that we have today came directly from that crash including night vision, fiber optics, lasers, integrated circuit chips, and super-tenacity fibers, please tell me where you got all your info because this is really really really interesting and i like this kinda thing
By ahab
I've always wondered if stuff like this is actually spread by gov'ts to keep people off of the real things. I do think that these sort of things are false, but reguardless of their truth to most people these stories do make more interesting stories than most new military projects.

I don't care to debate their truth, but if they were false, sounds like a possibility.
By Proctor
I read a book back in Primary School (I read some weird books) about Soviet experiments with psychics. It was weird. It talked about some important dude who thought it was a stupid idea, and they should stop wasting their time and money and research ultra low frequency radio for their submarines to catch up to the Americans. So the lead researcher guy showed the guy this little girl with all these powers. They got some soldier in, and the girl killed him without touching him.

It was an interesting book, but it mostly comes down to what Kov nearly said. Sure, there's heaps of evidence, but is there any authentic evidence?
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By Adrien
Well, we're certainly not alone in the universe, and our brain certainly has great unused capacities, so i'd say that all that Kov says can be true and possible.

Unfortunately, in this more than in any other topic, we need proofs to be sure, and governments or organizations never show us proofs.
By Kov
It iis truly bad that you did not get the chance to actualy see these things. Most of them are authentic, and their is actual proof that the USSR spent millions of rubles on just psychich hand held immiters alone...

It is needless to say that much of this is true... but I will not say all, for many things can be exadurated. But the films are by far the most compelling peices of evidance.

Personaly, the old black and white vids of actual ghosts are the best... through some way, after a month they actualy made a ghost do something for them. It moved a watch from one place to another... It was very interesting.

I am glad to see that there are people here that belive we are not alone, that is good, the world could use more of them, and less bible thumping...
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By Demosthenes
You know this would seem to explain Putinist's conspiracy theory about Russia going into hiding... Heh heh heh
By Kov
Yes. They say that all of the data that I just told you about is just a small little part of the millions of rubles spent in reserch.

Obviously Russia still has all those things developed during the Cold War... somewhare locked up in a cabnet, or better yet, being reaserched further.
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By DTguitarist99
I don't take any of this stuff seriously, you can find all sorts of crazy things on the internet. I would believe it if I had confirmation that the documents actually exist by a credible source. Until then, I'm skeptical. As for the pyramids and Egypt, i think you underestimate how knowledgable they were. When theres nothing to do but sit around in the desert, people tend to find other ways to occupy their time, like learning about the stars. These people were probably smarter than we are. They didn't need aliens to give them that knowledge.
By grinner
Once you've seen a UFO first hand, it's easy to discard the government's words. Of course it's rather easy to do that prior to seeing a UFO.
By Kov
Yes yes yes, I know I know, but I cannot write everything that I learn or watch. The whole thing was a four hour "adventure" on some TV station (Do not ask me, I have every channel avalable in the northern hemisphere of earth)

Let me try and fill some holes for you... The tape was verified by an "expert" on old soviet films. As shown in had the distinctive markings made of a normal tape, plus the typical KGB "Start", "Finish" parts. Shure the whole thing could have been made up, but why? Possibly to cover something up.

On the topic of the pshychihcs, there is proof that millions of rubles went into reserch of psychihc technologies and the CIA has a project (I do not remember name) that investigated and confermed it.

Please, do not quote me, I only try to give you the "rough outline" of the whole schmit.

Also, please keep in mind. You are in a dessert, you have some rocks, some twigs, and a mule. Say there are 100,000 of you, how do you to make a pyramid exactly acurate and exactly to scale of various things? (ie the hight and width are supposed to be in direct corilation to the width and hight of the world. DO NOT quote me on that please)

We still cant do that, how in the name of lennin did they do that with some sticks? Hell, they had to develop math!
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By thenecrosoviet
the CIA project for mind control was MKULTRA, dont ask me for any info but there is some out there thanks to good ol freedom of information act, im too lazy to get it myself but you can knock yourself out. and reading your last post again i realize thats not what your were talking about....but so what this is somewhat related to this thread STOP LOOKING AT ME AHHHHHHHHH
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By Demosthenes
Well to start , Kolzene I can take you alot more seriously now that you ditched Chris Tucker. For some reason everytime I read your post I could only picture Chris Tucker speaking and...wel... *shiver* just wasn't good.

Anyway I see this as very interesting but there is simply no way to prove any of it. Now, Kov I'm not attacking you like the "evil" Kolzene did, I'm just saying I can't fully believe or disbelieve any of this. Sorta like how I allow for the very small chance that the moon may very well be made of blue cheese, even though I am reasonably sure its not. Until I've been there I can't say with a 100% certainy that the moon is composed of what science says it is.
Call it a healthy skeptisism, or just call me inheritantly distrustful, but until I see, hear, smell, etc. I have to keep some amount of skeptisism about anything. Or it could be that I'm from the Show-me state! So you gotta Show-me before I believe it.
By Kov
My exact ideas. No, by all means pick at my posts, but I am just trying to point out what I learned.

All people think of things the way they wish to, so I am just trying to be a messange. I have no grudges, no one was evil, pick at it. That is my attempt.

Your aproach is much like mine "if is see it", but sometimes that is just not possible.
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By Demosthenes
I didn't really mean Kolzene was evil, it was a joke...(oh well) He actually seens very...well... not evil... so the whole irony know...ah???

Anyway I really don't want to pick the post apart, I think any of it is possible, some just less likely than others.

Russia probably did spend money on Psychics, and I have heard before that people question the origin of the pyrimids, so those are interesting points. Someone at one point even suggested they were built using gliders. That is, the stones we're attached to a glider and we're set in position somehow that way. Yes, I know those stones weigh a lot, but the scientist that did this was able to re-create the technique he suggested. At least the article said he could...

As for the alien autopsies...well we supposedly have some footage of that kinda thing too...but lets just say I'm more skeptical of that kinda thing.

Ouch. Ok. First of all, there were humans around then. You forget that homo sapeins started in Africa, and has been around for at least 30,000 years
By the way Kolzene, on what are you basing this information? Not the Africa thing, just the 30,000 years. Just curious. Not necessarily refuting this claim.
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By Siberian Fox
By the way Kolzene, on what are you basing this information? Not the Africa thing, just the 30,000 years. Just curious. Not necessarily refuting this claim.

I know my names not Kolzene, but hey...

There was a documentary I saw some time ago about human evolution. I recall the number of years quoted that humans have been in their present evolutionary state and looked as the presently do as being something like 30-35,000 years... so don't think he has taking the number out of the blue. ;)
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By Demosthenes
No I didn't take it that way, I was curious as to where he had heard or read that. I've heard a variety of estimates before and just wanted to see if his sourse offered a better perspective. That is, if he could direct me to it. Once agin this was out of curiosity not, that I was disputing his figure. :D
By Kov
Does it matter all that much? We all came from Africa anyway...

Lets not debate over the matter, shure there could have been people, but please... gliders, advanced hauling equipment, it could all have been used, but the question is, how could they have been that smart without help?
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By Yeddi
Second, yes, one can't debate the location of the equator.

I'm going to debate it... The equator, i take it that you mean the 'middle' of the earth... well, actually the earth isn't sphereical, its more like a pear shaped... so would the middle be where half the mass is on top? or the measurement, adn if so measurement, from where? the universe is 3d.. the 'top' of the earth is anypoint you care to pick.. makes it hard eh?

Oh and Kov, i saw that footage of the Alien crash landing thing too... and most of this, 'Secrets of the KGB' with Roger Moore hosting, or something, most entertaining, there was the one on Aliens, one on JFK, Psychics adn sex.. interesting stuff.
By Kov
Glad to see someone was as bright as me to look into it. I do not know who was "hosting", but it seems right.

Looks like it may have made a beliver out of you, no?

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