Albanians, Serbs, Kosovo - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it. Note: nostalgia *is* allowed.
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By Tovarish Spetsnaz
Thank you MIM...I can see you people at MIM understand things all too clearly for the rest of us. Now where were you in 1999...everything would have been solved if we just read your articles.
By Genti
Flm.Tovarish per pergjegjen,jam ralle ne kete forum

Like i sez and you can se the posts of "serbs" ,clear MYTHOLOGY.
I know them-their history,language,culture.....and their are my :evil: neghbors.

Tovarish thei are wlachs i lived with them,Romanians wlachs live in some romanian provinces-regions

ops! serbian mythology ... ies40.html ... osovo.html
and ... story.html

and many more if you won frome independent source not "serbian" nor Albanian
By mim3
Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:Thank you MIM...I can see you people at MIM understand things all too clearly for the rest of us. Now where were you in 1999...everything would have been solved if we just read your articles.

mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:
Here's where we were in 1999, opposing imperialism.
What have you done comrade, to get the Albanian people to focus
their fire on imperialism?

Today as we speak there are reports of more unrest along ethnic
lines. While we can understand attacks on UN and imperialist
forces there, we see no room for Serb-Albanian violence.

The violence in the Balkans is also a crime on the list of imperialist
country revisionism. Instead of assisting the international proletariat
in understanding the true sources of economic well-being, the imperialist country revisionists encourage people in the Balkans and elsewhere to fight each other instead of the imperialists. The main reason for this is that these imperialist country revisionists do not show the people of the Balkans the extent of global exploitation by imperialism and they also do not explain how entire countries become dumping grounds for the "reserve army of the unemployed."

The result is two-fold. One is that Albanians and Serbs actually blame each other for economic misfortune. Two is that exploited peoples hold an illusion that exploited people in the united $tates may reform the system a little bit and lighten the load on them by putting in a Kerry or withdrawing troops from this or that place or just by switching sides in a war.
Meanwhile, imperialist drug and arms dealers make the money and whatever business deals from the West that do come through end up worse than weak, because no people is united enough to negotiate from a position of strength.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
While we can understand attacks on UN and imperialist
forces there, we see no room for Serb-Albanian violence.

No seriously...please stop talking...
By mim3
Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:
While we can understand attacks on UN and imperialist
forces there, we see no room for Serb-Albanian violence.

No seriously...please stop talking...

mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:
In other words, you have nothing to say, just the same old
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
No here is the problem with you western "leftists"...its that you are totally ignorant of the situation and you are trying to tell everyone wha to do and how to do it...when you yourelf know nothing about what is going on there.

Thats the problem with 13 year old American kids try to play communism and think they can tell everyone what to do.

Your argument is that this whole thing is just "America's fault!" or "imperialism's fault!"...Thats not true at all. They have their share in it, but its far beyound that and this isn't solved by saying Serbs and Albanians unite.

Serbia, Croatia or Albania aren't entities which are just exploited nations by imperialism. That is an over simplification and not true at all. The roots of the problem go back centuries ago...and are fueld far more by the local reactionary regimes than by western imperialism. Western imperialism is just exploiting the opportunity.

Follow the advice of your own leaders...Stalin wasn't kidding when he said Kosova should be given self-determination. What did he know that you 13 year olds at MIM don't know??

So thats why I'm telling you to please stop talking...becasue you don't know jack of what's going on there.

This problem can only be resolved in Serbia...Kosova MUST be given independence and the Serbian regime needs to change its attitudes towards others.

As I said...DEMOCRACY is the rule of the majority. That majority in Kosova is Albanian, not Serb.

Do you even realize how insignificant your organization...MIM is?? Its the typical western "leftist" by 15 year olds for 13 year olds who know nothing about the world. So you take your ready made formulas which you don't even understand...and try to apply them to situations you don't understand.
By mim3
Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:No here is the problem with you western "leftists"...its that you are totally ignorant of the situation and you are trying to tell everyone wha to do and how to do it...when you yourelf know nothing about what is going on there.

mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:
The excuse of every petty nationalist is that the outside world does not
understand the profound reasons for the exploited to kill each other off. And of course we all would rather be playing guitar and kicking the hackey-sack around like the hippies at the rallies here, but what a surprise, u.$. imperialism got involved directly on the ground. You would have thought that what with u.$. troops on the ground in how many countries veteran "tovarish" Spetsnaz would have figured out the PATTERN and his corresponding internationalist duties just from the hard facts of life by themselves.

Yet this "tovarish" is so narrowly and extremely nationalist, he can't see that what happens over there affects how we can deal with imperialism both here in Amerikkka and globally. So he tells us to butt out. This is philistine thinking in the extreme.

Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:Thats the problem with 13 year old American kids try to play communism and think they can tell everyone what to do.

mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement replies:
We encourage every 13 year-old here who can understand what imperialism is ( )
to tell "Tovarish Spetsnaz" what to do, if that 13 year-old can tell
the difference between nationalism aimed at imperialism and nationalism that is not. "Tovarish Spetsnaz" cannot tell the difference and does not care.

Being 13 means you have a life ahead of you and you have some self interest in opposing imperialism and war, because if history is any guide, World War I for instance, imperialism goes all out to kill off people regardless of age.

BTW, "Tovarish" are you playing for the anarchist and libertarian choir
with this "don't tell me what to do" bullshit? And who did you think the majority of your readers were in this forum, ethnic Albanians?

Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:Your argument is that this whole thing is just "America's fault!" or "imperialism's fault!"...Thats not true at all. They have their share in it, but its far beyound that and this isn't solved by saying Serbs and Albanians unite.

Serbia, Croatia or Albania aren't entities which are just exploited nations by imperialism. That is an over simplification and not true at all. The roots of the problem go back centuries ago...and are fueld far more by the local reactionary regimes than by western imperialism. Western imperialism is just exploiting the opportunity.

mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:
Again more petty nationalism--the problems of ages face their opportunity right now to resolve, because of the unique economic phenomenon of imperialism, which is capitalism in its last stage.

You won't find Lenin or Stalin talking like the above and making imperialism secondary. For that matter as long as Hoxha was trying
to impress Stalin or Mao because they were still alive, you won't find
Hoxha saying anything like this either.

Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:Follow the advice of your own leaders...Stalin wasn't kidding when he said Kosova should be given self-determination. What did he know that you 13 year olds at MIM don't know??

So thats why I'm telling you to please stop talking...becasue you don't know jack of what's going on there.

mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:
This is bullshit. Stalin said all peoples should be given self-determination.
The only significance of "Tovarish" 's claim is that he is saying Stalin regarded Kosova as a nation.

Yet even that would not justify confusing nationalism opposing imperialism and nationalism that results in intra-proletarian slaughter, forced migrations etc.

For that matter BOTH Stalin and Hoxha preferred to keep Yugoslavia together if that was the best way to unite people to kick out imperialists. Sound familiar nationalist cretin? It's a secondary question. Imperialism is first. Any sensible 13-year-old can see that.
By mim3
Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:No here is the problem with you western "leftists"...its that you are totally ignorant of the situation and you are trying to tell everyone wha to do and how to do it...when you yourelf know nothing about what is going on there.

Thats the problem with 13 year old American kids try to play communism and think they can tell everyone what to do.

Your argument is that this whole thing is just "America's fault!" or "imperialism's fault!"...Thats not true at all. They have their share in it, but its far beyound that and this isn't solved by saying Serbs and Albanians unite.

Serbia, Croatia or Albania aren't entities which are just exploited nations by imperialism. That is an over simplification and not true at all. The roots of the problem go back centuries ago...and are fueld far more by the local reactionary regimes than by western imperialism. Western imperialism is just exploiting the opportunity.

mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:
This is just so encrusted in decades of revisionism that the ideas of scientific communism have become completely alien to the peoples of eastern Europe, the whole ex-Soviet bloc. As a result, it would be better to quote an alien 13-year-old pot-smoking hippie from Seattle that I found
who has the whole picture better than this "veteran" "tovarish."

"Formerly, the national question was regarded from a reformist point of view, as an independent question having no connection with the general question of the power of capital, of the overthrow of imperialism, of the proletarian revolution. . . Now we say that this anti-revolutionary point of view has been exposed. . . .

"This does not mean, of course, that the proletariat must support every national movement, everywhere and always, in every individual concrete case. It means that support must be given to such national movements as tend to weaken, to overthrow imperialism, and not to strengthen and preserve it. Cases occur when the national movements in certain oppressed countries come into conflict with the interests of the development of the proletarian movement. In such cases support is, of course, entirely out of the question."

("Why I do three bong hits instead of two with my Starbucks coffee
in the morning," by Joseph Stalin, Foundations of Leninism Foreign Language Publishing House, Moscow, 1953, Works, Vol. 6, pp. 145-7.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
You have no idea how much resonance your wrods have on the Albanian population in Kosova...becasue you are an insiginificat group of hippies in the alone in Albania or the world. So seriouslly...stop talking.

All you have managed to do is show your utter ignorance of the you see this only as a matter between American imperialism and nothing more.

Its not...its as simple as that...its not...beasue there is also Serbian mini-imperialism to consider. Or did you forget about it??

So let me get this please you bunch of hippies in the US...the Albanian people must now throw themselves at the knife of Serbian mini-imperialism becasue somehow that will weaken the US??? it not the US and EU who are now saying Kosova should not be independent?? Who do you think has the interests in the Belgrade regime?? Comprende Comrade??

Cases occur when the national movements in certain oppressed countries come into conflict with the interests of the development of the proletarian movement. In such cases support is, of course, entirely out of the question."

And of course throwing themselves to the Serbian knives to be kicked out of Kosova into refugee camps...of course that in no way shape or form conflicts with the interests of the prletariat??

Wonderful logic you have...and agan as I said it is based on your ignorance.

And independent Kosova means democracy for the people living there. A return to Serbia means dictatorship and continued ethnic cleansing and violence which will again try to oppress and expell as much as possible the Albanian population from there.

Sitting in your mamy's room in the can't comprehend that...becasue to you the world is just big bad US wolf trying to eat everyone else.

Again...I point you to what Stalin said on Kosova SPECIFICALLY...that it must have self-determination. If its not a nation...that what is it?? Of course its a nation...

Now I'll let you go back to playing communist with your little friends.
By mim3
Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:You have no idea how much resonance your wrods have on the Albanian population in Kosova...becasue you are an insiginificat group of hippies in the alone in Albania or the world. So seriouslly...stop talking.

mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:
I have a pretty good idea that there is very little practice of
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism in Albania or any ex-Soviet bloc territory
--yet. That is nothing new.
Millions slaughtered each other in World War I. Majorities in all
the major countries supported it. Are you a communist or a poll-taker?

Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:All you have managed to do is show your utter ignorance of the you see this only as a matter between American imperialism and nothing more.

Its not...its as simple as that...its not...beasue there is also Serbian mini-imperialism to consider. Or did you forget about it??

mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:
As long as you don't claim to be upholding Lenin and Stalin while saying the above, fine. There is no imperialism in ex-Yugoslavia to consider.
There never was.

Show me the Serbian banks exporting capital in the Fortune 500. Quebec has them. Quebec would be a mini-imperialism
if it were its own country. Serbia doesn't have them.
Serbia is NOT a manipulator of international finance.

Molotov continued to make the same point to the end of his life, so
just as long as you don't claim Lenin or Stalin, fine. Be comrade
Playing-with-My-Gun-Special-Forces. I'm sure there's a new version of
"Doom" out for you to play with. Run along.
By mim3
Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:
Again...I point you to what Stalin said on Kosova SPECIFICALLY...that it must have self-determination. If its not a nation...that what is it?? Of course its a nation...

mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:

I've been reading the threads here and elsewhere about Kosova and the neo-Hoxhaite movement. They are way, way off in terms of Lenin and Stalin.

Just a couple pointers to everyone not following these long threads
and detailed historical discussions:

1) The neo-Hoxhaites do NOT actually quote Stalin on Kosova. Most of their quotes stem from a statement by Hoxha reporting what Stalin allegedly said--with as much credibility as Hoxha's diary criticisms of Mao. The neo-Hoxhaites (and I don't blame them considering Hoxha's drift toward the end of life) take these statements from Hoxha and run with them completely unattached from what Lenin and Stalin said.

2) Stalin DID in fact favor letting Yugoslavia fight as one unified
whole against Nazis. Hoxha is on record for the same. Hoxha is also
on record admitting that even after World War II, Stalin did not favor raising the national movement in Kosova against Tito.

Stalin put the fight against imperialism in the Balkans FIRST.

The fight against REVISIONISM of the Titoite variety also came BEFORE separating one territory of proletarians from another--according to Stalin. Stalin did not want to see even one more Serbian Titoite created out of some nationalism regarding Kosova. That's why you will not be finding Stalin calling for liberation of Kosova even while Tito was in power.

I say today: what has changed? Do we not have imperialism in the Balkans? And do we not have revisionism problems to sort out?

If the Albanians attack the UN/imperialist forces that is one thing, but anyone making excuses for cleansing of Serbs discards any communist credentials.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
2) Stalin DID in fact favor letting Yugoslavia fight as one unified
whole against Nazis. Hoxha is on record for the same. Hoxha is also
on record admitting that even after World War II, Stalin did not favor raising the national movement in Kosova against Tito.

Oh fuck off!! A totally different thing!! Now you'r resorting to BS to back up your case. WW2 fight against the Nazis is a totally different thing from what was said afterwards. Seriouslly stop talking becasue you are really starting to become an annoying little kid.
By mim3
mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:

I'm still waiting for TS.

1) Where are the Fortune 500 banks in Serbia that make Serbia
an exporter of capital and hence an imperialism?

For us scientists in the legacy of Lenin, "imperialism" is a
scientific term, not a slur we throw whenever we need some
opportunist camouflage.

2) Given that Stalin's works were published, on what basis do you
oppose the obvious about Stalin's stand BOTH during and AFTER
World War II.

Cut the b.s. evasions. Go watch the "Big Fat Greek Wedding"
and come back later with some real answers.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
You do know that you make no sense...
By mim3
Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:You do know that you make no sense...

mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:
You do realize that only the really DUMB 13-year-olds are going to fall for that kind of assertive but empty POSE.

Answer the questions or even some of the dumb ones are going to figure out you are full of b.s.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
Excuse MIM...I meant what does Siberia have to do with this...and what does Lenin have to do with this??

You brought up WW2...which is irrelevant to the discussion. ALL sides agreed that after WW2 Tito was going to give Kosova self-determination. Tito promised them self-determination after the war, thats what Hoxha wanted (and thats why he deployed Albanian partisans into Kosova during the war and even foguth all the way into Bosnia)...and thats what Stalin was calling for.

So your arguments make no sense...becasue clearly you have no arguments to make.

ALL sides were saying Kosova should have self-determination and needed it. Stalin said if it didn't happen, than Yugoslavia would fall appart...just as it did. It was Tito that went back on his word and instead of giving them self-determination cracked down on them.

So if you are going to talk...that the least you can do is know what communists themselves were saying...not what your ridiculous organization feels like inventing today.

But as I said, you have no understaing of the situation...becasue to you its just evil yanquees against poor little oppressed Serbs.

Thats not the hiistory of the region...and unless you know it then don't get into it with your crazy ideas.

The issue here is self-determination for Kosova. If you are a can you stand against that?? Unless you are just the type of "communist" like Tito or Milosevic...
By mim3
Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:Excuse MIM...I meant what does Siberia have to do with this...and what does Lenin have to do with this??

mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:
Siberia? Nothing. Lenin coined the definition of "imperialism" that
Stalin used, as I'm sure you are aware or you are less informed than the 13-year-olds following this thread.

Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:You brought up WW2...which is irrelevant to the discussion. ALL sides agreed that after WW2 Tito was going to give Kosova self-determination.

mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:
It sounds highly relevant judging from your response. If "all sides"
agreed, how about finding me a single quote from Stalin's vast collected works written while he was still alive. If it is such a slam-dunk then surely you should not avoid the subject. I won't even ask you to back it up with published words from Tito.

I've already given you the Stalin quote you really need to address, which is how has the KLA you root for done anything to weaken imperialism? The situation there created an excuse for imperialism to intervene and in UN form no less. How does that make imperialism weaker--unless of course we go with your definition of "imperialism" which makes Serbia
an imperialism. If so, find a quote from Lenin, Stalin or even Hoxha saying Serbia is imperialist. If you can't, all I'm saying is don't pretend to be a defender of Lenin and Stalin: that's all tovarish. That's all. Solidarity activist with the Albanian national struggle you probably are. Defender of Lenin and Stalin you are not.

Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:ALL sides were saying Kosova should have self-determination and needed it. Stalin said if it didn't happen, than Yugoslavia would fall appart...just as it did.

mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:
This above very imprecise statement is without references that is based on a quote that comes only indirectly from Hoxha after Stalin died and could not contradict Hoxha.

And again it is irrelevant anyway, because all peoples have self-determination, but not all peoples advance the struggle against imperialism with their national struggle. Communists do not side with all national struggles in all contexts.

Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:The issue here is self-determination for Kosova. If you are a can you stand against that?? Unless you are just the type of "communist" like Tito or Milosevic...

mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:
I've already answered this, but you didn't answer the question:
are you a communist or a poll-taker? Maybe my real confusion is that
I thought you claimed to be a communist defender of Stalin,
when all you do is avoid his advice and fail to reference him.

If in fact you never claimed to be other than a solidarity activist backing the national struggle of Kosova, then my mistake.

England, France, Germany, Serbia--everybody involved in World War I exerted self-determination. Yes, the majorities "democratically" chose their destiny of dying in trenches in a war for colonies. It doesn't change the fact that the war was stupid and that no communist backed it.
We communists have the guts to tell people when they act like lemmings.

Likewise with 31 people dying this month in Kosova in the beginning stages of another round of ethnic cleansing, it's easy for communists to say self-determination does not mean choosing intra-proletarian slaughter. Your sense of timing in this struggle is just impeccable, on the side of imperialism, which if you didn't notice, sent another 2000 troops to Kosova.

Now if your point was, Kosova people are attacking the UN/imperialist troops, I already said good. Do a good job and maybe Uncle $am will have to send some troops from Iraq or Afghanistan. Clearly though you think "self-determination" involves attacking exploited civilians. You even mask it with phraseology about "democracy." ... 52004.html
By Genti
Fack you mimi

you can`t hold the mask,you are fascist-communist mythomann or better known as "serbo"-wlach

i know your culture,ideology,communism and myths.

Mamico daj ne jedi govna mislis da su albanci ti kako ih ti volis vidjeti..kakav si ti olos mislis da Albanci zive u 19 vjeku.Covece ako imas neku sestru,zenu ili majku daj da se upoznamo!
By mim3
Genti wrote:Fack you mimi

you can`t hold the mask,you are fascist-communist mythomann or better known as "serbo"-wlach

i know your culture,ideology,communism and myths.

Mamico daj ne jedi govna mislis da su albanci ti kako ih ti volis vidjeti..kakav si ti olos mislis da Albanci zive u 19 vjeku.Covece ako imas neku sestru,zenu ili majku daj da se upoznamo!

mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:
So, TS, is this your supporter or a Serb provocateur trying to make Albanians look dumb while licking Amerikkkan ideological boots?
By Genti
Fack you mimi

you can`t hold the mask,you are fascist-communist mythomann or better known as "serbo"-wlach

i know your culture,ideology,communism and myths. ONE MORE TIME

Mimi wrote:
mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:
So, TS, is this your supporter or a Serb provocateur trying to make Albanians look dumb while licking Amerikkkan ideological boots?

do you think i am dumb because you can`t lie me/KosovoAlbanian with your cheap webpages

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